Watching this video reminded me of the charge that Biden is running for Obama's 3rd term. Do we really want that?
I find it hysterical that liberals would question Trump's deferment, yet support their draft dodger for President. He was a Life Guard and Football player in high school, yet his asthma was bad enough to keep him out of Vietnam. Running plays on the gridiron...OK. Swimming furiously to save a drowning swimmer....OK. Running in boot camp in the Army...out of the question.
The hypocrisy used to be OK as Republicans were thought to be "warhawks". But as they change the rules midstream to keep Tulsi out of the 3rd debate, as Clinton turned Libya into a failed state with open slave markets and Trump keeps not taking the bait to get us into new wars, which party is the war monger party now?
Motivating the Democratic base with an old white guy that has a tendency to have questions asked about his touching of females on the campaign trail will be a interesting challenge. Luckily he is facing Trump so he does have a shot.
Biden's pay for play scandals, his extorting Ukrainian prosecutors who were investigating them for example? Then there's the grift in China. Joe sniffin' and gropin' females of all ages ... Joe wishes his segregationist policies and kinship with racist Dixiecrats was all he had to worry about.
Why do people want to nail down their reputations as political predictors like this? One or the other is going to be taunting his opponent in 14 months' time. I lost a hundred dollars betting against Trump last time, and it won't happen again. A week is a long time in politics, let alone a year, and there are always, as Harold MacMillan replied to a questioner who asked him what blew governments off course, "Events, dear boy, events." If Biden is the nominee, he'll pick an attractive young(er) person as VP who will do a lot of campaigning. He'll be the the avuncular, common-sense face of the Democratic Party we used to know and love and even support. If the Republicans are smart -- or is that like saying if pigs learn to fly? -- they'll make The Squad the public face of the Democratic Party. They'll find my old friend (true story) who is now chairman of the Communist Party in a Texas city, and also a Precinct Captain of the Democratic Party, and buy air time for him. They'll project Elizabeth Warren as the proposed head of the Justice Department and announce that she will re-open the investigation of that policeman who murdered the poor innocent Michael Brown, with an eye to putting him in prison for 20 years. And if they are really smart -- they'll get John James to withdraw from the Senate Race in Michigan and make him the VP nominee. (They don't want him to run for Senate there anyway.)
They better not. See The Goldwater Rule. In any case, they're all liberals. [I realize you may already know all this and also take your readers' knowledge of it for granted. But just in case people don't know about what the psychiatrists did to Barry Goldwater back in 1964....]
I'm going to have to see what they changed in 2017,as, this seems a restatement of the matter but they're still doing this (diagnosing Trump in absence of having actually ever even met him). " American Medical Association In the fall of 2017, the American Medical Association's Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs wrote new guidelines into the AMA Code of Medical Ethics, stating that physicians should refrain "from making clinical diagnoses about individuals (e.g., public officials, celebrities, persons in the news) they have not had the opportunity to personally examine."[10][11]" Thank you for the link.
Do you really think He didn’t know the state or perhaps maybe he made a mistake? Could be worse he could be a pathological liar..trump thought there were planes during the civil war..Was it a medical issue or a mistake?