Go to the story to see the quotes that I could not cut-and-paste here because I don't know how to cut-and-paste images. SO OBAMA LOVERS, WHY DID YOUR MESSIAH CLAIM TO BE BORN IN KENYA FIVE TIMES IN SIXTEEN YEARS???? And why does it make anyone a "Birther" to believe Obama was telling the truth during this 16-year period of time? If Obama was really born in Kenya, then he is LYING now when he claims to be born in Hawaii. If Obama was really born in Hawaii, then he was LYING then when he claimed to be born in Kenya. Either way, Obama is the BIGGEST CONMAN AND LIAR EVER ELECTED U.S. PRESIDENT AND SHOULD BE IMPEACHED FOR HIS LIES.
I was hesitant to get behind your post because, on the face of it, the info presented here seems no more credible (upon an admittedly cursory perusal of your post) than previous accusations of the same nature from other investigators and/or authors. However, I am now going to read your info in earnest and without an undue amount of skepticism. Why has my attitude changed? I read the author's bio at the link. Impressive.
Really? Another Thread today? Take a breather before you burst something, go outside get a little fresh air and enjoy life a minute or two. Enjoy
ROTFLMAO-----Here's my opinion on this extreme right ring conspiracy theory----Hillary Clinton really,really,really wanted to be POTUS-she ran a extremely hard campaign against OBAMA ,if there was anything for OBAMA to hide-Hillary would have found it-she was working night & day trying to find something,anything---so,there's that & also the newspaper article in a Hawaii newspaper announcing OBAMA's birth. Now if one would think someone put that announcment in the paper on the off chance that 40 years later OBAMA would run for POTUS & needed to start a coverup when OBAMA was 1 day old-----that person is as "nutty" as the woman ( Orly Taits) that said she was a lawyer from Florida. You know,she was so hell bent on proving that OBAMA was from Kenya-she" falsified" papers & tried to pass them off as legitimate-
This silly story has been around for five years.. Most reporters are not hookwinked. It was an error.
Well of course he never did. Your quote even shows that he didn't. Oh that idiocy doesn't make one a Birther- ignoring the evidence makes someone a Birther. The State of Hawaii has repeatedly- and consistantly since 2008, and through two administrations confirmed that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. Since there is absolutely no evidence that he was born anywhere OTHER than Hawaii the answer is that neither he- or Republican Governor Linda Lagle are lying when they say he was born in Hawaii. Since he never claimed to be born in Kenya, this claim is of course a lie. Since your entire post consists of lie after lie....well hard to take very seriously eh? Lets review the lies one by one: As I noted in this morning’s post, the lie started in earnest in 1991 when he allowed his publicist to put out the claim:- note that the author even acknowledges here that Barack Obama didn't make this claim. And the publicist herself said it was her mistake- and that Barack Obama never said he was born in Kenya. 2) Even the AP got into the act. In 2004 they headlined Obama’s Kenyan roots with this opening salvo: The AP never made any such claim. A newspaper in Africa made that claim, altering an AP story. AP itself denied ever making any such claim. And note- this is not Obama making a claim. So to recoup: You have provided two claims about Obama being born in Kenya- neither of which Obama made. Either you are an accomplice in a lie, or you are a gullible Obama hater, who lets your hate blind you to facts. Whichever- its wrong. - - - Updated - - - What facts? Why are you so easily fooled?
Well, its funny how so many people believed Obama was born in Kenya, until it was no longer convenient for Obama to be born in Kenya, and then he wasn't. Where are his college records? Why does he hide them? Some people think its because he got special scholarships for foreign students because he claimed he was born in Kenya. But I guess we'll never know, because Obama has kept it all a secret. And sure, Obama is entitled to keep secrets right? Even though he forced open an opponent's closed divorce records in order to destroy him.
If you noticed how WJC parsed every word he could during his Monica testimonies maybe you will be appreciative of how their obviously hard fought, no love lost campaign organizations could also have AT LEAST one fundamental bit of common ground which would cause them to stop short of annihilating the other. Maybe more than one thing in common. Saul Alinsky, the radical. They both studied Alinsky. Hillary did her college thesis on his philosophy. Barry taught his techniques in Alinsky's own organization, iirc. Like two American fighting men in Korea, one a Black soldier from NYC, the other a soldier from Tennesee who belonged to the Klan. They might have wanted to kill the other in the USA, but when the chips were down they fought side by side and defended each other from their common enemy. And if that wasn't enough, they also have radical Socialist professors, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, in common. Those two created the strategy of overloading the govenment's entitlement programs to cause the entire economy to collapse. They were videotaped at a Clinton function in a receiving line and their Cloward-Piven strategy was at the heart of tactics used by ACORN, which Obama once represented as legal counsel, iirc. So, even though they were competitors, bitter competitors, they also had a common vision of what they wanted America to be. That common vision allowed them to work together as POTUS and Sec'y of State. That same loyalty to their common vision that common ideology prevented either one to annihilate the other if/when they might have. A common radical Socialist vision can make for strange bedfellows.
I doubt that you can impeach him for claiming a Kenyan birth prior to his campaign and election, but it does go to show that he has no character and will be whatever he needs to be to get what he wants, or in brief, that he is a politician.
This story has been around for 5 years.. and the publicist has said it was an error. Its NOT been kept "secret".
I guess that proves he is the "messiah", according to the right, considering he was eligible for a drivers license when he was born......
I can't imagine the consternation SFJEFF will experience when he realizes there is yet ANOTHER Black conservative who he can't accuse of disliking Obama because of his color!
Well,that is a rather long winded interesting approach to your opinion on the matter-my point is rather simple-Hillary fought really hard to win the Presidency-if she could have found any proof about OBAMA not being eligible to even run-she would have released it-she didn't stop short of anything-she had to be (almost) dragged off the campaign stage-she fought for every super deligate vote she could muster. How I look at OBAMA making Hillary SOS is he realized how valuable Hillary was to the party & it is better to keep your enemy's close type thinking.
Nobody believed that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, until Birthers started that story. Starting from his birth announcement in 1960, to newspaper and magazine articles from when he was in Harvard, to 2011 when the State of Hawaii confirmed it again- consistantly what was published was that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. Birthers lol His college records are where your college records are- at his colleges. Barack Obama acted like every previous President, and like candidates McCain and Romney and declined to release his college records. Why do you think that Obama should be treated differently from everyone else? Some people think that Bush engineered 9/11. Some people are idiots. But what we do know: Birthers demand Obama's 'secrets' but never the 'secrets' of any other President or candidate. What we do know- that Birthers demand that Obama be treated differently All candidates are entitled to refuse to release records- like Bush didn't release his Harvard records, and Romney didn't release his Harvard records. Why do you insist that Obama be treated differently?
What the hell are you talking about? Not all Birthers are racists, but certainly some Birthers are racists. And Birthers never reject a Birther just because he is a racist. Meanwhile- once again- why do you think that Obama should be treated differently than every other President and Presidential candidate?
The publisher wrote a brochure with short bios of 20 or 30 prospective writers(Obama hadn't been published yet). The author said it was her mistake in editing, that Barack Obama never told her that he was born in Kenya. She hasn't said how she made the error but think about this: Barack Obama Jr. was not well known then. Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. I think the junior editor mixed up Sr. with Jr. What we do know is that both before that obscure brochure, and afterwards, articles about Barack Obama were published in major newspapers and national magazines stating that he was born in Hawaii. - - - Updated - - - Well it would if any of that was actually true...... But since it isn' shows that the original author has no character and is willing to lie to slander Barack Obama.
The GOP and FOX noise weren't able to prove this BS or get this stuff out before the election huh? Yeah...I believe ya. LOL