An interesting item just came to my attention recently. While this is directed mainly at the religious folks who visit here, everyone is welcome to chime in of course. More to the point, this is mainly directed to the religious folks who are against same sex marriages being recognized by the government, if not just the unions themselves. How do you feel about the idea of arranged marriages, or more specifically, having who you wed be dictated by someone outside of the marriage itself? Would you be alright with your fathers or other authority figures deciding who is acceptable for you to marry or not? Please explain why you are for or against having arranged marriages be the standard for society. Thanks.
Arranged marriages are nothing new,,it's being going on since society has established itself. Mostly arranged marriages aren't strictly arranged and the couple are not forced to marry each other. Mostly they are introduced by the families and a normal courting process takes place. Often these families are well connected, wealthy and enjoy independent wealth. A young Lao woman in her late 20s, well educated (educated in Australia and America), independent from a very well connected family who works with my wife was introduced to a young Lao man who grew up in France, also from a very influential, wealthy family. She first met him when they were young children. A normal courting process took place, they got married and now are awaiting the birth of their first child. Seeing them together, there is obviously love and respect between them.
Considering how many marriages fail these days, that is a wonderful story. So, based on that success, would you be for arranged marriages as the societal standard we must adhere to?
Not strictly arranged, no. People need to follow their own minds and hearts. My example wasn't strictly arranged, but the couple were introduced to each other and the families had hoped something would come out of this introduction. One also has to realise Lao women aren't the subservient type often associated with Asian women.