Answer for yourself this set of questions:

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by peoplevsmedia, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    You can also copy this and answer yes/no in your post:

    1. There are a lot of things in this world that are unfair related to governments, such as dictators abusing people, support of the welfare class for votes

    2. Life is a big mystery considering how sun shows up every morning, earth spins around, planets circling and hanging in the sky by themselves, souls dividing into new living things etc. allowing for possibility that either we don't know the whole truth or that there is god.

    3. If there is god then why does he allow such evil.
    4. Possibility that gods powers are limited and or that his experimentations got somewhat out of hand

    5. You CAN choose a path to be good or evil in a sense of being good means you do not seek to fool people to make more money or seek to (*)(*)(*)(*) someone elses woman, while evil means you let greed over take you.

    6. Possiblity exist that god is trying to reach out to us like an aquarium owner into his aquarium trying to ask fish not to fight and bite each other.

    7. Possibility that all humanity could all live in peace if evil did not profit from fighting

    If you answered no to 7, I can hear the god say to you that you are an animal without imagination and deserve to die a painful death because you are taken over by evil and serve no purpose on this earth what so ever. you are useless in gods world, I said this in 1997 to America when everyone ignored me and look where this country is now. do you want to reconsider your answer to #7?

  2. a777pilot

    a777pilot Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    From these answers it would appear that you are an atheist and and a socialist. LOL!

    So tell me how is life treating you these days?
  3. BTeamBomber

    BTeamBomber Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Do you have kids PVM? Because if you don't, then its hard to understand the God that I know. As a father, I absolutely love and cherish my children unconditionally. I worry about them, care for them, and interact with them always with their best interest at heart. However, at some point, I have to let them roam free and I have to let them make their own mistakes. I cannot dominate their hearts and minds in anyway, lest I compromise their heart and mind towards evil. The more I pull on them or tug them for my own gain and desire for affection, the more they might pull away. No, as a father, I must teach them what I can, guide them as I can, and then hope above all that they see, respect and love my guidance and grace, and return it to me in whatever way they can. I cannot MAKE them love me in any way shape or form, or else it wouldn't be love in any way shape or form.

    So, if you were this type of father...(and you can answer yes or no)

    1. Would you reveal and constantly display any "power" you hold over your children, as a way of scaring them into loving you?

    2. Would you punish them permanently for any mistake they ever make, or would you offer them grace when they come to you with a humble, shaken heart?

    3. Would you pull the strings like a puppeteer in their life and enslave their ideologies and beliefs to your benefit...?

    4. Or would you let them be free to make their own decisions and mistakes, knowing that they might make the wrong decisions over and over again, but believing that overall they will be better for the wisdom they gain as a result?

    5. Would you at least choose to interact in subtle ways, not forcible ones, and give your children the opportunities to do good, even if they choose to ignore them and take a different path?

    6. And if your child absolutely NEVER returned a heart of love to you or anyone else, and chose nothing but horrible paths, would you keep them distant from you, despite never losing that love for them, and always hoping that some day, in some way, they might return to you with a renewed spirit?

    Too often, we think about what God "does" to us, when his very nature (revealed when we think of this duplicate image he imparted to us of raising our own kids) calls for us to think about what we can do for God. Whats ALWAYS more important is what we as a society can start to do as a response to God's love (if we see it for what it is, not what we expect it to be), not what we should expect from him based on our own desires and expectations. He is the father that we should want him to be, but we are definitely NOT the children he wants us to be. However, no child is ever exactly that to their parent (again, if you're a parent, you understand this), yet we love them anyway and want the best for them.

    God will always work in our lives, but he is NOT a puppeteer nor a Mr. Fixit. We will not see a "Nanny911" reality show where God shows up to change the future of our world. We have every bit of evidence and wisdom inside of us to do exactly what he wishes we would do but won't force us to do. Its always has been and always will be up to us to live up to that standard. And no, its not impossible, so long as we hear and understand the right message over top of the drivel spewed by those that have separated themselves from God and choose their own righteousness and skewed sense of mercy. And I don't claim to have all of those answers nor do I think any single church or denomination (and certainly no political ideology) has exclusivity on those answers. However, someday I do hope that as a society we'll look past the cobwebs and see the wisdom thats been right there in front of us for ages.

    That will NOT happen just because we push God out of the picture, I guarantee it. It CAN happen if we view and understand God's true nature, and aptly display that nature knowing we were created to mimic it, despite our flaws.
  4. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Don't own any kids, have? I have a worldful of kids, and most think they are adults.

    1. Would you reveal and constantly display any "power" you hold over your children, as a way of scaring them into loving you?

    2. Would you punish them permanently for any mistake they ever make, or would you offer them grace when they come to you with a humble, shaken heart?

    3. Would you pull the strings like a puppeteer in their life and enslave their ideologies and beliefs to your benefit...?

    4. Or would you let them be free to make their own decisions and mistakes, knowing that they might make the wrong decisions over and over again, but believing that overall they will be better for the wisdom they gain as a result?
    I would be strict like with my dogs, and I did a great job raising them to be as decent as possible.

    5. Would you at least choose to interact in subtle ways, not forcible ones, and give your children the opportunities to do good, even if they choose to ignore them and take a different path?
    Yes absolutely.

    6. And if your child absolutely NEVER returned a heart of love to you or anyone else, and chose nothing but horrible paths, would you keep them distant from you, despite never losing that love for them, and always hoping that some day, in some way, they might return to you with a renewed spirit?
    I would raise my children to be decent and I would ensure that the media does not interfere, they would have no television, computer activities be monitored and if any sign that they get any of these "horrible paths" from school, they would never again set foot in a school again for as long as they live in my house.
  5. LiberalActivist

    LiberalActivist Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    1. There are a lot of things in this world that are unfair related to governments, such as dictators abusing people, support of the welfare class for votes

    2. Life is a big mystery considering how sun shows up every morning, earth spins around, planets circling and hanging in the sky by themselves, souls dividing into new living things etc. allowing for possibility that either we don't know the whole truth or that there is god.
    yea i guess

    3. If there is god then why does he allow such evil.
    how is that yes or no?

    4. Possibility that gods powers are limited and or that his experimentations got somewhat out of hand

    5. You CAN choose a path to be good or evil in a sense of being good means you do not seek to fool people to make more money or seek to (*)(*)(*)(*) someone elses woman, while evil means you let greed over take you.
    yea and you can't be a selfish pig like these right winges who want to give tax cuts

    6. Possiblity exist that god is trying to reach out to us like an aquarium owner into his aquarium trying to ask fish not to fight and bite each other.

    7. Possibility that all humanity could all live in peace if evil did not profit from fighting
    yes, and if no cons existed

    rofl you just pwned the neocons
  6. BTeamBomber

    BTeamBomber Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Then, except for number 6, you understand completely the God I believe in and understand. The thing I always caution about parenting along the lines of "protecting children" by prevent TV/internet/media influence is that you will not always be there with them. Its better to expose them to those influences but always be a voice of caution, wisdom and understanding to them about what they are absorbing. That last thing I want my kids to have happen is for them to experience things we've never talked about, learned about, or experienced jointly. Hopefully, they'll outlive me, and I'll have prepared them for life without me around, and they'll be better than I've ever been.

    In number 6, the flaw in your position is that you CAN'T guarantee decency in your children. You can do absolutely EVERYTHING right, but they can still turn out bad. One wrong friend that gets them to try meth one time or at the very least influences them more than you can. One evil person in the world that rapes them or hurts them permanently. One tragic event (observing the death of a loved one for instance) can happen and they might forever be changed from whatever morals you've shaped for them. It happens all the time. God made us to be connected to each other, so that we can lift each other up and help them. We have to prepare our children to interact with that world, knowing that bad (at least our definition) can happen. Attempting to keep them isolated for the sense of their own decency robs the world of someone that might very well fight for justice and peace for others. Those are the types of children we need to raise. Not those that keep their heads down whenever a problem arises.
  7. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    If you explain to your children how drugs work and how getting high can and should be supplemented with exercize and creativity, no one will get them into meth or any drugs or alcohol. When both parents have to work dayjobs just to survive, all kinds of strangers beging to influence kids on a magic box called television, as well as now internet etc. if they are steered into the right direction early on, I believe (myself being an example) they don't need to touch drugs and dont need to go look around for foobal or basketball stars and get raped
  8. BTeamBomber

    BTeamBomber Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Thats a pretty naive stance if I might say so myself.

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