As flawed as I am....... people who know me can verify that if I can't keep my promises in one way....... I will go to work thinking of a second or third or fourth possible way to live up to the spirit and intent of whatever statements I make........... Thus........ Could P. M. Justin Trudeau be a Political Genius? So.... when I state that I would attempt to fill in for AboveAlpha...... I do mean it........ and....... Your nomination for Nobel Prize in Literature? If I were in your shoes I would do some research on the various numbers of TRILLIONS that I bring up in this four page discussion. The answer to what CIA economist Jim Rickards is warning us about........ isn't taught in Economics classes..... it is hinted at though by Chaim Henry Tejman M. D. in his ideas on Wave Theory and Life... and Wave Theory and Gender...... Mordecai..... we have to greatly increase the valuation placed on human life...... and therefore on land that sustains human life..........
There is a Jewish tradition that the Moshiach....... will have a father from the tribe of Judah....... and a mother from the TRibe of Dan....... one of the areas of the world where the Tribe of Dan is supposed to have migrated to is Ireland..... another area is Denmark...... and also Ethiopia........ The Kat Kerr was live. last Sunday · ☘️ St Patrick’s Day ☘️ Could a WOMAN be given wisdom..... .comparable to the physical strength of Samson??????????????? Jeremiah 31:22
There is some new and updated information related to all this....... QAnon... who could it be? Now what if....somebody who could do a competent audition for the role of "EliYah" were to openly express their doubts about their perhaps being the latter day RIVAL to Elijah........ because after all... the bad guy who is coming is predicted to be "wiser than Daniel."
I truly do like this theory......... Here is a message that I just posted to Facebook that I believe has pretty serious Artistic Value..... that can be transformed / transmuted into diplomatic, educational, political and yes...... ECONOMIC VALUE! My apologies......... but I believe in there being some relevance to the idea of "past lives" and / or some sort of "oversoul" being within each human........ and I do suffer from the possible and / or probable delusion of grandeur that Mr. Maxime Bernier might just be my great, great, great, great...... grandson from one or more of my possible.... if not probable..... "past lives???" ............... Are we in a situation somewhat like 1929??????? Here is my advice on how Mr. Andrew Scheer could save his political career......... I think that he should convince several of his loyal followers to claim full responsibility for some of the less than perfect actions that were taken after the 2017 leadership race...... Mr. Scheer and some of these "scapegoats" should visit Mr. Maxime Bernier in person........ at his office..... and apologize for their excessive enthusiasm for Mr. Scheer VOILA..... MR ANDREW SCHEER BECOMES P. M. IN OCTOBER..... but Mr. Maxime Bernier ends up holding the balance of power in Ottawa! Hey Max!!!! Do you think that some debates could come up down east in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick that could make Munk Debates or official P. M. Justin Trudeau debates look to be dull and boring in comparison????? I would love it if some of you could show me that my reasoning in the following message is terribly flawed but...... .this is what worries me at this time. "Responding to a BEAR market vs a Bull market?"
Around 1:44 am this morning I got a Facetime call from a very good friend living in Israel who has convinced me that the Ruach ha Kodesh - The Holy Spirit will be poured out if and when the moving of the remains of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov from Uman, Ukraine to somewhere in Israel is arranged and finally carried out. I prayed about this and gave this a lot of thought over these past few hours and frankly I've been thinking about this for several years so I have in mind a proposal to put in front of my friend for him to translate into Hebrew and e-mail out to as many as he can of the roughly one thousand Israeli followers of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Obviously this e-mail should also go to many fans of Rabbi Nachman who happen to be living in Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. "How to get the remains of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov moved from Uman, Ukraine to somewhere in Israel" ©by Dennis Patrick Tate2019 For the record once my Breslovian Chassidic Israeli friend gets replies from the Israeli Breslovian Chassicic community the cost for all that I can do for them to assist them to make this happen will be one Canadian dollar and / or one Israeli shekel which I should be able to come up with to donate myself. By doing this in this way I am attempting to fit the basic profile of another person with a Cyrus calling, destiny, gifting and mantle on their life. "I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will make straight all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let my exiles go free, not for price nor reward, saith Jehovah of hosts." (Isaiah 45:13) (An interesting note is that by one reckoning Ephrayim would be the thirteenth tribe of Israel but in other places he is termed the eldest son of Jacob / Yacob). Where in Israel should the remains of Rabbi Nachman be moved to? My suggestion is somewhere within the area of a proposed Ezekiel Temple complex as put forward by this poster on this forum: Ezekiel's Temple: why are we still not building? (He goes by the name "ProtectionET" on that forum). Over here on political forum he responded to this discussion that I began where I quote his website a lot: Could there be two Jerusalem Third Temples? The man who can make all of this come together is Mr. Mitt Romney and I think that the best angle to take on this is that perhaps in the sight of HaShem the G-d of Abraham he may have actually been elected President of the USA in 2012 but maybe..... just maybe... George Soros voter machines prevented the fulfillment of the White Horse President prediction that has been a part of Latter day Saint tradition for nearly a century. I will now copy and paste this opening gambit to an official Latter day Saint discussion forum.
At this time I will need to give all of you the correspondence that I began with Sanhedrin Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander back in 2010. I asked Rabbi Hollander's permission to make our discussions public because I was pretty clear that I was attempting to come up with an actual plan to give him what he wants......... the ability to offer sacrifices according to the words of Moses / Moshe on the restored Jerusalem Third Temple complex on the Jerusalem Temple Mount. (Please note the powerful case that can be presented for a Holy of Holies very near the Gihon Spring. This theory was elaborated on by a minister of my old church The Worldwide Church of God named Ernest L. Martin). Now to give you the first e-mail that I sent off to Rabbi Hollander: On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Dennis Tate <tate4pictoucentre> wrote:
©by Dennis Patrick Tate2019 How could one person be responsible for pulling off the following To Do List? That To Do List is practically "Messianic" isn't it? One way for person to pull this off would be for them to be willing to get themselves into so much debt........ and that debt was accepted by the right people and voila... the world economy could be shifted off in an entirely different direction than the one that we have been going in! My Rosh ha Shanah apology to you all I am of the belief that my over -soul has lived again and again and again...... In one sense my over- soul is separate from me.... but it is legitimate that I take responsibility for my own sins from my probable........ or at least surely possible past lives. If all of my sins of co-mission and omission.... from all of my probable past lives was added up....... my guilt would be off the scale heavy to carry........ Chapter 5, Christian Andreason: Now... an apology that was linked to a concrete offer would have some bite to it. Would the Breslovian Chassidic Jewish community of Israel accept the apology of Dennis Tate that can be linked to a plan for me to get myself tens of thousands.... then hundreds of thousands.. then millions ... then tens of million dollars into debt.... (but I accept no remuneration for my service)....... because I take the implications of the reincarnation cycle seriously! So.... Israeli Breslovian Chassidic actors and actresses could get started by coming up with proposal for lots of films, for example on specific variations of Exodus USA which I know has a lot of potential.
This guy would make a much, much, much, much better Elijah than I could possibly do...... Elijah was a marathon runner after all!
Kevin Zadai is PERFECT... .for the role of Elijah...... and Mitt Romney is perfect to play the role of an Artistic White Horse President in an alternate time line..... a fulfillment of Ezekiel thirty seven....... set in an alternate 2012 to 2020..... and voila.............. some pressing problems that are confronting President Trump due to the fact that he cares....... (if he did not care in a sense he would not have a problem)....... Here is some context..... please note how the Holy Spirit gave one name to Ms. Edie Reno and a different name to Dr. Lance Wallnau and others..... Edie Reno: Here is some more context on a possible alternative time line that may have to already have happened... .but does NOT have to be repeated by us! (Or should I write US????) Dannion Brinkley, Saved By The Light, chapter five:
I know that this sounds strange but I am ninety nine percent certain that those singers did NOT reject the real Messiah Yeshua - Jesus but instead they rejected the pale anemic and really strange version of him that Christian Scribes and Pharisees have came up with in their twisted imaginations! For example... do you see anything wrong with a plan that involves....."many called and few chosen" " a broad way leading to destruction and many going in thereat and a narrow way leading to life and few finding it".... and hell is real?????????????????? The real Messiah Yeshua - Jesus understands how Multiverse Theory = Ezekiel thirty seven X Revelation 20 X Romans eleven! the real Messiah Yeshua - Jesus told Pastor Rick Joyner that he would come back even for ONE...... so rest assured... those singers did not reject the real Messiah Yeshua - Jesus. Christian Scribes and Pharisees on the other hand would never allow the real Messiah Yeshua - Jesus to say something that would leave a near death experiencer with the impression that...... Christian Andreason: For the record.... I aught to know about Christian Scribes and Pharisees because me and my crew......we were the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst of the Messianic Gentile Pharisees... and we thought really not nice stuff about you Pentecostals....... My humble apologies...... We were wrong! (The video in post #136 is background information for all of this).
Although I know that I could do something with this proposed role..... I believe that I cannot hold a candle to two time near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava. ... "There is a tradition within Judaism that by the last day of Unleavened Bread they will pretty much know who Elijah is........ and I feel strongly that Rabbi Alon Anava does have a massive Elijah type of calling on his life. I believe he was given a massive test in his most recent brush with death....... and when he volunteered to come back to help his wife... .his kids... his students..... and his future students....... and all the people who would soon begin to do at least some Teshuvah due to listening to him....... He..... accomplished something HUGE!!!!!! I think he attained what could be termed "Elijah Consciousness".... for lack of a better phrase to describe it." The prophecies of world war 3 were true!! Find out more info from the sources you need to know!!
But now with this COVID 19 epidemic the whole world is looking for somebody somewhere to come up with a method to prevent the world economy from falling into another 1929, a Bear Market. Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal? There are several years of overlap between 2012 - 2020 which could be turned into a semi-reality science film project entitled "The White Horse President 2012 - 2020" with the years in which P. M. Stephen Harper was Prime Minister of Canada.
IF... somebody could stir up the spirit of Mr. Mitt Romney and inspire him to get involved in a project that led to the fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter forty seven.... and if an artistically inclined possible "White Horse President 2012 - 2020" joined up with President Trump on a project of interest to both Jews and Latter day Saints...... there could even be a way to positively shift the USA - Russia diplomatic relationship. Sanhedrin Asks Putin and Trump to Build Third Temple in Jerusalem An artistically inclined Mr. Mitt Romney would have the artistic freedom to take a shot at fulfilling a fascinating article by Orthodox Jewish scholar Mr. Yair Davidiy:
Could the prophet Elijah have altered history if he had NOT........ ... RAN AWAY from Queen Jezebel and her armies? In 1979 I was at the Worldwide Church of God Festival of Tabernacles / Sukkot in Charlottetown, P. E. I., (at least that is what it was called back in those days)..... .and a Pastor gave a sermon on I Kings chapter 18........ and added some bonus material. His theory was that Elijah...... had a window of opportunity to set in motion a series of events that would have led to the restoration of the Northern Kingdom of Israel........ but....... in order to do it he had to NOT RUN AWAY TO MT. HOREB??????? Would any of you debaters like to elaborate on the theory that this pastor probably put forward? This may get your creative juices working:
Mr. Aryeh ben Menashe gave me permission to post some personal correspondence between he and I......... I have truly high expectations as to what Mr. Menashe will accomplish over the next five years of his life! Mr. Menashe might just be the final Elijah here with us again....... because his efforts to get humanity to build the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex would be a brilliant opening gambit for the final Elijah to begin his game of chess with eight billion unlimited movement variables........ I term it......"Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems"....... Moshiach Yeshua - Jesus... Messiah the Passover Lamb is taking over in the affairs of men........... I am a Yom Kippur goat...... I have been for over twenty nine years..... .and by Yom Kippur 2021........ I believe that I will have replicated my own thought and behaviour pattern within hundreds if not within thousands of minds and hearts............... What I have been given since 1990 is so simple that anybody could do it....... if they have even a little bit of chutzpah and knowledge of at least a few subjects!
So...... my theory on how to unite Canada, the USA, Australia and Israel for starters....... around a plan to pay off the national debts of all four nations within five years...... is based on a number of important concepts........ 1. Our nations are all set up for a real estate boom in rural areas...... Could a real estate boom plus better Fed policy pay off USA national debt? The COVID 19 crisis is already inspiring city dwellers with a lot of money to be thinking about building a home in rural America, Canada, Australia or Israel for many reasons. One of those reasons is to be able to connect with neighbours and something happened during the Great Depression that I believe can alter the economies of all four of our nations. 2. The Worgl, Austria local money experiment as it was applied in the USA during the Great Depression. The Worgl Austria Great Depression Experiment and a real estate boom in rural America? My belief is that we must turn local governments loose to do variations of the Worgl, Austria local money experiment again. This can lead to a method of connecting people with their neighbours in each local area which can play a huge role in a boom in real estate prices in rural America and Canada.
Latter day Saints seem to be in a unique position to act as ambassadors between America and the nation of Israel..... and between Christians and Jews..... based on their teaching about Multiple Mortal Probations? Multiple Mortal Probations
An Elijah type leader should feel a calling to groups of people that the majority of Christians or Messianic Jews or Orthodox Jews would not want to attempt to reach out to...... Matthew 17:11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things." Here in post number fifty seven I begin an attempt to reach out to bring members of the Illuminati to genuine repentance....... Some of these people would tend to have a level of guilt that could rival the Apostle Paul who had compelled Messianic Jews to blaspheme..... which was probably not accomplished by tickling their toes with feathers............ Act 26:11 And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities. Illuminati totally controls orgainzed religion, politics, and the media
I am of the belief that a significant increase in unity between gifted Pentecostals like my wife with zealous and powerfully Holy Spirit led Latter day Saints will lead to a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the coming years and months and decades........ and centuries............. and even into millennia in the future...... .this will never stop. I've been in correspondence with Latter day Saints since 2018 and I believe that they are in a unique position to significantly decrease the level of hostility in the Middle East due to their tendency to identify with the Lost Tribes of Israel which put them in a special position to perhaps be willing to trade homes with Palestinians living in the West Bank or perhaps with Muslims living in any part of Israel who might be willing to move to wherever a particular LDS family happened to be living? Latter day Saints already have an agreement with the Jewish Rabbi's in Israel to not proselytize to Jews but..... Latter day Saints may even be willing to join in some variation of the Noahide Movement that is like a Jewish outreach to the Gentile world. A near death experiencer in 1992 was given a series of visions related to bringing peace to the Middle East that would have obvious "artistic value" that can be transformed into "educational value, diplomatic value and yes economic value" in the form of reality film projects where Latter day Saints end up living in Israel...... having traded places with an Israeli family who would prefer to live wherever those Latter day Saints happened to have their home. Now we are in a position to even liven things up further if the Latter day Saints could make an agreement with the nation of China to pay a ransom for Uighur Muslims who perhaps become students at BYU in Jerusalem, or at any BYU campus. It is obvious that the nation of China sure does not want Uighur Muslims living in their nation so this presents a special opportunity to set in motion something that could alter the formula in the Middle East because...... if the LDS had an agreement that rescued thousand and soon tens of thousands and soon hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslims and moved them out of China..... I suspect that Uighur Muslims who have been saved from a modern Holocaust would tend to be very difficult to convince to become "suicide bombers" due to their level of thankfulness for their new nation that may accept them? For the record I personally could not catch onto the logic for "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" until I read "Way of Holiness and the Sacred Hoop" by the same near death experiencer. It has been estimated that the Latter day Saints church could come up with a hundred billion dollars if they had to and I believe that they would be open to a variation of Theistic Evolutionary Theory that would tend to lay a foundation for the idea that perhaps each human life has something like infinite value to a Creator composed of fundamental or nearly fundamental energy who was "evolving" and learning over infinite time even before the last major Big Bang type event. Investing in saving human lives through some variation of "art" could potentially transform and boost the world economy out of this COVID 19 economic slump that fits with the two factors needed for a time of hyperinflation. 1. print extra money 2. DRAMATICALLY REDUCE PRODUCTIVITY This is a basic idea that Agnostics, Atheists, Latter day Saints, Jews, Muslims and many other people all over the world could potentially cooperate to some degree on. I have in mind a new genre of film entitled "semi-reality science fiction" that deals with the predictions of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other prophecies for the latter days or last hour that........ create acting jobs and address some of the circumstances that might tend to produce WWIII. Here is an ancient Islamic prediction that I believe Agnostics, Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Christians and many other people could cooperate on: In theory film footage that actually saves lives and makes the world a somewhat better and safer place for everybody could play the role of metaphorical "gold" in backing up an increase in the supply of "money" in one form or another. AND NOW TO DONATE MY AUDITION FOR THE ROLE OF THE FINAL ELIJAH............ and I wish to go up against the brilliant and amazingly gifted Mr. Robert Mendelson!!!!!!!!!!!! So who am I donating my audition to??????? Pretty much any group who would tend to take my audition somewhat seriously and recognize that it might just have some artistic value?!
Hey Mordorbund... have you ever been to New Orleans? If so..... then..... How about a reality film series plus semi- reality science fiction film series set in New Orleans where the extremely funny Christian Comedian Dr. Jesse Duplantis stars as himself................. and he puts forward a ONE QUADRILLIION Dr. Jesse Duplantis volunteerism Hour and / or Dr. Jesse Duplantis Volunteerism Dollar and / or a Dr. Jesse Duplantis Volunteerism Shekel.......... and he attempts to join the USA with Israel in a treaty that is win - win - win - win - win - win - win that I will sell to him for one dollar......... and will include tens of thousands of words of text that is already online...... on public discussion forums???? I term this "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" and the word "field" is subject to definition! I could be wrong.... I often am.... but..... it seems to me that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus has made some sort of treaty / covenant with Latter day Saints based on them performing a special service that will give joy to the Ancient of Days the Heavenly Father ........ and that will eventually fit with Applied Multiverse Theory hinted at in Ezekiel chapter thirty seven, Revelations chapter twenty and Romans chapters nine, ten and eleven. This is on a Latter day Saint discussion forum: .... "but what does the Holy Spirit / Ruach ha Kodesh tell you about this idea? Back in 1988 Dr. Jesse Duplantis began to pray differently after he had an unusual heavenly experience from which he wrote the book "Close Encounters of the God Kind." His friend Kevin Zadai was shown during his near death experience that our prayers can send out a SHOCK WAVE that will destroy the kingdom of Satan......... by 1990 the shock wave from Dr. Jesse's new way of praying.................. reached Nova Scotia, Canada!"
All that text and I never once put in chapter thirteen of The Book of Enoch......
So.... how about I submit my literary "audition" for the role of a latter day "Elijah' to the twenty seven thousand residents of the City of Sderot........ and they assist me with my Israeli residency......... because my going for full fledged citizenship could be an issue if my campaign for the office of P. M. of Canada happens to take off for some reason??????? Proposal for the creation of a Sderot Volunteerism Hour..... People's Party of Canada national leadership race.