It's really good! Like coffee milk! I bet you've never had coffee milk, have you? What about coffee ice cream? That is DELISH!
What on Earth is coffee milk? I have heard of cow milk, but coffee milk? Wtf? Coffee flavoured ice cream is great.
Coffee milk is pretty much just a New England thing. We have a local company (it's in Rhode Island which is the state next to mine and it's not actually an island either - LOL) called Autocrat that makes different syrups, like chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and coffee that you can add to milk to flavor it.
It depends on the time of day, and my mood. If It's morning, I will usually frink a black tea, either english breakfast or earl gray, with a little stevia, some soy milk, and lemon juice. If it's with lunch, and I'm drinking tea, an iced green trea with ginger and stevia. With dinner, I'll usually drink a hot green tea afterwards.
the days of windowpane and purple microdot. When I was young and invincible and sure as hell didn't know what I didn't know. I've since learned.
Betsy Devos does not know Meth I have to go to a funeral service of a victim of fentanyl.. and act like Any Griffith
Yes, love tea, especially green tea, much prefer it over coffee. Which is kind of strange since virtually 98% of the people where I live are coffee drinkers (well, the white people at least). It's definitely a coffee region. Unfortunately I also do not handle caffeine very well, so I have to watch it, or try other non-caffeinated teas. Now I hear in China they have some tea plant varieties that do not have caffeine, but have the same flavor as tea.
Have you tried something called Rooibos tea? Zero caffeine, slightly sweet and can be either hot or cold as you prefer. I can't handle caffeine late at night (keeps me awake) and I am not fond of decaf coffee so I use this instead. Apparently it has other health benefits too but it the absence of caffeine and no need for sweeteners that I like. Not easy to find in supermarkets but cheap enough to buy online.
I am kinda addicted to brown sugar milk lately. It's sinful for my diet but it tastes really, really good.
You know they make filters you can pour your tea through so that the leaves are not in the company more right. I myself have a specialty pot that you seek the leaves in internet filters them out as you pour it into the cup. I myself confirm English breakfast black tea or Earl grey. But I also like green tea especially iced Green tea. I usually put either honey or lemon into any tea I drink but since I'm trying a more veganish lifestyle I use pure cane sugar instead of honey, or sometime stevia
First flush green Darjeeling is the Champagne of tea. At around £8 for 4 oz it's not cheap. It should be drunk weak and without milk. Definitely no sugar.
I love all kinds of tea. The only one I can't tolerate is sweet tea. I felt like I got instant diabetes drinking that stuff. LOL
Sorry I am late to the party. Better late than never, I hope. PG Tips is, in my distinctly unhumble opinion, the best of the commonly available bagged teas. It's an English breakfast.. Bewley's Irish breakfast tea is very good, stronger than the English, of course. The problem that can drive you crazy is that not only are thousands of choices, but price will often not correspond with value. I hate smoky tea, and some of them go for crazy amounts of money. Some tea shoppes are great, others simply sell mediocre tea. So while I'd love to send you to a small shop that knows tea inside and out, not all of them do. Esp. in my country. A word about chai, Indian style spiced tea, I love it. In India it's often used to make the relatively expensive tea go further. The American versions have too much sugar. But you can get Chai spice blends from Amazon that don't have sugar. They are ok, I don't like the ones with pepper. What I do is make my own. You can simply crush a cardamon seed with a spoon. Stir in the cinammon just before serving or the flavor will all boil away. I like big flavor. So I use a lot of spice, and a large amount of tea. You can buy tea by the pound, which I sometimes do. You can use any sweetener you want, I like dolceddi, but it's so expensive I get a knock off from Walmart that costs half as much. It's their apple sweetener. I drink a lot of green tea these days (I'm on a diet). I saw comments about people not liking it. Which is not surprising, the supermarket stuff is dreadful. Good green tea is pricey. You also need to get the water temp to about 180F and brew for only a minute.
flavored with bergamot or cardamom is good. sometimes I just take cardamom pods and let them boil in water, to impart the flavor. although apparently it is very dependent on personal taste, i have had some people try it and they didn't like it.
Thank you. I remember having rooibos in the very distant past. But you reminded me again. Because of you I ordered a supply.
My grandma used to make her own genmaicha. She'd roast the brown rice in a skillet. I've never been able to duplicate it and now I don't have to. I'm tempted to say this is better than hers. But if I did, she'd rise from the grave and impale me with her chopsticks, so I won't.