And hillary clinton plans to take away guns from millions

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by chopper, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. chopper

    chopper Banned

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Hillary Clinton plans to take away gun from Americans, but she herself will be protected by guns. Not only will the New World Globalization Orders be about disarming Americans, but it will also be about total control! Americans will live aprison life on the outside of prisons. You will also be attacked in the dark, or your homes will be invaded, and you will be consumed one way or another. Take for an instance some of the strange news revealed all across America, in the wakening of a Presidency where your guns will be tooken from you by force! There have been a lot of Bigfoot sightings this year. Not long ago, there was some compelling footage of an eagle’s nest camera, where Bigfoot allegedly photo bombed the event. The camera mounted to a tree near the Platte River State Fish Hatchery, about 30 miles west of Traverse City, was placed there to highlight a bald eagle nest. The camera is peering down on eagle chicks in their nest, but below the nest you see an upright walking figure that looks like a monkey. Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, is a believer in Bigfoot but says he believes the footage is intriguing, but inconclusive.

    A group of golfers in Newport News, Virginia, discovered the intestines and stomach of what they believed was a deer on the grass where they were playing. Golfers stated they had a very bad smell and the organs were clean with no blood on them. One of the golfers said it looked like it was prepared for a science fair project. This phenomenon is really not new and whether you believe it or not, stories of large dogs and even werewolves, or werebears have been reported in the news, and unfortunately many are misidentified as Bigfoot. For example, there has been an increase of strange sightings of large, black colored, muscular biped figures, running at high speed over extremely difficult terrain with absolute ease up and down the same area of the Scottish Highlands. Obviously these encounters are not with Bigfoot, however, so many reports continue and as they are processed in the same tabloid realm as Bigfoot – the idea of a Werewolf, Werebear or even a Beardog hybrid seen by frightened onlookers seems to stretch the credulity of those who hear of the strange encounters. Stories of purported dog-headed men go back well into history. Mostly referred to as the Cynocephali, which derives from the ancient Greek words “cyno,” meaning dog, and “cephaly,” meaning a disease of the head, these were typically described as essentially humans with the head of a dog, and they feature heavily in stories going across cultures throughout the world, from ancient Egypt, to ancient Greek, to medieval Europe and Africa, as well as in Christian mythology.

    Indeed, over the centuries many conquerors, missionaries, and adventurers reported coming across these bizarre, somewhat savage creatures. In later times, Roman author, naturalist and philosopher Pliny the Elder listed them among various other mysterious types of human, called “the monstrous races,” ranging from cannibals to more surreal humans with no heads, in his work Natural History. They were described as having long claws and chasing down prey. The cynocephali became part of Christian lore after the famed St. Augustine wrote about them, along with other monsters, in the 5th century A.D. He saw them as the inheritors of Cain’s curse and the descendants of Noah’s disobedient offspring. White wrote: “Thanks to Augustine, the cynocephali were seen to be a part of the economy of salvation, albeit a fallen or exiled part; and so it was that they became widely allegorized and moralized as a quarrelsome, morally dumb, or even demonic race that was nevertheless redeemable.” Throughout the Bible we are warned to stay far from men who come in sheep’s clothing but are ravenous wolves under the skin. There were spies who reported to Moses that the area of Hebron near Canaan was a vile place where giant man wolves and man cats lived. They were giants who, when they talked, sounded like panthers. They were large, ate human flesh, and had bones made of “iron”. They were also reported to have double rows of teeth, and to be seen eating animals women and children.

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    There is also the story of Nebuchadnezzar where in the Book of Daniel where it was reported that eventually, he ate grass like an ox and his hair grew as long as eagle’s feathers, his nails were like bird’s claws. During the Spring of 1983, numerous lambs were allegedly slaughtered by an unknown predator at a farm in Exmoor, U.K. At the same time, local framers reports sighting a large dog, or wolf rising up on its hind legs attacking flocks. Others claimed that what they saw was a large animal that was a cross between a bear, cat and dog. The attacks weren’t the only thing that terrified farmers — the claw marks that the monster left behind appeared to have seared the flesh of the lambs. There was also a report of a large black dog materializing in front of the Blythburg church. The dog ferociously attacked the congregation killing two people and severely burning many more. Recently, CBS news reported that a fossil found in a drawer could very well explain the historical reports of the cynocephali. A scientist at Chicago’s Field Museum found a curious fossil that belonged to an early, long-extinct relative of dogs, foxes and weasels known as a “beardog.” The Field Museum fossil and another at the University of Texas each represent a new genus of animal that may be the reason why werewolves and other dog men may have been written about long ago.

    The researchers believe these beardogs, which lived up to 40 million years ago, may eventually tell the world more about the evolution of dogs and other carnivores and how animals adapt to changes in climate. Are beardogs, werewolves and dog men connected to the same genus – or are they merely supernatural phantoms? Speak of the werewolf and you are told that it is a mythical creature. Others will tell you about lycanthropy and how people would have the appearance of wolves. Shape-shifting has also been recorded anciently, where a man wears the skin of a creature and becomes that creature like the Skinwalker. In the movie The 13th Warrior, an adaptation of the boo,k Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Relating His Experiences with the Northmen in A.D. 922 by Michael Crichton, the Persian Ambassador is captured by a group of Vikings. He is then forced to do battle with “The Mist Monsters.” They appear to be beasts on horseback, quite menacing and kill the women and children. It is then realized that they are a clan of “Skinwalkers.” Men who wear skins of bears and by all appearances become werebears. In some American Indian legends, a Skinwalker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires. The ability to be a shape-shifter is usually given to the shaman or medicine man and is done through rituals and ceremonies where the skins of wolves or bears are worn and the individual changes into the beast.

    There have also been accounts of shaman creating salves consisting of peyote and other natural substances that they can rub on their bodies which give them the ability to fly in this condition. The shaman usually chooses the skin of a coyote or wolf in order to make the desired change. The Skinwalker also is known as the Lucan or the Wendigo. The Wendigo has also been known to eat the flesh of the dead. This of course can be all connected to legends of the Latin American Chupacabra, or “Goat sucker” a creature that resembles a wild dog and of course the werewolf. Last year, there were numerous werewolf sightings in Pennsylvania. Just outside of Troy in Bradford it was reported that a man and his girlfriend had been driving along Mud Creek Road, heading west towards Highway 14 at around 11pm. Although it was dark, their attention was drawn to the road up ahead where, at first glance, there appeared to be a naked person on the shoulder. The driver slowed down and angled the car’s headlights towards the figure, roughly 30-40 feet short of their mystery guest. The couple instantly realized this wasn’t a person but, instead, some creature that was moving low to the ground. The creature, centered in the glare of the headlights, straightened up into a kangaroo-like stance.

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    Eerily similar to the other werewolf sightings we have been talking about, the witnesses described the creature as having a muscular structure with an oversized, wolf or dog-like head topped with two large pointed ears. Even though it held its arms close to its body, they could see it had long claws, up to ten inches in length. The creature’s skin was dull, wrinkly and black, and its mouth filled with canine-like teeth. Olav Phillips, publisher of Paranoia Magazine and contributor to Ground Zero, reported that a farmer in Turkey uncovered a chained up box. When he opened it he found what is reported to be the skull of an alleged werewolf.

    Olav’s account was reported in Anomalies and reads:

    “In the small farming village of Novo Selo Stipsko in Macedonia, a farmer named Trayche was digging a new part of his field when he made a shocking discovery. While working in his field Trayche’s plow hit an object buried just below the surface. Curious he investigated and found a box which had been buried some time ago and oddly chained shut. He quickly broke the box open and found a strange skull that appears to be from a werewolf or ‘Varkolak’ in the local language.”

    The story of the farmer spread and Filip Ganov, a Bulgarian student who was in the Novo Selo Stipsko doing research on the Balkan Wars. Ganov was very curious about the discovery and contacted Trayche who let Ganov examine the box and take photos. Garnov sent the photos to a wildlife expert in Bulgaria who believes that the skull was indeed from a wolf but not necessarily a werewolf. Instead, the expert believes the wolf was suffering from something called Paget’s Disease which is a genetic disorder (also found in humans) that causes misshapen bones and enlarged skulls. The skull is an interesting find and displays both canine and human features. In December of 2009, KENS TV reported that a San Antonio couple called 911 to report the sighting of a large hairy creature walking upright carrying a deer carcass in its arms. Police reports indicate dispatchers sent an officer by the location that night, but he found no sign of the couple or the beast. The area has acres of wooded terrain surrounding it. The media declared that it was a Bigfoot sighting; however, the description of the beast is similar to the 1991 Elkhorn, Wisconsin and the Michigan Dogman accounts of an upright walking creature that is the size of a bear with the head of a wild dog. It used to be that monsters came from the imaginations of those who create fairy tales. These tales of darkness have been watered down over the years. When the mother or father tells these stories or when children recall them they are seldom aware that the stories were once steeped in the occult. We now see them as harmless; however, you must know that they enforce timeless memes of treachery.

    In a year where phantom clowns have our attention, we fail to report that there have been other monsters that have been sighted and have been ignored by the mainstream media – as they say, people know what they see and with the discovery of the jawbone of a beardog, you have to wonder if any of those so-called extinct creatures somehow find their way into our world, terrorizing us with their cunning prowess and predatory nature.

    OCTOBER 22, 2016
  2. 3link

    3link Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Are they just handing out meth like candy at these trump rallies?
  3. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Who will Hillary hire to take away our guns????
  4. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    So many words so little content

    Bet she only takes away guns from bad people
  5. Balto

    Balto Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    I didn't have to read the whole post to know the OP is misaligning universal background checks for gun confiscation. You've obviously fallen for the NRA's message. We aren't, nor never were, taking away your guns. Now, we might put a limit on the number of magazines, or things of that nature, but that's what humans call a, "sensible approach." Universal background checks do not equal gun confiscation, but it seems the idea has scared the NRA out of its skull, so they're gonna run with the narrative you can't hang dead heads of wildlife above your fireplace.
  6. DarkSkies

    DarkSkies Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    She can legislate restrictions for trying to get weapons going forward, but an attempt at confiscation wouldn't go over too well. A strong case to surrender weapons made to the youngest generation may help her somehow, but I still can't imagine anything real being done about guns.
  7. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    OK--so tell us why Hillary wants to overturn Heller if all she wants is background checks?
  8. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    I have heard all this before....for 8 years people have been waiting for Obama to take their guns. All they got was a T-shirt, healthcare, a decent economic recovery, a bunch of soldiers coming home to their families.......etc...

    What a disappointment for them.
  9. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    that's a bit dishonest

    you confuse intent with ability

    Dingy Harry Reid never sent Obama any gun ban bills, even when the Democrat party held both houses. Dingy Harry didn't want to lose the senate the same way his party did the last time they passed a gun ban. He also didn't want to lose an election in his pro gun state. SO Obama did everything he could to screw gun owners. He used executive orders to prevent highly desired and collectible WWII rifles from being reimported into the USA from Korea-lying about these "weapons of war not being on our streets" (Our own government sold us Civilians hundreds of thousands of such rifles and few, if any were ever used in crimes). He appointed two far left feminist extremists to the supreme court. One has not had a chance to rule on gun rights but Sotomayor has ruled against gun rights and Kagan is-demographically almost a sure bet to be anti gun as well.

    Hillary has brayed she wants to overturn Heller and that she will appoint justices who will do so. All she has to do is fill Scalia's seat with another liberal gun hater to accomplish that.
  10. Maccabee

    Maccabee Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    And who are the "bad" people?
  11. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Heller was about a local ordinance to keep guns in the home locked up or with trigger guards

    No one is taking away your guns
  12. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Yes, that is the kicker isn't it?? Sometimes it is better to restrict access to all but a few and make owning a gun a privilege that is only granted when someone can prove they are responsible enough to earn that right
  13. Maccabee

    Maccabee Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    That doesn't answer the question.

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    And that isn't the case here.

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