American Presidents Must Be Blackmailable

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by bwinwright, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. bwinwright

    bwinwright New Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    American Presidents and leading politicians must be Blackmailable

    The United States Government is probably as corrupt as any government can possibly be. While the Empire of the City States (The Empire), led primarily by Adolfo Nicolas, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and a few of their trillionaire friends are calling the shots from behind the scenes, they need to have evil puppets at the upper levels of their worldwide criminal organization in order to make it all work. Becoming Blackmailable is an absolute requirement of all of the Empire’s puppets.

    The President of the United States must always be one of these blackmailable puppets. The vast majority of Senators and members of the House must also be blackmailable puppets. The Supreme Court will always have at least five of its nine judges serving as blackmailable puppets. Both political parties work directly for the Empire. Any vote for a Democrat or Republican is a vote for The Empire.

    This is a very sophisticated and all encompassing network of criminal activity to be sure. And, these criminals have succeeded in keeping the majority of their criminal behavior hidden from us due to the enormous power and influence of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations (TIHR). The TIHR has been manipulating the mass consciousness for the past 75 years using the Empire’s media, Hollywood, educational system, organized religion, and virtually every other source of information. The Empire owns and/or controls virtually every source of information.

    The Empire has been responsible for every war for the past 200 years, all totally immoral, based completely on lies and deception, and always for control and profits. The Empire has suppressed energy technology, health and medical technology, and used debt slavery to control us. They are far more criminal than most of you are able to accept at this time. The only way for most of us to come to an honest understanding of just how corrupt and destructive they really are is for each individual to begin doing their very own research.

    Until you begin to understand just how criminal our leadership really is, you simply can’t believe many of the horror stories you may hear about these folks. How could any president murder his own people? How can our doctors suppress cancer cures? How can our politicians suppress the world’s best sources for food, fiber, fuel, and medicine? How can highly respected politicians, businessmen, religious leaders, educators, doctors, and others commit such horrible crimes?

    This is why bribes and blackmail are normally always used to keep even the most powerful leaders in line. Practicing pedophilia, and allowing members of the Empire to witness or videotape this activity, is perhaps the fastest way to become one of the leaders within this criminal cabal.

    Lying, cheating, stealing, homosexuality and adultery are absolute musts even if you wish to be only moderately successful within the organization. You must make yourself blackmailable so you can be trusted to do some of the really ugly things you will be asked and expected to do, and always keep your mouth shut too.

    You can begin your serious homework about this worldwide criminal organization that runs our planet by watching this 5 hour long documentary entitled “The Empire of the Cities”. However, you might wish to save it until last. First, begin by reading Dr. Paul Craig Roberts little articles and watching the little videos about the blackmailable sexual activities of our last four presidents. Perhaps you will begin to understand. The following link is to the 5-hour long documentary about The Evil Empire.

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ is one of the good guys. He was the assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan and one of the most highly regarded economists in America. He knows the truth and is unafraid to speak it. In the link below, read his last two articles about the corrupt U.S. Government.

    Watch the confession of Larry Sinclair regarding Barack Obama’s homosexuality and drug use. There are literally hundreds of such videos revealing how so many of our most powerful leaders have made themselves Blackmailable.

    This is the brief report about George W. Bush and his lover Jeff Gannon and more. The Bush family is one of the most disgusting families in world history regarding the sheer abundance of Blackmailable evidence they have produced.

    We all know the Empire probably has enough Blackmailable evidence against Bill Clinton to fill up a good sized library. Calling Bill Clinton a Low-Life Scum Bag is really being much too complimentary. Watch below as Bill Clinton awkwardly responds to questions about sex with Monica Lewinsky. Bill is exactly the type of treasonous scum the Empire wants and needs running the government.

    Bob Chapman and Alex Jones talking about the rampant pedophilia

    Ted Gunderson of FBI talking about George H.W. Bush, heroin and pedophilia

    Eustace Mullins talks about the Queen of England and George H.W. Bush being the world’s two biggest drug dealers.

    Presently, the Empire wants us to bomb Syria. Next they want us to go to war against Iran. Ultimately, to make their Satanic Zbigniew Brzezinski’s dreams come true, we will be at war with Russia and China. These are pretty ambitions plans for the United States, a country that is already totally bankrupt and on the verge of having its money become worthless.

    Of course, after the devastating destruction inflicted on both America and the world by our last four super-blackmailable gangsters in the White House, Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton, and George H.W. Bush, I am afraid America is doomed.
  2. Never Left

    Never Left Banned

    Mar 23, 2009
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    He needs to be above reproach. That leaves the Dear Leader out.
  3. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Conspiracy theory OP. Why is it in Current Events?
  4. zimo

    zimo New Member

    Sep 6, 2012
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    We have dirt on Obama. He's a dirty smoker! Ewwwww!

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