Back to the empire, or restoration of historical justice by Putin

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Alik Bahshi, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Putin is going to make Russia great again but it's quite different from territorial aggrandizement. The Crimea was a Russian possession until the 1950s and Ukraine was in charge of administering the region temporarily. Putin would not take over another region or country.
  2. SvenO100

    SvenO100 Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Wow, where should I start my comment, too much crazy talk in this thread.

    Putin does not want to take over the Baltic States or Finland, the people there are not Russian. (There are small Russian populations there because of the population transfers that took place in the time of the Soviet Union, but that is irrelevant in this current conversation.) I will also throw in a quote from Putin "Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain."

    Russia is defending its spheres of influence and America/NATO and the EU are trying to expand their own spheres of influence at the expense of Russia. That is what they tried to do with Georgia and that ended in a war, the same is happening with Ukraine. Russia is not afraid to defend its spheres of influence, we are just provoking them. (We because I am a citizen in the European Union.) America backed the overthrow of a democratically elected government. It might have been a corrupt government but it was democratically elected. The only difference the new one has is that its supportive towards America but it is just as corrupt.

    The people of eastern Ukraine and Crimea often speak Russian, even if they are Ukranian and not of Russian ethnicity. A good friend of mine is Ukranian, he is from the Crimea. His family moved here when he was younger but he still has a lot of family that lives in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. He visits Crimea every year and throughout all this he has continued to support Putin and Russia, most of Crimea does. He is Ukranian but he speaks Russian, he feels more at home with Russia then he does with Ukraine. That is the opinion of the far majority of people in Crimea and even in some regions of Eastern Ukraine. Does that make it okay to outright occupy land? No it does not, but America can not point fingers at Russia whilst it continues to support the illegal occupation of land currently done by Israel.

    Anyway, the conclusion is that Russia is not going to invade the Baltics or Finland. They just want to keep their sphere of influence, this includes Ukraine and Belarus (As well as countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus.)
  3. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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  4. SvenO100

    SvenO100 Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    It is important to note that the people in Crimea want to be with Russia, and so do some people in Eastern Ukraine. It is not the same situation though, otherwise Russia would have annexed the Eastern part of Ukraine just like they welcomed Crimea into the fold. The region of Eastern Ukraine rose up on its own but with Russian support, it is important to understand the difference of the situation. This also shows you that there is discontent with the people that live there, you need something for you to be able to exploit a situation.

    Now, a very important detail to remember is that a Soviet politican signed away Crimea to Ukraine during the times of the Soviet Union, allegedly whilst drunk. He simply did this to make administration a little easier and with the thought in mind that the Soviet Union would always be a thing, The Ukraine would never be seperated from Russia. Before that, the Crimea has always belonged to Russia and it since the Soviet times it has also been populated with a majority of ethnic Russians.

    You can absolutely not, regardless of your personal opinion towards Russia, call this an ordinary land grab. It goes so much deeper then that, this is a sensitive issue. What Russia did is perhaps not correct, but it is a logical reaction that you get from poking the bear. The West overthrew a corrupt but democratically elected government and replaced it with an equally corrupt but pro-western government whom had great dislike towards Russia. You seperated two brothers, The Ukraine and Russia. You are not American, I assume by your name atleast. But that was like seperating Canada from America or Belgium from The Netherlands or Poland and Hungary. The West tried to take something out of the Russian Sphere of influence and the Russian bear reacted much like it did in Georgia.

    We should have seen this coming this was no surprise.
  5. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Well, consider the situation in Crimea. The first referendum was held in the Crimea after the introduction of Russian troops in the Crimea. It is a fact! Similar referendums were held in Moscow, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 1940, after the occupation by Russian troops. It is a fact! Further, in the Crimea were Russian in the majority as a result of killings and deportation of the indigenous people of Crimea and its settlement by Russian, which provided assistance on the part of Russia. It is also a fact! Crimea is not traditionally Russian territory, and therefore handed over Ukraine, otherwise this will never happen. Imagine the situation if, for example, California will be a lot of Russian, then Moscow will introduce in the California Army and to hold a referendum on the Russian desire to California to join Russia. Do you think that such an action would be legal? The same situation in the East of Ukraine, due to destruction of the Ukrainian population forcibly taking away food (Holodomor) of 1932-1933. Died about 3, 5 million Ukrainians. In these desolate lands to settle Russian as a result of eastern Ukraine today lives a lot of Russian, who also held at Moscow's support for the referendum. This is true, in which the liar Putin does not want to admit.
    (*)(*)Lying that Khrushchev was a drunkard your lies! The same lie that the revolution in the Ukraine did the Americans. And the most important thing is that Russia has no right to interfere in Ukrainian affairs, that there did not happen. Better Russia would deal with its internal affairs, and climbed in other states.
  6. SvenO100

    SvenO100 Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    So you are telling me that a people whom conquered land do not own the land even if they hold it for many, many years? Oh, boy. I guess uhm.. yeah, we have to evacuate the United States of America then. See how that argument does not make sense? All the land that every country holds was conquered at one point in time, the same goes for Crimea. Russia has held Crimea for a long time in history and the majority of the people there are ethnically Russian. That is why it is a whole different story, do not let your negative bias over rule your common sense.

    The deportations of the Crimean Tartars happened during the rule of the Soviet Union but does not have any relevancy when discussing the subject today. The people are now for a majority ethnically Russian and Ukranian, with the Crimean Tartars reflecting a small percentage of the population. Times have changed, it's still rule by a majority. You act as if Russia deported all the Crimean Tartars two years ago and then brought in truckloads of ethnic Russians to take their place.

    Starvation of the Ukranian people, something that happened under the Soviet Regime many years ago. This does not reflect on Russia and has no relevancy in this discussion. The people that live there now are either Russian, Ukranians whom speak Russian and identify with Russia, or they are Ukranian and speak their native language.

    As for the referendum. I know an Ukranian man whom moved to my country when he was little, he is Ukranian and he happens to be from Crimea. He has family in Crimea and he goes to Crimea every single year to visit his family. He also speaks Russian as opposed to Ukranian. When this was still a hot button issue, I asked him to reflect on the conflicting news stories and he could confirm that the majority of people there did indeed want to join Russia. The majority of the people are Russians or Ukranians that identify with Russia. You cannot compare referendums that took place during the Soviet Regime some 70 years ago to the situation today.

    Do you know what the work allegedly means? I did not confirm it as a fact, above is a direct quote from my post. I think you owe me an apology for calling me a liar.

    Last but not least. This world works with spheres of influences, you do not have to like it but that is fact. If this was America or China, they would have had the same reaction as Russia, no doubt.
  7. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Your position justifies the aggression in all cases, for any country. From your point of view Tatars can claim the entire territory of Russia, as well as Iranians, because the Scythians lived once north of the Black Sea is the Iranian peoples. Based on your logic, Italy may also require extensive himself the former Roman Empire, which existed 1,600 years. That Russia is guilty of millions of Ukrainians who died of starvation rather than the Ukrainians themselves. Maybe you deny the Holocaust and the guilt of Germany? Maybe Chechens, Circassians, Kabardians, Crimean Tatars were exiled themselves from their land? Who is to blame for these crimes on ethnic grounds? Do not blame Russian, who came to the lands of others?
  8. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Yes , but not aggressive, and only if ......If the residents of these lands will agree with their claims.:smile:
  9. Alik Bahshi

    Alik Bahshi Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    By the way, Germany can require Kёninsberg. This area had historically belonged to Russia. If Russia had violated the agreement by attaching itself Crimea, then Germany has the right to spit on the postwar reconstruction of borders in Europe.
  10. SvenO100

    SvenO100 Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    No, your argument is flawed. If you look at what is now Kalingrad, it is inhabitated completely by Russians, not Germans. That is the difference, if it had been inhabitated by Germans then sure, Germany could have made a claim on the region, but not any longer. You can't just take any region of land just because at some point in history your people lived there, no. If however your people are still living there, such as with Crimea, they have a fair argument in taking back the region, especially seeing as the people of that region want to join with the country that is doing it, in this case Russia. If the Dutch speaking part of Belgium wanted to join The Netherlands then we'd have a fair argument in taking that land for ourselves. However, we couldn't take all of Belgium because the other half is French. Understand?
  11. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    You're lying constantly, because you constantly ignore the main aspect. .:smile:

    Crimean residents wanted to return to Russia. They returned to Russia as soon as possible. This is a fact.
    The main thing here is not "Russia attaching", but "the Crimean residents wanted to return to the Crimea."

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