An Open Letter To All You Ron Paul People

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Bob Morton, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Bob Morton

    Bob Morton Newly Registered

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I'm making a big mistake not heeding the example set by our news media. I know you thrive on any attention whatsoever, even bad attention, and by writing this I'm only enabling you. I know that I should ignore you, out of sight, out of mind, like decent people do, but your disruptive behavior is out of hand, and it's time someone set the record straight.

    We've tolerated your "anti-establishment" Tea Parties, tearing up public parks, blocking traffic, and embarassing the rank and file of the Republican Party. We've tolerated your loony signs spread all over the interstate highways and overpasses. We've tolerated you flooding YouTube with melodramatic videos deifying your candidate. We've tolerated disrupting straw polls by getting your weird friends to vote for your candidate and spamming online polls in the same manner. We've tolerated your "Austrian Economics", even though the last time someone listened to an Austrian's economic plans, we got a two front world war. We've tolerated your weird remarks, your weird slogans, even your weird smells. We've even tolerated your psychotic hatred of money while at the same time professing to be "capitalists." Worst of all, we've even tolerated your remarks blaming America for 9/11, almost implying that "we deserved it", your isolationist ignorance of the growing threat of Iran's nuclear ambitions, and in a roundabout way supporting the destruction of Israel, but now because of your coercive attacks on our most revered and respected democratic and financial institutions, I can no longer keep my silence.

    I'm referring to your latest round of ADHD fueled antics, the infamous "Occupy Wall Street" protests. That's just what America needs, a bunch of greasy sign wavers trespassing in parks, building tent cities, screaming "End the Fed", and creating such a disturbance that Michael Bloomberg himself had to throw his hands up in defeat and order his police not to arrest you for fear that you'll start a riot that will ignite your glorious "global revolution". I fail to see what trashing a public park will accomplish, for yourselves or the economy in general, but if that's the kind of nonsense we have to tolerate to prevent another Kent State massacre, so be it. We'll tolerate you "99%'ers", even though I fail to see what 99% of humanity you claim to be a part of. If nothing else, you've proven to us why Ron Paul and Barack Obama aren't fit to be president, since they've given their approval of your disruptive behavior as you're espousing the same class warfare fueled socialism. On the one hand you're screaming about ObamaCare being "unconstitutional" and demanding free markets, then demanding free health insurance and protectionism.

    To understand your behavior, we must examine the psychology of the average Ron Paul cultist. It's obvious you were disruptive as children. Your inability to pay attention and behave in public schools has put you at a tremendous disadvantage; you were unable to attend college and get a decent job, and so you work a minimum wage McJob with no future. You have terrible credit, and so you despise banks and qualified professionals. You're lashing out against a system that has offered you great opportunities time and again, even now, yet you choose not to avail yourselves of these opportunities, opting instead to pitch a tent in Central Park. I fail to see how this is going to fix our economy.

    Now we're inundated on a daily basis with disturbing images reminiscent of the 60's of radical dope smoking hippies being dragged away, screaming about the constitution, never understanding for a minute why they're being arrested. "It's the system, man!" The reason you people get arrested is because every time the police see someone with a Ron Paul sign or T-shirt, it's a good bet he's going to be some loud troublemaker spouting off about laws enacted in the 1700s who hasn't taken a bath in a week and isn't interested in anything other than making quiet, productive people's lives a living Hell. And your response? To quote a Ron Paul blog site participant, "abolish the pigs!" Sure, get rid of the police and give everybody a gun, that will solve all our problems. It worked so well for Dodge City that the phrase "Getting out of Dodge" was coined.

    For all your talk about "the rule of law", you have no respect for the people whom We The Pople have empowered to legislate and enforce the law. Your respect for the law is selective, depending on which side of the futon you woke up that day.

    And that brings me to another question; why the obsession with guns? You're not a police officer, and you're not a billionaire could be kidnapped for ransom, so why do you feel so threatened that you need military style assault rifles? Sure, we all respect the second amendment, but nobody's coming to get you, unfortunately not even the funny farm police. You're living in a paranoid fantasy world with delusions of relevance. Truth be told, you people shouldn't be allowed to own guns with all this revolution and overthrowing the government talk. Your anti-government views have gotten so bad and so publicly well known that even the Missouri State Police have issued memos that you should be closely watched! We know of why you want to overthrow the government. We see the blatant racism. Thanks to the Southern Poverty Law Center, we know about the websites full of skinheads, white supremacists, and dysfunctional angry men slumming for foreign women, waxing how much they love Ron Paul. We all know Obama is bad for America, but to take it out on him because he's African-American? We've read Ron Paul's newsletters from way back, containing remarks about "fleet-footed black males" and all of the Stormfront articles supporting segregation and discrimination. We know about his plan to legalize heroin and crack cocaine, while at the same time abolishing the Civil Rights Act which will only result in African-Americans being thrown out of their jobs and back onto the streets to die from narcotics addictions in deteriorating ghettos.

    Seriously, do you really think legalizing drugs would be a good idea? The drug cartels are international terrorist organizations who prey on the people of Latin America and start wars against their own governments. The only thing wrong with the War on Drugs is that the US government has not yet used the military to fight this war the way it should be fought. If anything, your candidate is busy making speeches about how Obama should be impeached for killing a terrorist in Yemen, yet ignoring his supplying of arms to terrorists in Mexico. Your position? You want to legalize, tax, and enable those very same drug cartels to make more money and have more power to flood our streets with poisons that kill our children. You're backing whose policies will result in children dying from drug addictions, but then again, we all know "Mr. Pro-Life" is an OB/GYN, and we all know what OB/GYN's do at Planned Parenthood clinics, don't we?

    You've got to take a good long look at your candidate. How could you support someone who wants to end the Department of Education, which has single-handedly been responsible for the upward mobility of millions of Americans? Or his desire to end Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have been responsible for millions of Americans being able to acquire their most precious investments, their homes? Or his desire to end the Civil Rights Act, which I'd mentioned previously, which would only result in another round of Jim Crow laws and set race relations back by a century? Or his desire to end the Federal Reserve, which would take away our most powerful tool in our economic arsenal? Or his desire to bring all the troops home, so we can fight terrorists not over there, but over here? Or his desire to end the federal income tax which makes Herman Cain's half-witted 'Pizzanomics' 9-9-9 plan palatable by comparison. His nihilistic positions and policies aren't just disastrous like Obama's, they're outright suicidal! Drastic measures need to be taken, and your candidate's position is to do nothing at all?

    Moreover, you've got to take a good long look at yourselves. You're not accomplishing anything productive. You've chosen the short end of the stick time and time again because it was easy and simple and didn't require focus or commitment. It's paid you back in spades and you're rationalizing your lot in life by directing your hate filled rage at the top 1% of the people who've put in the time and effort to get ahead. It's time for you to put down your sour grapes and stop being sour losers. Nothing in life is free; it requires hard work and lots of effort. Unfortunately, you have not learned that lesson in life. All you've learned is how to cause a ruckus and throw a monkey wrench into a well oiled machine that's worked out very well for hundreds of millions. Lucky for us, our system is strong, and it works, and there's no way we're going to let you tear it apart and drag us down to your level. We've had it!

    We're tired of you standing around on street corners waving signs like a crazy old street preacher who kidnaps little girls, your constant non sequitur remarks about "worthless paper" and silver and gold, your whacked out conspiracy theories explaining how JFK was assassinated by the Moose Lodge because of a recurring celestial alignment, your tin foil hat amateur radio clubs, and in essence, we're tired of having to deal with the disruptive behavior of a bunch of weirdos. It's time for you to make the change to be better people, stop being menaces to society. Stop being antisocial, assuming you're medically capable. Stop hanging out under the bleachers and come out and celebrate with the winning team! We're all waiting for you if you're willing to put your hatred aside and let us welcome you into a larger world.
  2. greatgeezer

    greatgeezer Member

    Oct 3, 2011
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    I'm glad this is in the humor and satire area. If it wasn't, I would pray that you would come down off of whatever drugs you were taking, and hopefully the brain damage you suffered wasn't permanent.
  3. Third Eyientist

    Third Eyientist Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Although none of this is based on fact, it is quite funny. Your in the right forum!
  4. leftlegmoderate

    leftlegmoderate New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    That was the longest joke ever written.
  5. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Thank you for think.

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