Another example of a Christian who is endowed by supernatural wisdom. A Supernatural Know-it-all ... What is this woman on?? What kind of dope??? She is actually sexually repressed big time!
To what degree might this correspond somewhat with the near death experience of Ms. Margon Birkin????? For the record... I personally do not know the answer to this question????
I believe that there are things going on in the invisible dimensions all around us that if our Third Eye were to be opened to see it..... we would all tend somewhat toward being "unhinged." Near death experiencer Dr. George Ritchie was shown some shocking stuff back in 1943.
Fascinating. 300k buy into her Jesus spin on her own obviously narcissistic need for attention, as Joel likes to say, Bless You, In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen. #prosperitygospel. #masturbationgospel. #husbandgospel.