Announcement: New Infraction System and Revised Rules

Discussion in 'Announcements & Community Discussions' started by Dark Star, Jul 20, 2013.

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  1. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Me. That's the main reason I was brought here, and will probably be the task on which I spend the most time now. I wouldn't say the intent of the old system was ignored, but I will say that the new system will be consistently and objectively enforced.

    It's not a step that we took lightly or without reservation, but it's also not a rule that will be enforced except when it's down to almost the last option to save a thread. I do not expect to see it applied very often, and frivolous appeals to this rule will be discouraged.
  2. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Is calling a conservative white woman "ignorant" sexist or racist?
  3. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    There seems to be some confusion on some peoples part, I never said we should not have discussions on racial issues, and with normal posters I have no problem discussing them. BUT, some of the threads that are started on this board and allowed to stand by yourself and the other mods even after being reported are obvious examples of flame baiting and trolling both of which are against your TOS. It is also telling that when I click on the Today's Posts there is racial thread after racial thread. I know it is your call on whether a thread is closed or not but from here it seems as if far too many are allowed to continue to run and to it reflects badly on this site. I can assure you it has resulted in a few people leaving and in others not joining. I know until things were to change for the better I would not recommend this site to others as I have in the past and am already looking for other options if things do not improve. We shall see if your plan works or not, heck you have had at least one poster post something to you on this thread that was a clear violation of the rules you have explained, so it seems the jury is out, we shall see what the next couple of weeks brings but I can assure your the mods are going to be very busy.
  4. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Neither do I. Most mornings, I do it at least 6 times before I even finish breakfast.

    Almost every rule on any message board is subject to the interpretation of the moderators. There are very few rules that are absolutely black and white; almost everything falls into a gray area of some sort, and we depend on the good judgment and common sense of the moderators to tell the apples from the oranges. I have complete trust in the moderators on our current staff to apply good judgment in determining whether something was meant as an insult, or just something that was offensive. Remember, it specifically says in that rule that simply being offended does not mean that you were insulted. It mostly comes down to context and intent, and I trust our mods to be able to evaluate that on a case by case basis.
  5. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    excellent point

    how about for those who don't view homosexuals as a special race/species or gender and are continuously called "homophobes, bigots and haters" ?
  6. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I agree here. What the rule is doing is creating a Politically Correct bar. A very subjective one, which is reintroducing into the system what Management claims to be trying to eliminate. IMMHO, any group that voluntarily functions primarily as a group is open to group criticism. Whether it be ignorance, higher propensity fro criminality, cultural shortcomings, politics ............... the list goes on. One only need turn on the news and see folks voluntarily organizing by group, often advocating things worthy of massive criticism.

    I agree with Shiva and the study data as well. That would be countered with studies that show that blacks indicate the highest levels of racism towards other ethnic or social groups (such as whites, homosexuals, etc), and commit hugely disproportionate amounts of crime compared to other groups.

    Point being, look to the First Amendment, and not some Euro thought-police BS. Otherwise, such is just a power-grab by over-zealous Moderation.
  7. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Good grief... easy to see why all the mods quit.

    There's an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

    Seems to be a LOT of fixes to a very popular forum. Gotta wonder about the motivation behind all this.

    I'll stick around and give it a chance, but it sounds like we're moving from civil to politically correct and if that's the case, lots of folks will probably be moving on.

    One question. .. will rightwingisafraud be forced to change his name? Wouldn't wanna hurt any right wingers feelings, now would we? :rolleyes:
    JP5 and (deleted member) like this.
  8. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    So we should play patty cake or act like an old ladies' sewing circle?


    We don't need no Netiquette Nannies
    We don't need no thought control

    Web Wizard!
    Whiz on the other side of the Wall

    All in all, you're just
    Another brick through our Window

    Coming from our authority-loving society, you busybodies feel it's perfectly within your rights to censor according to your childish, sheltered, and conceited perspectives. Especially oppressive is this idea that we can't respond to insults. It is the same thing as the baby food your ilk is feeding the youngest generation, the Millennial Millies, indoctrinating them not to fight back but to run home and tell Mommy.
  9. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Nudity =/= Pornography/Obscenity

    Does this imply that nudity, as long as it's not outright pornography (which is actually hard to define) is now acceptable on Political Forum? As noted it does have to relate to the thread but typically nudity was prohibited on Political Forum in the past.

    Might I also propose that images that are specifically offensive such as gruesome images of dead bodies also be prohibited and that instead a link, with an appropriate warning, be used if they're necessary. Generally these images are used expressly for "shock" value but for some they can be highly emotional. For example I lived through war and I've seen far too many dead people that were mutilated beyond any possible description. It's not that I object to others understanding the real horrors of war that really should see these images but for hundreds of thousands of veterans that have served in combat these images have severe negative psychological effects on them.

    I would request this prohibition out of compassion for my fellow veterans many of which suffer from PTSD because of war. Gruesome images of death are something that can be shown by a link when needed and don't have to be "in your face" on Political Forum. I've done this before when appropriate to the discussion out of consideration for others and don't believe it's an unreasonable request. We really don't need images where the sole purpose it to create "horror" for shock purposes directly posted on Political Forum Give the member a warning and provide a link to these images when they're appropriate. That's only being respectful of others.
  10. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    What you are advocating is PC BS censorship. That criticism of black culture, and the black community in general, is somehow improper to the point of not being allowed. As already pointed out by many here, when a group organizes and acts as a group, they are fair game.

    Somebody's gotta say it. Even if it offends liberal ears.
  11. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    What if a persons religion says that another religion is XXXXX? Can you in good conscience remove the intended offense at other religions from the text itself, its overall message, or its interpretation?

    Cause if religions get a pass, it will funnel hatred into religious context.

    I firmly believe people should be offended. I wouldn't come here if I weren't offended every day.

    These are not veiled threats I will leave, as if it has some influence on the boxes... I just make lots of broad hyperbolic statements. This is just kibitzing.
  12. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    I'm sorry I misunderstood you, but yes, I know what you're saying about what's been allowed in the past. Going forward, posters will sort themselves out over time. 99.999% of the posters on this site have no difficulty at all discussing racial issues without resorting to insults or slurs, and the .001% who can not do so will solve themselves.

    I know. I prefer to give threads like this a lot of breathing room. Posters get relatively few chances to discuss policy issues with staff in open forums, so I want to give people plenty of room to express themselves. If that's how they want to use the opportunity, more power to 'em, I guess.
  13. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Top right, click your username. This takes you to your profile. In your profile should be several tabs with one named "infractions." I'm assuming all infractions, point values, and disciplinary actions will be available there.
  14. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Does this mean you all are gonna crack down on the horrid and chronic liberal trolls here? People are getting pretty tired of being called racist for no reason....
  15. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Agreed. The only fix needed was the point system, doing away with all the subjective banning that had been going on. That, and I'd like to see more effort against trolling. Should be simple, the post needs to address the topic, and not just a prior poster. Thread bans work wonders in such cases.
  16. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Thanks. Bear explained that the site standards will be posted somewhere as well, so someone will know when they are getting closer to the line of being banned.
  17. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    All this upheaval and the need for new's Fife's fault.



  18. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Of note, while not released by the original news story addressing the 2012 study on racial prejudice, a subsequent story that reviewed the results of that study found that 40% of African-Americans also expressed explicit anti-black racial prejudice. An interesting fact that also remains undisputed.

    I agree that we don't want to move towards a European Thought-Police process and should let the "facts presented" be addressed by rebuttal with "contracting facts" by other members. Let the "facts" dispute each other as opposed to some third party trying to state "this is true and this is false" because no one can do that.

    I'm pretty smart but I would never want to be delegated with the responsibility of being the Truth Police. That's way above my pay grade.
  19. slashbeast

    slashbeast Banned

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Mmmmm that is a deal breaker for me...

    All in all though, I'm not too happy with these changes and from the rumors I've been hearing about what's going on around here I'm not likely to stick around. Rather silly that a few people have made complaints and threatened to withhold donations if the forums doesn't head in a direction they want it to.

    You also can't have a fair game when the referee is in the bag for the blue team.

    Let me know when everyone gets tired of having a left winger circle jerk and wants someone to argue with. The forum won't survive if it's one sided.

    I'll look for another forum to post in until these rules change.
    JP5 and (deleted member) like this.
  20. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    People are rarely called racists for no reason. For instance, I've never been called a racist to my knowledge. So if someone is getting "pretty tired of being called a racist," they are probably doing/saying something racist.
  21. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Correct, but then again some don't like it even when they label themselves through their own words, go figure.
    It should be interesting to watch to see if these changes will do any good or not, I know on other sites that have similar rules it does some good, but sometimes the shear number of new extremists joining is enough to drive off those that are interested in real discussions and that is the end of the site as it was.
    I expect the worst and hope for the best.
  22. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Not necessarily. I've seen people on here talk candidly about what they see in their own communities.....just a description of what they see and witness....and they get called racist for it.
  23. Dark Star

    Dark Star Senior Admin Staff Member Donor

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Calling someone a racist isn't a grey area at all, and never will be considered so. It's an insult, and will not be allowed.
  24. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The belief that the prior tempbans and permabans were "subjective" is fundamentally false. I don't know if I'm allowed to discuss the process used previously because as a former staff member I'm not allowed to discuss the "behind the scenes" activities of Political Forum. Perhaps Winter Bear will allow me to discuss the previous tempban and permaban process and if so, I can demonsrtate, that it wasn't all that subjective.

    Once again I'll present the new process for review to highlight the problems with it because its far more arbitrary than the prior process.

    The first issue is "Each infraction has a certain point value" but what is that? One point is that not all infractions are equal. For example a member could receive an infraction for calling someone an idiot (i.e. personal insult) while another member could make a long post containing numerous insults, flamebaiting, profanity, ect., all of which results in just one infraction. There is a huge difference between the two violations. The critieria for "each infraction has a certain point value" is not defined. If it's based upon the type of infraction, for example all Personal Insults result in the same point value, then the two posts are not comparable if both receive an infraction for a "personal insult" where one has a single insult while the other has numerous insults as well as other violations.

    As I've noted previously this doesn't work unless all posts that violate the Forum Rules are addressed by the staff. There will always be those that violate the Forum Rules more than others but that don't have as many of their posts reviewed where an infraction will be issued. Yes, over time they will probably be caught but in the meantime a "better" member is banned while the "worst" member continues to get away with violating the Forum Rules. It becomes highly arbitrary from an "enforcement" standpoint.

    As also noted this creates "member bias" in the moderation as the "minority" will always have more of their posts Reported than the "majority" so we'll see more "minority" opinion members being banned than "majority" opinion members being banned.

    The only way a "points system" works is if ever post is reviewed and infractions are issued, with an appropriate "value" assigned based upon the severity of the infraction as opposed to the classification of the infraction, or it results in a very arbitrary method of banning. From a "moderation" standpoint the "points system" removes the discretionary role of moderators that has traditionally been used to protect, as opposed to persecute, members of Political Forum.

    There will be no protection for the members of Political Forum and the only recourse for members will be to appeal every single infraction and to do that they need to know what arguments are legitimate in obtaining a judgment in their favor. If they let a questionable infraction stand it can very well lead to their temporary or permanent ban because the staff will not be reviewing the infractions after the fact like they have done in the past because the "points system" doesn't allow them discretionary authority when it comes to member banning.
  25. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    But some people are genuinely racist on PF. Is it okay to call those people racist?

    If I for example say something like 'I hate non-white people because of their race and view them as inferior and would prefer to see a world with only white people. BUT, I'm not a racist', would it be an insult to call me a racist?
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