From a Republican who is waking up and seeing the handwriting on the wall, although much too late in the scheme of things for them to change Looks like they will go down kicking and screaming, whining and crying a and lashing out, while clutching their bibles "Republicans are doing increasingly worse in states like Virginia and North Carolina, which were once solidly red, is because of the decline of Christianity in America, which coincides with this demographic shift. According to a Pew Research study, the rate of Christians in America has dropped by nearly eight percent in the past seven years alone, and is still steadily declining. As a result, Christian-centric social issues that have been the bread and butter of the Republican Party for years are no longer getting the same levels of support, and probably never will. Whether it be gay rights in the past, or abortion and marijuana usage in the present, it is clear that newer generations are becoming less and less accepting of traditional Christian depictions of morality."
yep "it is clear that repealing Roe v. Wade is nothing but a fantasy used to trick gullible voters, and the same can be said for numerous other social issues"
If Christian infused legislation dealing with social issues is inappropriate for the government, then, all other legislation dealing with social issues is inappropriate as well. Let's keep the government out of social engineering, period.
I agree certain forces in the Republican Party had some success in steering the party into social issues it never should have focused on. However, as the last election proved, those forces are being removed by the people who vote. Position that against the Demogressive Party, and the singular vision Culture War they have embarked upon. While one party is pushing towards policies that address jobs, investment, etc., the other party focuses on attacking and accusing. It's pretty simple to see what effort will stand the test of time.
It would be nice to a shift away from hate generating identity politics towards a more cooperative vision of creating opportunity for all Americans. The haves however, would rather that the have nots be occupied with little issues about gender identities, the tired old black vs. white trope, fake distracting 'scandals', war and rumors of war, and whatever else to keep the minds of the general populace off the topic of how they are getting fleeced.
The biggest mistake the republican party made was to et the social conservatives, primarily white christian southerners hijack the party
Freedom to express and practice one's religious beliefs is not a bad thing. Picking one and making it part of the platform has been a mistake. However, the biggest mistake Republicans have made is allowing the left to control the narrative, and not fighting fire with fire. When a left wing politician steps up to the podium and claims Republicans want to starve the elderly, or eat minority children for breakfast, Republicans need to grab a microphone and pummel these liars into submission with facts. Instead, they constantly take the kindlier, gentler way by saying something like, "my esteemed colleague and friend has blah, blah, blah". The people deserve someone who steps up and says this Democrat is a liar and is full of Crap on this issue.