
Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Burning Giraffe, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Burning Giraffe

    Burning Giraffe New Member

    May 21, 2008
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    We have reached an age at which unimaginable amounts of information are disseminated to millions of people simultaneously. Since the majority of our beliefs are derived from authority, meaning that they have been explained to us by the people who have discovered them; and since we accept the lessons of authority insofar as they are not contradicted in our daily experience; we may now have arrived at such a grand number of authorities from which our beliefs are derived, that the ensuing mental chaos makes the obviousness of the contradictions of our beliefs, utterly inconspicuous.

    I have always been interested in philosophy, but rarely am privileged with philosophical conversations with friends or the public. However, I am, and always have been interested in all that has been derived from empirical philosophy: the natural sciences, economics, politics, psychology, and sociology. Of these topics I’ve had many opportunities to discuss the beliefs, opinions, and ideas with a large number of people. It strikes me, more now than ever before, that the number of contradictory beliefs that people seem capable of holding has reached some bizarre critical mass.

    This can be explained, I believe, by the decline of the authority of religion in the western world. People have turned to social and political idealists for their worldviews and values; and there seems to be no end to the number of authorities and medias concerning social and political idealism. Science plays less and less a role in any pragmatic discussion, while social, economic, and environmental concerns are of increased importance to the people.

    No longer do cultural idealists and bureaucrats take refuge within The Church; churches now pick sides with the idealists and bureaucrats. Religion itself has become political in new and influential ways. In the past, Kings and Queens paid homage to the cultural supremacy and moral authority of Religion, but now Religion pays homage to the cultural supremacy and moral authority of Government. Much of this movement began with Christianity and Democracy, which oddly enough seemed to have begun devouring themselves.

    In the search for truth, science and mathematics should be at the forefront of our minds. Our own empirical experience, despite our bias and prejudice, has always served to better acclimate us to our environment. Now, there are plenty of people who feel that reason and science, as primary causes of industry and capitalism, are actually in opposition to our dealings with Nature. There are anecdotal incidences of this throughout history, especially during early industrialization. But there is no profit in destroying the world, so Capitalism won’t stand for a total depletion of economic resources, without alternatives. Science has served as the only practical expression of environmentalism, to my knowledge.

    What I’m witnessing today, what alarms me, is that people seem to hold beliefs for no reason. The contradictions that manipulate them are not caused by religious faith or mystic fears; but rather popular opinion; more specifically, a increasingly global popular opinion. As if by democratic decree we can, as a species, decide what is real and what isn’t, what is true and what isn’t, on the basis of our own collective desires. This silliness has infested governments, religions, and even scientific establishments which try to use their scientific credentials to manipulate the global public.

    So I’ve taken an increased interest in who our authorities are: you’d be surprised how influential bloggers, radio talk show hosts, television commentators, and journalists are in shaping the direction and the events of our day. Individuality, which isn’t always pretty (if we remember the 70s, 80s, and 90s), is still preferable to this global, collectivist movement toward mass idealism. Mass insanity. Mass hysteria.

    Right now, people are amassing on mountain tops in France because they believe the end of the world is coming on December 21st. There is a massive run on Kerosene in Russia, in preparation for the apocalypse. There is no science, no empirical reason for this hysteria; but there it is. I think people should take a look at the authorities they’ve accepted when forming their beliefs about the realities of this world. If Hollywood, Fox News, CNN, or Al Jazeera are your primary sources of information and knowledge, then you might be in trouble. Religion isn’t much help to Mankind these days either. I’m no atheist, but I’ve often been horrified by the fear mongering and petty interferences of the Christian churches throughout the world. Maybe society needs to step back, return to study, return to science and real empirical academics, before destroying themselves in some mindless pursuit of a world which will never be – where everything is equal, everything is secure, everything is good.

    Please, I beg you, end this madness! On December 22nd, there are going to be a lot of people who will look pretty (*)(*)(*)(*) silly, but they won’t recognize the failings of their reasoning. They’ll rationalize some new mysticism and create some new wildly improbable reality to believe in. I have no idea what it will be. But I’ll be sure to read the blogs, watch CNN, and listen to Sean Hannity, so that I’ll know what the rest of Mankind will be thinking three months down the road.
  2. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    There was a massive purchase of salt in Russia. And I was the part of it. The thing is that I don't believe that Apocalypse will happen on a given date. I believe it is near (like every christian nowadays I think) but there is no sense for it was written that no date or hour will be known. So if it all ends tomorrow - so be it.
    The reason that I bought a little bit more salt than I actually needed was that some silly people would buy it anyway. And once the doomsday will not come they will have salt as silly people, and I as a clever guy will have no. That's why some strategic goods need to be purchased before the panic begins. And if you can do it secretely (because the silly guys will make their own conclusions for your conduct).
  3. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Excellent post , i think that in the era of information the key to survive is to accept that everyone has a point and specially people who do not agree with you and this signals the beginning of the end for dogmatism . Authoritarian institutions like regimes , churches, schools of thought of various kinds and in short everyone operating under a dogma is questioned and judged.
    Since humans are not flawless nothing man made or man thought is perfect so naturally the flaws come into surface , magnified and then exposed to the eyes of the public ; then dogmas are ripped to shreds while flexible branches of human institutions and thoughts can evolve and revise . For example science can take criticism and use it as a tool to move forward .
    Christianity is a very flexible thing , since it is obvious that they are losing ground and the number of their supporters is dwindling what we experience today is them playing their last cards before going to play in the opposite table.
  4. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I think it's silly to try to hide from the end of the world. How often does something like that happen? I want a front row seat. I want to see it happening. I sure wouldn't want to be a survivor. And how can you be a survivor when the world ends? It will be gone. So how will you survive when there's nothing left? The world just ended!! When you see people taking steps to survive "the end of the world" you are looking at idiots who are incapable of rational thought.

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