AZ Sec Of State Wont Let Obama On Ballot Unless Hawaii Shows More Birth Records

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by Shilliam Watner, May 16, 2012.

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    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Blah blah blah.

    The only ones I find calling President Obama the Messiah are Conservatives- which I find really telling.

    And I have not one fear about the upcoming election. The election will be determined by the voters, who justifiably are concerned about the economy- not all your extreme right wing craziness but the economy- and if the economy hasn't improved much by then, if unemployment is still this high- Obama will likely lose.

    That doesn't really concern me much. I would prefer that Obama wins but regardless of who wins, I will not spend the following 4 years trying to argue that that President is not really the President. We as a nation will survive regardless of who is elected.

    Oh and you know what?

    Lots of Birthers are birthers because they are racists.

    Lots of racists are Birthers because they are racists.

    That you find it necessary to defend them, and pretend that they aren't.....well thats your problem.
  2. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    As you say..."blah, blah, blah". You continue to throw around the ugly slur of RACIST at people who dare to doubt your President Magnificent's strange trail of improbable stories -- and steadfastly refuse to offer any justification or proof for throwing your RACE CARDS at them. Keep it up! I've always had grudging admiration for Obama's Praetorian Guard for their obedient, lapdog loyalty, but it should never be confused with higher levels of intelligence.... :spin:
  3. jackson33

    jackson33 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2011
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    JEFF if you have some extra time please glance through the following 2008 article, with some "updates", with an open mind, even if you've seen it before. You should see a pattern, IMO, of a narcissistic personality, frankly rarely found in the black race. I'm not going to argue the articles content or my psychological opinion, but ask if you believe their may be a non racial difference between this person and any other person, ever to attain the Presidency.

    I don't know your age, but any person under 50 better have some fears over this years elections. I'm not sure even electing Romney will solve any problems, in that it appears Romney would be just as dangerous with a Republican Congress, as was Obama in his first two years or Bush 43, failing to VETO spending bills during his tenure.

    Some people have been using the so called "birther issue" for relief, but there will be dozens of other issues coming from seemingly no where, if Obama is re-elected. Suing States, even people in certain States are winning few friends and there will be no money around to bail out anything. Tolerance seen with Carter's one term, seen today with Obama, will not support a second Obama term.

    Please explain to me how the "Black Farmers Reparations" is not racist, then I'll explain for the 100th time, that few "birthers" are racist simply based on his qualifications. Said another way if a person does NOT approve of any policy, to you they must be racist, the reverse being, any action taken by Obama must also be racist. Today there must be a hundred other issues, people are using against the administration, that is preaching "Social Justice", opposed to "Individualism and responsibility" or that 1789 Document called the CONSTITUTION.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I wasn't looking for this but it sort of dropped in my lap

    Does racial prejudice play a role in questions about Barack Obama's citizenship, a topic much in the news given today's birth certificate news conference? Yes indeed, suggests one recent psychology study
    Pollycy and (deleted member) like this.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Black Farmers Reparation? Is that the settlement because of accusations that black farmers were systematically excluded from USDA farm subsidy programs? Is that it? How would that be racist?

    I see many attacks on Obama based upon his policies and actions- I don't consider those to be racist unless there is some particular racist bent to them. However Birthers demand something specifically different- and demand that Obama be treated differently than every other candidate, past and present. For some it is clear to me that this is because of race. But I do not assume that every racist is a Birther- but certainly racism is a component for many.
  6. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Birthers - frightened of the big, scary black man in the White House :grin:
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Interesting study, and I really did read the synopsis. The person who orchestrated the study, Eric Hehman, has gained renown recently in liberal circles for investigations into "emotional influences in facial-recognition, the accurate detection of prejudice, and whether restored perceptions of control can reduce the negative psychological and physiological health outcomes associated with being a victim of discrimination" . It is also interesting, but not surprising, to see some of his other areas of research: And here's a good look at Hehman... he's the one on the left (no double-entendre intended): I do find it odd that Hehman did not mention the fact that Obama is half-Black, but that might have diluted his hypothesis.

    So, you did produce a link to a credible source that produces a workable hypothesis that there is an observed phenomenon of racial prejudice in people who doubt Obama's "Americanism" (to use Hehman's description). However much Hehman's work in this study strongly suggests a highly subjective interpretation of relatively few facts and scanty data, obviously produced for consumption by fellow liberals in an "academic" venue, the fact is that you did produce a link! Good for you! You are now much more entitled to sling race cards and shout curses at "birthers" and other Obama skeptics than most others in Obama's Praetorian Guard. I suggest you share Hehman's "research" with them so that they can use these as ammunition, too. If I were a member of Obama's Praetorian Guard, that is exactly what I would do....

    I will not try to counter Hehman with "research" that I can go find on the web suggesting that "birthers are not racists". Frankly, the level of unbiased, fact-focused research is inadequate among these "pro-birther" studies also, in my opinion -- and I don't want to cheapen the discussion by throwing some half-baked link at you just because you produced a bonafide link that backed your position.

    With tongue in cheek, I herewith award you one rep point, whether you want it from a loathesome person like me or not. In my own way, I try to be fair, whether I enjoy it or not.... I'll save my enjoyment for sunrise on November 7th.

  8. jackson33

    jackson33 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2011
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    So no Asian's, Mexican's, Jew's or White's were "systematically excluded from farm programs", which is in fact a crime by people running the program*, not the tax payers, who paid the fines. Nonsense and the end results were tens of thousands of one race received reparations for being of a certain race, not being farmers turned down for a loan. Most in fact were not and had never been farmers. It is and was (Pigford I) reparations. Aside from my logical conclusion, confirmed by others, what kind of precidence could it serve, if not reparation. American's of all demographics are turned down DAILY for all kinds of loans or guarantee's, for hundreds of reasons and would be justified recourse if the pretend solutions were other than reparations.

    Your trying to generalize the term "birther", knowing 99% of who you and others here call birther's, are SIMPLY SKEPTICAL of his HISTORY, for reasons he obfuscated the truth. All this could have been, should have been cleared up before the 2008 Elections and was not.

    There is and always will be a "component" of racism or more to the point cultural differences in other people or societies, it's natural and does work BOTH ways. Being white (whatever that means) and living most my life in the Hispanic Culture, I've seen it from angles most never could. Being called the "Gringo", never bothered me or did my family and friends being called "Wet Backs", because it was a natural and accepted obvious difference. I don't think a Black Republican Presidential Candidate or a lady from Russia practicing law in the US, an opponent of Obama in 2008 or her supporters were RACIST or do I feel people NOW opposed to Obama have, by that definition, turned racist....

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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  10. jackson33

    jackson33 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2011
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    JEFF; The rhetorical answer would be to label those opposed to voter skepticism, that they are the biased ones, fearing poor little Obama is being mis-treated or if you prefer, are having an emotional reaction. The probable real response is that because Obama is Black, really does not have a Traditional American Name, so should be given extra space for any errors. Must being working because he keeps making the points...

    To be President, we have a process, like it or not and many people feel that process was violated in 2008. I'm sure every President from Washington has received the same comments from their opposition, but with today's media and liberal voting requirements, most anyone could violate that process. To be a citizen and member of the American Society the process is and should be much less, but that SHOULD NOT mean everyone born on US soil is qualified. Think about this, the last three and this election; Clinton, Bush 43, Obama and no doubt Obama or Romney!!! Is maybe something not working right or is the system failing, are we going down hill or up with the choices???

    BUT, in April of last year, only 38% of American's had NO DOUBT, Obama was born in Hawaii, the rest having various degree of doubts. While this is probably accurate, to be fair, most that doubted either before the election or in April 2011 probably didn't care. I wonder which is worse, not caring or trying to establish a factual truth? Secondly, Gore and millions of his supporters, probably even you won't accept that Bush 43, won a plurality of the 2000 vote, the electoral college and was confirmed by Congress!

    And we're being told, Obama is the most fiscally responsible President since whoever, or the hundreds of items that come out of Washington everyday. Sorry, after studying Chicago Politics years ago, especially Richard Daley, I don't accept what any Government tells me, not even my local school board.

    It's too bad, some people just refuse to accept they live/work for Government, constantly asking questions, expecting HONEST answers, but when they are stopped, it will be over.
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I will not say I have never seen a Birther ask an honest question...but I have never seen a Birther ask an honest question twice.

    Birthers are not looking for honest answers- otherwise they would have stopped the first time or the second time they were answered- but Birthers being who they are- just move the goal posts and explain away any answers. No answer is ever acceptable to a Birther unless it condemns President Obama.

    President Obama posts a copy of his Hawaii issued birth certificate online and Birthers claim it is not a real birth certificate- because it is missing a doctors signature and name of hospitial.

    Hawaii confirms that Obama was born there, and Birthers find nits in the statement, trying to argue that Dr. Fukino didn't really say what she said- and if she did say it, she broke the law.

    And so it goes. Each time another confirmation is issued, Birthers make excuses why that confirmation can't possibly be valid.

    Birthers lol.

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