" As far as Trump ... all roads lead to

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Moscow.We already know that.History will show that. "
    I think Joe Robot-head Scarborough should have used the word
    dat instead " that ". Where in the staged Mueller Report is that shown.?
    Let alone proved.The report obviously written by one of Mueller's pit
    bull Lawyers like Andrew Weissmann.A real provable All American type dat guy.
    Mores like one about to face Dante's 9th circle of hell for { Treachery }.
    Instead of practicing Truth and the American way Mueller's team of
    pit bulls used Treachery.Now That { or dat } is provable.Because the American
    public was forced to watch as the Mueller " treachery " was shown us by
    a corrupted MSM who weekly,daily and hourly paint Donald Trump as
    a Liar and con man.Wasn't it this robot-headed,beady-eyed Scarborough who
    was among the first to call Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell " Moscow Mitch "
    Where in hell did that nickname come from.From the little pesky minds of those
    Like a Joe Scarborough.Who get paid to Spread Lies and gossip about our
    Duly elected President.The more { lacking mores } the better.The more often even
    better still.About as professional as some toothless cracker in some smoky
    mountains with a hidden still crafting Moonshine.The really good stuff right.
    The kind capable of sending a user into blindness.Because the first run wasn't
    drained off { that's the place where hooch can have poisonous elements like
    methanol } especially if stuff like old car radiators are used as condensers.
    So why not treat the American people to first run doses of cracker talk.
    How great all this Trump talk turned into poison.The more the better.
    Still.get it.Just distill more.
    I mean,Russians do like their Vodka.Which is colorless like Moonshine.
    Last I checked.I guess we're to believe that a Russian couldn't tell his
    Vodka from Moonshine.Don't bet on it.
    Just listen to those like Honest Joe Blow Scarborough for a heady dose
    of cracker talk.What else should one call it.Dissertations on the nobility
    of the common reed { marsh plant with a firm stem }.
    " Man is only a reed,the weakest in nature,but he
    is a thinking reed. " -- Blaise Pascal
    As bobblehead Joe yammers on and on about something as if under
    the influence of bad hooch.The guys a yammer I tells ya.
    Morning,noon and Schnight.
    Friggin' Schlemiel !
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
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  2. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Yeah, but he married hot..... albeit stupid.
  3. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Not until he played around,butt goot,with the Pole whose
    father has a name about as American as a faded Russian Mad monk
    with short messy hair.Zbigniew ... sounds like some Polish handcrafted
    hooch.Pour me a jigger of dat hair of the pole who bite me stuff from
    the back shelf,barkeep.With somes dat Brzezinski as chaser.
    And keep it to yerself.Like Scarboroughs did while committing
    hanky panky as married adults.
    RodB likes this.

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