Mozambique have barely recovered from their previous war... weapons could be found lying next to the road... turned into furniture by the locals. This is very far down south for Islamist militants... Africa's southern region majority Christian, a mere 1% of the population Muslim. Sub Saharan Africa have become the perfect recruiting grown for militants, high unemployment, abject poverty and fast growing population... the youth disillusioned and angry. This is the future, resources the target...the soft underbelly of the west. South Africa's turn will come... it's just a matter of time.
I even bolded it for you darl... This attack is new... it's different because; and Southern Africa is majority Christian, approx 1% Muslim, that means they are moving further down south... at a much faster rate than many anticipate or expected. My opinion/comment; this is what the future holds for Southern Africa, plenty of young disillusioned poor for extremist recruitment... plenty mining of resources to target.
sooo, why did they attack the oil company? are you just a white bot are you trying to get to the root of the incident?