AP: Gov't declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by MolonLabe2009, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Sounds like the deal Obama made with Iran.
  2. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    I've chased down more right wing goblins than you can imagine, but that was in my learning phase. Once I got past that and learned who and what the right is about, I no longer waste my time on that crap. You say 'crimes were committed"? Great. Give me the evidence and cite the laws broken. I'm fully capable of deciding for myself. Until then, all you (and many others have) is a whole bunch of accusations from which you've spun a massive crime of the century. To which I can only reply, "NONSENSE!". Right now there is far more evidence that Bush and Cheney committed war crimes than the b.s. you are accusing Hillary of.
  3. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Any reviews of any laws I do will depend on the charges (if they ever come down) and compare them to laws. Until then, I have little interest (I'm not chasing any right wing rabbits off on a merry chase). And do let us know when the charges will be filed and the grand jury convened. Perhaps about the time we find the hidden weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

    I've chased enough right wing nightmares and found them to be little but bad dreams to amuse the unwashed. I'll allow you yours to enjoy them as I find little of value there. If and when, as I've said, you come up with an indictment, do let me know. Until then, your accusations and derision of Hillary and Democrats merely mores me.
  4. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I just want to know one thing, Grizz, man-to-man, straight up... have you, personally, ever held a Federal Government-issued security clearance? I know. You can lie, and I can lie, and nobody can know for sure if either of us is telling the truth. But, I tell you in truth that I have held two top-secret security learances during different careers. And that is part of why I'm so certain that she has committed a variety of infractions against national security protocols and classified information laws.

    Just this afternoon I had an impromptu discussion about Hillary's doings with a man who turned out to have been a Marine who had served in Fallujah, Iraq, and who had afterward been assigned to the American Embassy in Baghdad. While he was actually fairly certain that her server was correctly installed in a SCIF, he said that the nature of her total breach of protocol regarding which email account she used compromised enormous amounts of sensitive classified information. He wasn't coming on like a "Hillary hater" at all, but he didn't mince his words -- she violated the rules and protocols, which is exactly what we've all known now for months.

    You don't know me, and you don't have any reason at all to trust my views or observations. OK, accepted. Do you have a similar dismissive opinion about former Judge Napolitano? It's much harder to say that he's a nut, because he's NOT, and he's proved that many, many times, even though you may doubt him because he has spoken often on Fox News. Now, in the last 24 hours, here's what he adds to comments about this investigation: http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/04/...ict-and-convict-hillary-clinton-email-scandal

    Judge Napolitano, unlike me, is not "just some guy" who claims to have done this or that. He's the real deal, and he can sift the legal details of this whole thing down to the molecular level. Is he full of crap, too...?

    I'll leave you with one thought, Grizz, because, deep-down, I don't think you're a bad guy, or that you're stupid. I had fervently hoped that the Democrat Party would realize how utterly toxic Hillary Clinton is, and redouble its efforts to get Joe Biden to run for the presidency. I know that sounds crazy, but given the lineup we have for this election, I genuinely believe that the person who would be best qualified for the office today could be him, even though he is a liberal Democrat. But instead, your Party is putting all of its eggs in Hillary's basket. You'd better hope that Obama's coverup for Hillary is run with greater professionalism and thoroughness than nearly everything else he's done before. You don't want Trump to be elected president, and as strange as it sounds, neither do I.... :eekeyes:
  5. invaderzim

    invaderzim New Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    He hates his "special buddy's" guts - he's not going to let anything happen to the party's chances. Demo blood is thicker than water.
  6. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Yes - Top Secret Cryptography during the Cold War (60's). I believe all of it was de-classified in the 90's. However, that has nothing to do with the b.s. that's being thrown at Hillary, who has already been tried and convicted by Republicans because they just "KNOW" she's guilty. I will also say that there is more to this story than those on the right would prefer to ignore, but that isn't going to happen. Personally, I look at all of the noise about this as just another Republican witch hunt to keep the faithful amused because the last thing with 'R' rulers want is their minions looking too hard at what they are actually doing and planning to do if returned to power.
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I appreciate your candor and honesty. Your TS Crypto clearance was higher than either of my "tickets" actually, and so I know that you went through background inspections that were even more "granular" than those I went through. You sat through the interviews, the poly's, the numerous unannounced urine tests, the re-briefs, and annual reviews which were, in some cases, even worse than what we went through to get the ticket in the first place. I was also a Cold War guy, and those last twelve years of the Soviet Union were interesting, indeed. I salute you.

    I dunno, Grizz. Guess we'll see what happens, but whether through negligence, arrogance, recklessness, or just plain stupidity, she broke the laws and the protocols, or at least that is my fervent opinion. It won't matter much, though. Breaking laws and protocols will be dismissed unless the investigation shows overwhelming amounts of INTENT to commit crimes against national security, so, there will be a little blurb, and that will be the end of that.

    But with your experience and your knowledge, you know that the significance of this is not lost on Vladimir Putin or the FSB. They pulled Edward Snowdon right out from under Obama's comfortable, oblivious ass, and heaven only knows what they've already gotten from a stupid, irresponsible Hillary. Afterthought: because he's another liberal Democrat, Biden may not have been "my guy", but on his worst day he'd never have committed an ongoing series of blunders this unforgivably stupid. And oddly enough, with his arrogance, shallowness, and equal-but-different stupidity, I think Trump could easily be as bad as Hillary....

    [​IMG]. Trump? Hillary? Both of them are "a mile wide and an inch deep...."
  8. Sharpie

    Sharpie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 30, 2015
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    I have a question for both you and Grizz: regardless of how Hillary's email subject matter was marked (or unmarked as specific orders were given to cut and paste the information without markings) don't you think it is the citizens' right to assume that a US Secretary of State and someone who presents as being eligible for the most powerful and all-knowing position on the planet... should have discretion? And maybe an active display of protectionism even if it's overkill?
  9. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I will avoid the temptation to vent any further about Hillary, per se, and simply answer your question by saying that I would only want to have the SAME standards for compliance with, and protection of, national security laws and classified information protocols to be applied to Hillary Clinton as were demanded of Grizz and myself.

    Hint: In two instances, I have personally seen what happened to people with top-secret security clearances who were negligent, stupid, and unprofessional about matters regarding classified information. Neither of them was accused of "selling secrets", but they definitely compromised national security because of the way they broke the rules. Bottom line: even though there was no "intent" involved, these people were stripped of their security clearances and and they were fired from their jobs. End of story. And to my knowledge, neither of them ever mounted a campaign to run for public office afterward.... :wink:
  10. guttermouth

    guttermouth Banned

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Makes me wonder how he feels about the other half of the country
  11. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    There were no polygraphs, nor do I recall any testing for illegal substances (like drugs). Perhaps they didn't have time to do a full-scale test, but we were mostly late teens, very early 20's, and didn't have much of a history. Drugs might have been a problem in some places, but not so much then as to what it later became. We weren't choirboys, but far from convicted criminals. I also believe that any serious charged or convictions or anything would have caused you to forfeit your clearance. However, we did have one guy whose mom was born in Canada and whose clearance was held up. Another talked in his sleep and during language school would happily answer any question you asked him. We convinced him to talk to the officer in charge about it. He was gone the next day. Oh, yeah - we carried diplomatic passports. Was kind of nice when we went on leave.

    Somethings to remember: classification of documents AFTER they were sent/received may or may not be a crime even if they are in your possession, particularly if the person/people doing the classification were in another part of the executive branch or Congress. The Sec State has one of the highest authorities to classify/declassify material, perhaps second only to the president. I also agree with you totally on this one, "we'll see what happens". Exactly, which is about all I've been saying.
  12. Sharpie

    Sharpie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 30, 2015
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    And at a ridiculously lower level, I know people who have lost their jobs because they emailed PHI to a private email system. It wasn't marked, "PHI", but they were trained to know it when they saw it.
  13. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Napolitano is a RW hack, you should stop listening to him...

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    Any day now huh? Lol

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    Let me guess....now the fbi is part of a vast LEFT wing conspiracy?

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    As Comey explained, intent DOES matter
  14. Paperview

    Paperview Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Some poor connies having splody heads today.
  15. akphidelt2007

    akphidelt2007 New Member Past Donor

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Hahahahaha, it was so funny how the entire time we were trying to tell these armchair legal experts that without intent, the FBI won't do anything. Then they'd post crazy things like felony espionage laws. It is absolutely hilarious how they honestly believed that was even an option. I need to find that thread were I was arguing with Reality and bluesguy and they were so dead set that they knew the law and how it is interpreted.

    But the equally funny thing is, they will do the same thing with the next "made up scandal". I don't think I've ever seen these guys be correct about any prediction in my 6+ years at the PF. Their entertainment value is second to none.
  16. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    hillary is a anti american scumbag criminal
  17. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    What's amazing is how they never say "I don't agree" or "I think it's a mistake" it's always some kooky conspiracy

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