"Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down state’s voter ID law"

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by TheChairman, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. TheChairman

    TheChairman New Member

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down state’s voter ID law

    Apparently, the state of Arkansas has greater sense and responsibility to its residents than Texas has. They have striken the voter ID law in that state that would preclude many from voting by having to first present an ID card that many who are elderly, sick, those without a vehicle, and the financially-strapped would find hard to obtain. Texas had done the same by enacting that unfair Republican law that too was struck down by a court but the Republican Attorney General now running for governor, Greg Abbott, has appealed that ruling and as things stand, Texas stands to lose giving a great opportunity to those who are currently disenfranchised to be able to go vote this November for their chosen candidates. That can't be the right thing for Texas to do. Their neighboring state, Arkansas, has seen to it that unfair, bigoted, and discriminatory Republican laws do not prevail during this election year. Texas can and should learn from that and apply the same principles that Arkansas did to the state of Texas to ensure that everyone who is eligible to vote can go out and do so without any encumbrances in the process.

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