America's Governors There Is No Savior Here A Pandemic's A Pandemic!

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by JimfromPennsylvania, Mar 22, 2020.

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  1. JimfromPennsylvania

    JimfromPennsylvania Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    It would be nice for the nation if America's governors could drop their confrontation posture with the White House! The White House had told them to dual source the medical supplies they need to fight the corona virus essentially the White House said we will aggressively distribute supplies from the national stockpile and we will aggressively expand the national stockpile but don't solely rely on the Federal Government use your contacts and means to get the supplies you need. Governors need to start using judgment here which if they did would tell them that The Federal government doesn't have the needed supplies to meet their needs and frankly even if the federal government commandeers all the existing suppliers it still wouldn't have the volume of supplies needed to meet their needs. Governors can say until their blue in the face the Federal government could have or should have but that is not going to change the facts on the ground, the Federal government cannot meet the country needs. People need to stop with the commentary that the White House wants a "Hunger Games" scenario among the governors their looking for a survival of the fittest contest one would see in jungle for them. However, the governments are making a legitimate point that medical supply acquisitions are turning into a price bidding war and distribution is turning out uneven and not based on need. On the price bidding wars or if you want to call it the price gouging issue the Federal government in the stimulus bill they intend to pass this week or the one they will have to pass in the near future to address the states' burning through huge amounts of money because they are on the front line trying to solve the problems this crisis is confronting the nation with the Federal Government in such legislation should mandate a cap on mark-up for these medical supply manufacturers of fifty percent of their cost and violators will not only have to disgorge their gouging profit but pay treble damages on that gpuged profit! On the uneven sales of medical supplies issue, if the Federal Government would take over these medical supply manufacturers pursuant to Defense Production Act as the Governors request they could control distribution and make it fair!

    America's Governors are right to call for the Federal Government to take control of these medical supply manufacturers because it could then run these manufacturers twenty-four/seven and put people inside these manufacturers to see how if at all, maybe with quickly acquired outside resources, these manufacturers could increase production! Nevertheless, America needs her Governors to put their big boy and big girl pants on, whichever is applicable, and stop with the finger pointing and understand that the Federal Government screwed-up not having the needed level of supplies, and remember everyone screws-up, and then start being inventive to overcome the problems this situation presents; for those states lucky enough to have an apparel industry, ask the owners in that industry to make protective gowns and if possible protective masks to meet their communities needs. The White House needs to stop with the evasive Press Conferences for this crisis; when the journalists there ask questions like the states are complaining they aren't getting medical supplies from the national stockpile what are you going to do about it you need to have hard numbers about how many you have delivered and how many you will deliver in the next week; it is not helpful to the American people for the White House to keep repeating their general strategy to distribute from the national depository!

    It is very disheartening to the American people to hear that certain locations across the country have to forego testing for Covid 19 in regard to people that have symptoms because medical authorities at the respective facility have to conserve personal protective equipment for those doctors and nurses actually treating patients that have the virus in the Intensive Care Units of those hospitals. I wonder if more PPEs couldn't be acquired to negate this terrible scenario if new designs for PPE's were not created. How about coming up with a rubber mask design they would be ugly, more expensive, but it could fill the need. By this I mean, you know how you have rubber Halloween masks, same concept. Have the rubber form in the same essential shape of the current cloth masks. You know those aluminum strips around the nose of the current cloth masks, make them much longer and have one strip on the top of the mask and one strip on the bottom and mold it right in the rubber form, the aluminum strip will allow the user to mold the mask to their form of their face. Have an inch and a half by two and a half inch rectangular hole in the center of the mask then make a hard plastic window type frame to insert in the hole in the masks then use corresponding rectangular plastic caps to lock the plastic frame with the cotton screen in the rubber masks. Make hard plastic pieces that you would attack to the side portions of the mask so you could attach the rubber band strings to the masks just like a regular cotton masks these side pieces could be designed to make securing the rubber band string to the mask easy and stopping the sides of the mask from unduly stretching when one puts the mask on and thus breaking the air tight seal around the users nose and mouth.

    The President and others are wrong to continually publicly label the Covid 19 virus as the Chinese virus; it is not because the representation that this label connotes which is that the virus started in China isn't true. It is wrong because it offends the Chinese it offends the second wealthiest country in the world a country that the world will desperately need to help the world recover from the economic fallout of this pandemic Wisdom sometimes instructs to put a relationship over making the truth being communicated clearly in the record. That is not say that when this crisis has passed and the world is back up on its feet again a discussion and decision shouldn't be made by authorities in the world to stop these viruses that jump from animals to humans. Personally I wonder if the fact that many animals are held in close quarter pens isn't the cause of these transformations of animal diseases to human diseases. Could it be these pens are not as sanitary as they should be and bring forth diseases in the animals that are so bad that they mutate to threaten humans. Should authorities be outlawing the unhealthy holding of animals in order to protect public safety?

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