Are republicans traitors? The focus of republicans seem to be only 3 things: 1. Reduce taxes for the richest 2. Increase military spending for the segment of republicans that make money in the defense industry. 3. Cut back on public services for the average middle and working class american.
Not anymore than Democrats. Having policies against your social ideology does not a traitor make. 1. Republicans focus on making it easier for US businesses to grow. 2. Republicans appreciate that we need a strong military to support our treaties and obligations. 3. Republicans know that entitlement spending is too high and costing our future economy. Personally, I think we should end all wars in the Mid-east, but apart from that I agree with the GOP on spending.
sadly you are both right and correct just the issues are a bit off kilter. as a leader of a small third party i know and have done alot of research. the republicans are as much of trators to the american way as dems because they both use big bussness to fund campaigns and to get arround election laws within the states thus degradeing the constitution. ie the Koch brothers in Madison wisconson and Acorn in Virgina. there are alot of other examples thats just two off the top of my head. also the way they both use and abuse Workers unions to get elected then to nuder workers rights is dispicable. and dont get me started on the regulations on small bussness because both parties are guilty as charged for makeing things harder on small bussness owners.
Sorry, J.R., but you're the one focusing on thos three things. Republicans did reduce taxes but it wasn't for the richest. It was for Americans who pay income tax. You know, Republicans. Certainly not the majority of the Demcrats. And I realize maintaining a strong military is anathema for you but it certainly benefits more than just those employees in the defense industry7. For one thing, it protects the socialist you wish to emulate. And lastly, Democrats hate average middle- and working-class Americans. If you aren't rich or on welfare they have no interest in you. Middle- and working-class Americans aren't asking for handouts--with string attached--from the government. They'd like jobs and lower taxes so they can make their own way. Of course, making their own way would scare the hell out of you and yours. They have to be subservient. They have to lose 20% of their pay right off the bat.
Entitlement spending rises with joblessness.. 20% of Americans account for 60% of consumer spending.. How would you interpret that?
1. So you think that Obama should NOT remove tax breaks for rich corporations (such as Enron) such as getting tax breaks if you move business out of America as Mr. Bush enforced? You endorse that american jobs should move abroad? You seem to be missing one point, the talk of free entreprise and small business applied in Thomas Jeffersons days. Now you have corporations and people from Forbes 500 sucking the country dry and dominating the economy. 2. Yes, wasteful military spending is good for whom exactly? 3. Yes Reganomics was a wonderful thing for the majority of Americans. It didn't work. Free market economy does not mean no regulations as all. If there were some regulations as Adam Smith pointed out (founder of free market) then we wouldn't be having so much graft, financial crisis etc.
Just to add, so you think tax breaks for billionaires flying their private jets is a right? You think that that's more important than free healthcare and education for Americans? Free education and healthcare is not a handy down, it's a right.
What significance does the private jet hold in that statement? Why do you think that the only businesses that benefit from the tax breaks are multi-billion dollar corporations. Why is it important that we take the money from those who provide all the real jobs, so that we can give the poor things they need that they could pay for if they had jobs? The health-cares ridiculously high costs are not the fault of corporations or anyone that owns a private jet.
No they're not. I don't agree with most Republican positions but they have a valid perspective that's represented on this forum by some articulate members. No one from either side should be labeled a 'traitor' for their point of view.
It's not just billionaires that get a break - you realize the average traveler enjoys government subsidized airfare right? Flying Government Air.
Real jobs? You mean where you get hired and fired without any hassle? You mean where corporations shift jobs abroad? And you want people to be grateful? Corporations (such as pharma and insurance companies) are the ones who influence Republicans to stop descent insurance policies for the average american. A poor person who has have 2-3 jobs, no life, no rights and just survives doesn't need basic rights such as free healthcare and education? Very good.
Coincidentally, I work for a big incorporated aerospace machine shop. Rumor has it that, tomorrow, there will be a big layoff. Will I get to keep my awesome job at this awesome company with my decent pay and good benefits? Its kind of a toss-up. I am very grateful to have had this job. I hope I get to stay. What do you consider "real jobs"? If we all worked for the government we would be communists. Republicans "stop descent insurance policies for the average american"? I'm not quite sure what a "descent" insurance policy is. Maybe you mean "decent". By the way, the "A" in "American" is always capitalized, for good reason. Can you back this up with a reference from a credible source? Or, at least, elaborate. Other than the fact that your statements here are riddled with spelling and grammar errors (your last statement there doesn't make any sense), you're premising these statements with false grounds that we agree on the definition of "rights". There is a document that you fail to adhere to in reference to "rights". What guaranties American citizens these "rights"? (refer to the U.S. constitution) Also, these documents are not subject to unlimited interpretation, they mean exactly what they say.
Are republicans traitors? If you are corporation, and you paid big money for fundraisers. And you paid to get a bill passed that would help fund your corporation. And lobby for deregulation of your industry, and blocked any change in the current policy that may negatively affect your corporation. And requested tax breaks for you and program cuts for the poor. And you have buddies and family that need high position jobs in government. And like to manipulate stupid consumers with deregulation. And fool simple voters with simple propaganda. Than NO, the republican is not a traitor. But, if you wanted a fair tax plan for the wealthy, changes in campain laws to disclose doners, and more government spending cuts, and less wars, and less access for corporations in government, and freedom of speach on public radio and TV, and more accountability for politicians. Want more regulation on corporations for corruption in banking, FDA, energy, and consumer market. Than YES, the republicans are traitors. But then again they do not believe in doing the right thing for the USA or Country.
Oh come on , old friend , it seems that the ' Party of NO ' has been fairly tagged , so what's up with the gullibility thing ? ? ? Hope you are well , and hubby as well , been a while since we spoke .. Hollar back when you can , your old friend from BuzzDash , Hillbilly ..
Well, if we're going to be grammar/spelling trolls on the internet, then I feel compelled to tell you that "guaranties" is a noun. Perhaps you meant to use "guarantees" which is a verb. You're welcome.
If you are referring to the party saying "no! you can't have whatever you want" than yes I am proud of my party for that. I have no problem with being called the party of no....thank God someone is finally saying it! We're all fine Hill! Hope you and your family are the same! Where have you been?
In their never-ending desperation, libs have put away 'racist' and adopted 'traitor.' Nobody believes either one is accurate, except other *******s. *yawn*
Yeah, "*******s" like Ann Coulter... DURING MY recent book tour, I resisted the persistent, illiterate request that I name traitors. With a great deal of charity - and suspension of disbelief - I was willing to concede that many liberals were merely fatuous idiots. (In addition, I was loathe to name names for fear that liberals would start jumping out of windows.) But after the Times' despicable editorial on the two-year anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attack, I am prepared - just this once - to name a traitor: Pinch Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times. Perhaps you shouldn't post if you're not quite awake.
No, progressives are. They're the anti-capitalist, anti-business, socialist, globalist, Marxist element in today's political arena. Question answered.
Not sure what the Coulter clip has to do with "Are Republicans traitors?" Tell us, Wanderer... do you believe Republicans are TRAITORS?
I didn't mean to be cryptic. It was meant to show that there's plenty of ridiculous and meaningless rhetoric from both sides. Of course not. Do you believe that Democrats are "*******s"?
Do you have any proof that most Democrats don't pay income tax? Or are you just talking out your ass?