Asian Americans need to understand quickly it’s only a matter of time before the turn happens. They are at great risk. China is becoming more and more of a threat so what happens when our relationship with them gets rough? Americans will lump all Asians as Chinese and then idiocy will happen. The virus is nothing compared to self described patriotism. It can even just be North Korea. It can be just the Philippines. It doesn’t matter to idiots. That’s why Asians shouldn’t dismiss the struggles of black,Latino, indigenous people, etc. It will sadly eventually happen to you as demographics changes and the Asian population grows in America. I lived a hard life it sucks but it also helped me to even understand people and the evils that they do. Fear because loss of power is one of the most powerful triggers. A coalition of those who seek to explain that everyone loses, but the path we seek together will make sure our children don’t, is needed. Live and let live, Love and be Loved. We are at a place in time where the pressures make it so it can go either way. Your choice either join hands for power and love or be the target of hate because you have power.
It seems they're trying hard to get Asians onboard the racial victim boat. The current story that's being touted on the news in an attempt to support this narrative doesn't even actually fit, if anyone actually takes the time to examine the facts and use some basic critical thinking. (Which is no doubt why the opening poster even made this post right now. If that story was really just about "Asians", why were all the victims women who worked in spas?) It's about politics and votes, since the Asian population in the US is increasing and they tend to be much more socially conservative than other minorities.