America is Divided Because Neither Political Party Does What is Best for Americans

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by SavageNation, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I spent considerable time on this forum a year and a half ago and I noticed that there were many people like me that were not happy with either political party. I believe the reason for this is that neither political party is doing what is best for the American people.

    For decades both rebumblicans and demoncats have taken turns ruining the country, never fix any of the problems they promise they will fix and together have driven up the national debt to a staggering $20 Trillion dollars.

    New ideas are clearly needed.

    A Nationalist Contract with America has been developed that would unite conservatives and liberals to:

    • end unconstitutional government
    • end income inequality
    • reduce the size and power of government
    • eliminate business influence over government and return power over government back to the people
    • end unconstitutional wars

    I would like your political opinion on the Nationalist Contract with America found on this site:
  2. PolakPotrafi

    PolakPotrafi Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Neither side cares about society.

    One side cares about appeasing illegal Hispanics to the demise of Whitey.

    The other side cares about appeasing billionaires to the demise of the White working class masses.
  3. Pooblius

    Pooblius New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I've no problem with divisions, only with people encroaching on the sovereignty of others and wielding the government to do so.
  4. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Totally agree with you. I would add the need to impose term limits on both Houses of Congress. That would reduce the need for the political re-election ad nauseum of politician who become institutions within themselves. As you pointed out they don't serve the people any longer. They serve themselves. How many Senators and Congress(persons) do you know that have not become millionaires during long their tenures?
  5. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    From your link-

    Phrases like "restore America to greatness" are labels of "all or nothing thinking". I'm very supportive of the notion, but have vision of the constitution as true natural law and that such is what is really behind the "greatness".

    "nationalist policies" are nice to refer to, but they really must be acceptable to the people of the world, or "nationalism" just became a problem.

    I say we "put aside our differences and unite behind" the prime principles of our constitution and see that our nation stand for them.

    The one thing I heartily agree with and praise about the OP and the page linked to is the perception that niether party is doing anything good for the nation. Partisan politics NEED purification, and ONLY the people can get that done. They have to separate from them in order to do that.

    The people need to become the ultimate law enforcement in the nation.

    The "new idea" that can unify the people effectively is an old concept deeply neglected. Our constitution it's laws and this republic have a purpose. Preserving unalienable rights.

    Unity behind this, in a very simple, historically lawful way while practically connected to lawful action that is COMPLETELY separate from partisan politics is required for functionality in this case.

    When the people lead, the leaders will follow. These two inquiries define the most prime principles of our constitutions intent.

    Do you agree and accept that the framers of the founding documents intended for us to alter or abolish government destructive to our unalienable rights?

    Do you agree and accept that the ultimate purpose of free speech is to enable the unity adequate to effectively alter or abolish government destructive to our unalienable rights?

    The purpose of free speech has been abridged since 1792 because the language of the 1st amendment is deficient. The composition was sabotaged. Therefore we must amend to correct it. The framers knew there were deficiencies they could not correct at that time, therefore included the 9th amendment, an excellent concept in any case.

    However, use of the 9th amendment is not something we understand outside of using it in court.

    This page summarizes the lawful usage of our agreement upon those prime constitutional intents.

    It summarizes the state-by-state control over state legislations that state citizens can lawfully and properly have. All directed towards altering or abolishing a government and democratic system that has been corrupted while infiltrated with interests that are not American in nature.
  6. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Oh we are uniting and not under this White Nationalist Crap.

    Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP – “I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He’s Saying”
    We have a dream: I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

    She says his plan for the black community “is promising.”

    He has taken a page from the book of my daddy, A. D. King, and my uncle Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. looking at the climate, people and really being concerned about what’s happening in every community across America.^tfw
  7. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I agree with you on this:

    but not on this:

    I think division is what is killing us. Division is how the ruling class keeps us under control. It's like in the movie "The Matrix" where humans only accepted the programming if they were given a choice. They give us choice to make us think we have a say but we don't.
  8. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I agree with you. I am pro Constitution, pro liberty and pro freedom. All 3 branches of our government and both political party's act in unconstitutional ways. So what is your plan, what is we the people's plan, to get back to constitutional government?

    Section 4 of the link i provided, tells us how to return to constitutional government. Here it is again for convenience:

    Take a look at section 4 and let me know what you think.
  9. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    First question: What exactly found here is "white nationalist"?
    Second question: How do you expect to learn anything if you don't read what i linked to?

    There is a section that covers improving race relations. You need less globalism and less immigrants so minorities can have good manufacturing jobs. And there are some proposals to force businesses to profit share WITH ALL WORKERS in exchange for paying no taxes.
  10. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I am an independent Nationalist who read all sorts of text and came up with ideas myself, on the prevailing issues in America but never had I come across a platform as strong as yours. It makes me think why didn't you attempt a party(though it's not like we need another really.) Or something bigger. Because this can work.

    Particularly, your knowledge on tax abolition was really incredible. And linking it to eliminating corporatism in government is something I had never really considered. My only problem is, is that you reject the kind of forceful shove that Nationalism needs to actually get it done, in this(and any) divided political climate.

    In truth, only a centralized power will be able to make the kind of changes we advocate. And only if that power belongs to the State. Simply submitting these revolutionary plans to the D/R establishment will have them yawning. You do bring up good points on why they'd comply. That it'd make some of their jobs easier and returning back to congressional responsibilities, but who gives up power when they're drunk on it?

    So we need to have a strong political party tied to this vision, to be able to enforce it IMO.
  11. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    That site is rife with absolute nonsense.

    Minimum wage is not the whole approach to equal opportunity (and not to income "inequality").

    Dems don't "want" high rates of immigration.

    Race relations aren't worse with a black president. All the problems coming to the fore today were there before. What is happening is that we are all having to face these problems - a required first step in resolving them.

    The issues of manufacturing are NOT going to be solved by reducing foreign trade, or making it harder. Any reduction in free trade will affect us as much as anyone else. For example, Boeing sells twice as many airplanes to Asia than to the USA, the same number to Europe as the US, and the same number to ME+Lantin America - making their US sales of commercial airplanes less than 25% of that business.

    What's affecting manufacturing is coming from increased automation, from the fact that other nations have caught up with us in manufacturing, in the reduction in collective bargaining. Trade deals make up no more than 1% or 2% of manufacturing employment issues, while US manufacturing PRODUCTION has been increasing since the 1970's (except for the 2008 crash from which manufacturing production recovered years ago).

    Given the GROSS misrepresentations this site states as a premise, there is no reason to read further.

    Why should anyone here spend time sucking up garbage like that?
  12. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    With 300,000,000 people there are VERY few of us who are EVER going to get all the answers that we each like.

    We have to have diplomacy and negotiation to reconcile those differences we have. Many of these differences come from the fact that each of us lives in a somewhat different environment, resulting in us having different issues. Wyoming sees no value in protecting us against the kinds of gun use that inner cities experience. etc.

    Today, for a few different reasons, the GOP has ditched negotiation, preferring insistence on absolutes that appeal to them and which are used as litmus tests during elections - purposefully and explicitly denying negotiation.

    All you are proposing is to further get rid of diplomacy and negotiation.

    That's just profoundly undemocratic and obviously counter to the construction of our government.
  13. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Thanks. I really appreciate that and this will give me more motivation to continue talking about it. I think it can work too.

    You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT - neither party will give up power that is why the Republican establishment works against Trump. I don't know if Trump would implement this policy or not but I do know that Hillary the globalist and the 90% of the Republican party that are globalists won't (e.g., Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Marco etc.).

    The good news is that there are things in the plan that both conservatives and liberals will like so if they are willing to compromise for the benefit of America (i.e. Nationalism) then it can happen. Plus, yes Congress would give up power over corporations, but it would gain power over the federal government agencies, exactly where their power should be.

    I believe the only way to make this happen is with a movement by the people. Just like the Tea Party. Just like Bernie Sanders. In fact this plan kind could be looked at as combining the tea party and bernie sanders movements. The Tea Party and Bernie Sanders movements show that we are living in (political) revolutionary times. Start spreading the word!
  14. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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  15. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    nice hyperbole.

    Yes they do because immigrants overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.

    don't remember black bad guys setting up cop ambushes before.

    Automation is certainly a factor but if it were the only factor, the corporations never would have had to move their factories overseas because if a robot is doing the work what difference does it make if its doing it in America or mexico or china?
  16. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I don't think you quite understand democracy.

    The GOP did very, very little to hinder Trump - or the equally nutty Cruz. There were groups of individuals who TALKED about it, but Priebus has kept that reined in, and there are primaries in the past where the GOP has done more to weight the outcome than they did this time.

    Congressmen (who are a major part of the "Republican establishment") legislate the way they do, because their constituents want them to do that.

    While the US holds congress in low regard, the fact of the matter is that the majority of congressmen are liked by their constituents - those constituents don't like OTHER PEOPLE'S congressmen.

    And, it is the stagnation in congress that is blocking us from moving forward on so many issues today.

    The USA isn't going to move toward a dictatorship.
  17. MRogersNhood

    MRogersNhood Banned

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Well,it seems well-thought out anyway.
    Do you have any ideas on how to get the media back to reporting facts?
  18. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I don't think you understand that we don't live in a Democracy, we live in a Republic.

    Trump just fired the GOP insider that was running his campaign into the ground (on purpose).

    Once politicians are elected, there is no link between how they vote and what their constituents want, unless of course its 3 months before the election.

    I don't think you understand the difference between doing what is best for the American people, ALL THE PEOPLE as shown here and doing what is best for the political establishment.
  19. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Care to give some links, instead of just shouting some pretty numbers? But let's get into it: You mention that Boeing sells twice as much to Asia than it does to America, and the same number to the ME/Europe, making their sales to us about 25%. This is NOT a good thing. Boeing is an AMERICAN Company, correct? Why are we outsourcing US Military technologies to other countries? The defense contractors getting rich should NOT come at the expense of US National Security.

    (It is claimed that at least we are benefiting through these sales. But when the production and plants open up in the other countries, not so much.) How do you think Cayman's island exists? It exists THROUGH Globalism.

    At the very least, the US Government should be the primary buyer of US Military goods(if they're to be SOLD at all.)

    We sell far more than we import, shrinking our domestic economy even more.

    You could tax EVERYONE at 100% and it still wouldn't fix the flaws in our macroeconomy at the moment.
  20. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Hahahahahahahha - TOO FUNNY.

    I like pork chops too.

    I agree, investigative journalism is dead. The only thing I can say is that if we can get back to constitutional government that is not influenced by business interests as discussed in the link i provided, I think that government corruption would go way down. Then it wouldn't matter so much who is in power or what news you are watching.
  21. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, you can't find anything to support your immigration ideas.

    First of all, it is the Dems who have ended the growth in undocumented residents in the USA and it is the Dems who caused the bi-partisan immigration bill that passed the Senate and would have passed the House, because they included Republicans in a serious way. That had job protection, increased border security, visa changes (since nearly half of permanent residents come here with visas, NOT by running the border).

    The racial violence comes from raising the issue. The problem was there before. I'm absolutely and totally against the violence against policemen - that is something we can't tolerate. However, the underlying problem has to be resolved, and both legal and political moves in that direction have become more possible as the problem is made more visible - which means a move toward equal treatment under the law.

    I did not say that automation was the only factor. I gave you a number of causes. And, no factory is without the need for workers. The catch is that traditional general purpose labor is being displaced in favor of those who can design, implement and maintain the more automated processes. Also, new factories (including those enticed back to the US) are the ones most automated - after all, they are motivated to hire as few workers as possible. Also, automation means that the jobs available are rapidly changing - requiring workers to be well educated and trained, ready to keep up with a rapidly changing job market.

    Let's also remember that the amount of production that could possibly return due to ANY new law that would not block our own markets overseas is actually tiny. The facts that other countries have caught up, that we must sell to foreign markets, that collective bargaining has been seriously eroded, etc. - all these things mean that those who used to have auto manufacturing jobs, or otherwise have been working away in one industry over time are likely to be in seriously tough straits - that are NOT solved by "better" trade law.

    I'm betting you aren't a Trump fan (given that you have an actual objective), so it probably comes as no surprise to you that Trump has never thought through the issues of American manufacturing workers, preferring to advertise his highly self-praised ability to make a "deal". Sorry. I don't know what Clinton can actually accomplish for those in tough straits today, but Trump clearly has nothing. And, the long term direction has to be college education, vocational education and training - which Clinton is excited about.

    The manufacturing direction is set today. We aren't going back to the 1900's.
  22. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    What do you think is going to be in Hillary's plan? How to knit mittens? Manufacturing is still a powerhouse industry and when China and other countries dominate the market, we're leaving ourselves behind. No, we aren't going to go back to the 1900's, we're going to modernize our force for the 21st century, or at least we should.

    This idea that automation is completely ready is overestimating automatic capabilities(and I admit, what UBER has done has made it seem like it's quicker than it is) No, not so much. Automated parts are made and created by man. Therefore, they are manufactured by man. Manufacturing hasn't died, it has reached a new sector.

    Furthermore, we're not taking into account technical errors, etc in which human workers could still be at a premium for working directly on it rather than machine errors. At the very least, human workers in factories would play a part in supplementing the automated work for ensured quality.

    And if you read my link, it's not that we MUST sell to foreign countries. It's that we are selling, and at this ever increasing rate. While we're selling abroad, not only are we not getting much(Hillary even talks about this in her book, about the weak global economy and the weak global middle class.) but we're not producing to make up for what we lost.

    We must become a producer economy, rather than a consumer economy. There's "no more of the same" that can actually fix this.
  23. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Whether we "dominate the market" isn't controlled by trade deals.

    Clinton says we should modernize our work force for the 21st century. She says that will include improving education and adding more vocational education (which has not gotten the attention needed) targeting the rapidly changing manufacturing job market. She has other policy that targets manufacturing employment, too.

    Yes, automation doesn't mean that the factory has no manufacturing workers - just fewer. And, the premium will be on those who are skilled in automation equipment. Another aspect is that with automation, job definitions will continue to change. The manufacturing work force will need to be prepared for that constant change.

    I agree that automation isn't overwhelming everything. It is one of several serious factors, and manufacturing isn't overwhelmed - manufacturing output has been steadily increasing (except for the 2008 crash from which manufacturing production has recovered). The problem has to do with what has happened to our manufacturing work force.

    No, we MUST sell to foreign countries. That is FAR too large a market place for corporations to ignore or for our trade policies to cut off. The weak global economy is a problem, because it holds us back by not having the money to buy our goods. Protectionist trade deals do the same thing, as other countries will cut us off as we cut them off.
  24. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    What underlying problem are you referring to? And, what is your plan to resolve it?

    Here is my analysis on race problems in this country (from, since you didn't read it, here it is again:

    The problem: White civilians and police believe deadly force with a firearm is justified when confronted by a violent unarmed individual while blacks believe there is no justification, no matter how violent the black person is, for any police officer or civilian to kill an unarmed black person. This is not isolated to the police as we saw in the Trayvon Martin case. THERE IS NO WAY TO RECONCILE THESE TWO DIFFERENT VIEWS. Therefore the only solution is:

    A multi-shot shot Taser and body camera for EVERY OFFICER.
    Upon a shooting death of an unarmed citizen, the video will be released to the public within 3 days if the officer is not indicted.
    Police officers will be instructed that when confronted with a firearm use deadly force with a firearm and when confronted with an unarmed violent person use the Taser unless the violent person is trying to take the police officer's firearm.
    I personally believe that many black folks are angry at white people because everywhere they look, white people have things and they don't. They are mostly not involved in politics or economics and don't know what is going on in the world so they cannot figure out why they don't have things and whites do, so they blame racism and what they believe is "white privilege."

    What is the reason white people have things and blacks don't? Why is black unemployment so much higher than white unemployment?

    The lack of manufacturing jobs. It used to be that folks who didn't want to or couldn't go to college could get good jobs in factories and have a decent standard of living to raise a family. Those jobs are gone thanks to the globalist trade policies of Democrats and Republicans and have been replaced by low paying fast food jobs. The lack of manufacturing jobs is certainly one cause of racial tensions.

    Too much immigration. While good for business profits and stock gains (by keeping labor costs low), it depresses worker pay and increases American worker unemployment, especially unskilled workers. This column points out that every time amnesty occurs, crime and black unemployment spikes. Imagine that. Immigrants are taking jobs from American minorities and keeping wages low.

    For those that do have jobs, the fact that business leaders don't share the success of their business with the working class in their business as discussed in section 2.

    High food and energy price inflation which doesn't affect the wealthy but reduces the standard of living of the middle class and poor as discussed in section 2.b.

    Failing schools. Charter schools and school vouchers are absolutely necessary to end racial division in America. Charter schools and school vouchers must become commonplace across America to help minority kids that want to learn get into a better learning environment.

    I believe that if you fix the problems in these five areas, you will fix the racial problems in America.

    That is Conservative Republican globalist rubbish. Don't you shop and buy things or do you just read? Walk through a Lowes, Home Depot or a Wal-mart and look at the product tags. VERY FEW say "Made in America." Automation hasn't got anything to do with it. Robots are not free labor. They have to be maintained. They have to be programmed. They have to be repaired. They have to be continually setup (its called a machine setup in industrial engineering) when the products change. People do those jobs. When the product is made in America, Americans do those jobs.

    What do you base that on? It absolutely is solved by better trade law because free trade is what allowed the factories to leave and import their goods back into America without any penalty. And this has destroyed the middle class, created income inequality and led to blacks (understandably in my opinion) blaming whites for their problems in society.

    You are overcomplicating this issue. High paying jobs have left and the result is that workers can't find jobs that pay as much as they were making. We don't make anything in America any more. My Aunt was a laid off steelworker who never recovered. A Ford F-150 plant near me moved to Mexico a few years ago. A nearby meat packing plant moved overseas last year. This has devastated the middle class and especially minorities. This is why black unemployment is so much higher than white unemployment - because good manufacturing jobs are gone and replace by fast food jobs.

    What good is college and/or vocational education if there are no jobs? The cost of labor to a business (the hourly rate you earn plus benefits) has two components - supply and demand. You can get all the training in the world but if the manufacturing jobs aren't there (i.e. no business demand for that labor) then you will be flipping burgers for a living. There are many college graduates waiting on tables and living in their parents basements.

    What I don't get about you globalist people who support Hilliary, any Democrat, and about 90% of the Republicans (i.e., the globalist politicians) is that THESE GLOBALIST POLITICIANS HAVE BEEN IN POWER FOR DECADES AND THEIR FAILURE AFTER FAILURE HAS PROVEN THAT THEIR POLICIES DO NOT HELP AVERAGE AMERICANS (THEY DO HELP THE WEALTHY THOUGH) which is why 46 million americans are on food stamps and below the poverty line. WHY DO YOU KEEP SUPPORTING POLITICIANS WHO WANT TO CONTINUE THESE SAME GLOBALIST POLICIES THAT HAVE BEEN PROVEN NOT TO WORK?

    I am a Trump fan because he is the only Nationalist in the race. All the other politicians whether Republican or Democrat are globalists who give the middle finger to the American people including minorities who want jobs.
  25. SavageNation

    SavageNation Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Are all the conservatives out there stuck on being conservative and all the liberals stuck on being liberal?

    Or do you just enjoy arguing with each other and are not interested in NEW SOLUTIONS TO AMERICA'S PROBLEMS?

    Why are there so few commenting on what should be groundbreaking policy?

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