Beck says Government is hiding something. Threatens to spill the beans monday.

Discussion in 'Other Political Issues' started by Defengar, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Not really. His television show was quite good. That's been the problem with him being strictly radio now (save for his internet show which I'm not sure if he still does). His style is more that of a professor. It works well with the black board and diagrams. Conversely, his voice by itself is not as compelling as his fellow radio contemporaries like Rush and Hannity. And it makes him boring to listen to. Thus I'm not really all that surprised at him trying to maybe pull a few rabbits out of his hat to generate additional interest.
  2. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    what a joke, glenn beck is a dunce

    only if you're completely ignorant of what the truth is

  3. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    You really need some new words in your vocabulary. Half your posts are nothing but, "what a joke." Unless you're just a happy guy that likes to laugh at everything, I might suggest expanding your vernacular.
  4. exotix

    exotix New Member Past Donor

    Feb 29, 2012
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    Any beans yet ?
  5. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    i can guarantee you my vocabulary far exceeds yours

    this is a very partial list

    the moor's last sigh (rushdie) the strange life of ivan osokin (ouspensky) far from the madding crowd (hardy) the castle (kafka) the golden bough (frazer) nostromo (conrad) the brothers karamazov (dostoyevsky) lords and the new creatures (morrison) dead souls (gogol) the wild ass' skin (balzac) pride and prejudice (austen) silas marner (eliot) vanity fair (thackery) germinal (zola) botany of desire (pollan) zen, and the art of motorcycle maintenance (pursig) beneath the wheel (hesse) the rainbow (dh lawrence) the moviegoer (percy) the sun also rises (hemingway) pygmalion (shaw) the divine milieu (teilhard de chardin) madame bovary (flaubert) journey to the end of the night (céline) our lady of the flowers (genet) the sheltering sky (bowles) being and nothingness (sartre) barchester towers (trollope) of human bondage (maugham) iron in the soul (sartre) journey to ixtlan: the lessons of don juan (castaneda) beyond the chains of illusion (fromm) the great domains of burgundy (norman) blue trout and black truffles (wechsberg) anna karenina (tolstoy) fathers and sons (turgenev) the counterfeiters (gide) the red and the black (stendhal) swann's way (proust) the plague (camus) the queen of spades (pushkin) candide (voltaire) memoirs of a geisha (golden) on photography (sontag) ulysses (joyce) on the road (kerouac) runaway horses (mishima) catcher in the rye (salinger) bonfire of the vanities (wolfe) purity of heart is to will one thing (kierkegaard) the second sex (beauvoir) the drunken boat (rimbaud) les fleurs du mal (baudelaire) the doors of perception (huxley) a year in provence (mayle) truth is a pathless land (krishnamurti) the screwtape letters (cs lewis) utopia (more) down and out in paris and london (orwell) lolita (nabokov) the end of the road (barth) thus spake zarathustra (nietzsche) tortilla flat (steinbeck) la maison de rendez-vous (robbe-grillet) a spy in the house of love (nin) ship of fools (porter) the gulag archipelago (solzhenitsyn) bartleby (melville) the bell jar (plath) tropic of cancer (miller) stranger in a strange land (heinlein) waiting for the barbarians (coetzee) ironweed (kennedy) working (terkel) howl (ginsberg) wealth of nations (smith) the art of eating (mfk fisher) the unbearable lightness of being (kundera) les misérables (hugo) cien sonetos de amor (neruda) idylls of the king (tennyson) one hundred years of solitude (garcia) nature (emerson) miss julie (strindberg) tom jones (fielding) the interpretation of dreams (freud) the feminine mystique (friedan) the artist's way (cameron) leaves of grass (whitman) complete poems (e e cummings) secret life of salvador (dalí) the voyage of the beagle (darwin) cybernetics (wiener) bleak house (dickens) fahrenheit 451 (bradbury) life against death (brown) naked lunch (burroughs) critique of pure reason (kant) future shock (toffler) angels in america (kushner) man's fate (malraux) call of the wild (london) rubaiyat (omar khayyam) in it what's in it (rumi) the golden ass (apuleius) metamorphoses (ovid) the fountainhead (rand) ode to psyche (keats) the theatre and its double (artaud) an actor prepares (stanislavski) an anthropologist at work (mead) an inquiry into meaning and truth (russell) the new york trilogy (auster) the family of man (steichen) the magic barrel (malamud) mystics and zen masters (merton) tractatus logico-philosophicus (wittgenstein) the crucible (miller) silverado squatters (stevenson) phaedrus (plato) juliette (sade) walden (thoreau) wealth of nations (smith) one flew over the cuckoo's nest (kesey) the experience of meditation (shear) free to choose (friedman) prospects of money (keynes) empires of trust (madden) lust for life (stone) thérèse (mauriac) man and his symbols (jung) the jungle (sinclair) an american tragedy (dreiser) letters to a young poet (rilke) billy budd (melville) dr zhivago (pasternak) still life with woodpecker (robbins) the circle game (atwood) ponder heart (welty) dead in the family (harris) timbuktu (auster) never cry wolf (mowat)
  6. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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  7. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    You know a lot of words. I'm impressed. Do you know "dog" and "tree?"
  8. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    So, did Beck spill the beans on Zooey Deschanel being behind all this?


  9. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    LOL, the guy has seriously lost it. I knew that when I saw him blubber on his show. Complete lunatic.

    And I remember when all the conspiracy theorists were leftists. I guess crazy has no political affiliation.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Beck is a colossal moron, but Alex Jones took the cake on this one. It must be exhausting to be this paranoid!

  11. Defengar

    Defengar New Member

    May 7, 2011
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  12. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    yes, i know 'dog' and 'tree' very well
  13. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Boston bombing suspect describes plot

    Investigators report that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev says he and brother Tamerlan planned the marathon attack alone a week or so before the race – supporting officials' theory about the bombings.

    By Richard A. Serrano, Melanie Mason and Ken Dilanian, Washington Bureau - April 23, 2013, 10:11 p.m.

    BOSTON — Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has told investigators that he and his older brother planned the Boston Marathon bombings only a week or so before the race, that they were operating alone, and that they received no training or support from outside terrorist groups, officials said Tuesday.

    His comments appear to support investigators' theory that the attack was hastily conceived by two siblings who were self-radicalized.

    Writing answers from his hospital bed because he was shot in the throat, the 19-year-old accused bomber also said that his slain older brother, Tamerlan, was "upset" by the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and that anger was the motivation to plant two crude homemade bombs along the crowded race route.

    A U.S. counter-terrorism official said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mentioned the wars "as a general justification for what he did"; a law enforcement official said he did not seem as bothered about America's role in the Muslim world. The law enforcement official said authorities were developing a clearer picture from the suspect's responses and from records of Internet activity that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was the driving force behind the April 15 bombings.

    Fresh details about the grisly plot emerged on a grim, wind-swept day of funerals for 8-year-old Martin Richard, the youngest of the three people killed in the blasts, and for 26-year-old Sean Collier, an MIT police officer shot to death during the manhunt that ensued.

    The Boston Public Health Commission said 264 runners and bystanders were treated for injuries related to the bombings, more than previously known, as people continued to trickle into emergency rooms. About 51 remain in hospitals.

    A team of law enforcement and intelligence agents from the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group questioned Tsarnaev before a federal magistrate opened a hearing at his bedside Monday and informed him of his constitutional right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination. He faces federal criminal charges of using a weapon of mass destruction, and if convicted could face the death penalty.

    During the questioning before he was formally charged, Tsarnaev said he and his brother did not practice detonating the pressure-cooker bombs, according to a U.S. official who has been briefed on the interrogation and who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

    Officials said no evidence had emerged to indicate the brothers had co-conspirators, and despite U.S. fears of foreign involvement, investigators have tentatively concluded that Tamerlan did not meet with Islamist militants or attend a training camp during a visit to Russia last year. That trip was his only known foreign travel as an adult.

    A law enforcement official said investigators believed the Tsarnaevs built their bombs after consulting a how-to guide in Inspire, an online magazine published by the Al Qaeda franchise in Yemen. In a 2010 article, the English-language magazine urged would-be terrorists to build a crude bomb using a pressure cooker, gunpowder from shotgun shells or fireworks, and other easily obtainable items.

    Investigators say they have confirmed that Tamerlan Tsarnaev purchased fireworks in southern New Hampshire, just over the Massachusetts state line. On Feb. 6, they say, he walked into the Phantom Fireworks store in Seabrook, N.H., and asked the clerk, "What is the most powerful item you have?"

    The president of Phantom Fireworks, Bruce Zoldan, said in a telephone interview that the clerk behind the counter that day, Megan Kearns, told investigators that she remembered Tsarnaev's comment because most customers buy an assortment of fireworks, but he only wanted the biggest sets they sold.

    He paid more than $400 in cash for two "Lock and Load" reloadable mortar kits, each with four tubes and 24 shells, Zoldan said. Each shell can fly more than 100 feet into the air and explode in a colorful and noisy light display. The store records the name and driver's license number of each customer, Zoldan said. That was how the company linked the purchase to Tamerlan Tsarnaev after the FBI asked about the two brothers Friday.

    The shells Tsarnaev purchased would hold 1.5 pounds of gunpowder, but it's unclear whether the explosive was used in the marathon bombings.

    "It certainly appears as if the bomb design is consistent with that described in Inspire, but there may be other online sources," said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), who attended a House briefing on the case. "Plainly, a significant part of the radicalization took place online."

    Amid questions about whether U.S. intelligence or law enforcement agencies missed possible warning signs, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano appeared on Capitol Hill and defended her agency's handling of the case.

    The FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev at his home after Russian authorities warned in early 2011 that he might have ties to radical groups, and the FBI subsequently placed an immigration alert on his name.

    He traveled to the Russian republic of Dagestan in early 2012, but the alert was not triggered because the airline misspelled his name on the manifest. By the time he returned six months later, the one-year FBI alert had expired and he was not flagged for additional screening, Napolitano said.

    "By the time he returned, all investigations had been — the matter had been closed," Napolitano told the Senate Judiciary Committee. She said she would provide additional details in a classified hearing later this week.

    The FBI said it had found no evidence to back up Russia's warnings about Tsarnaev, and on Tuesday officials pointed fingers at Russian authorities for not answering their follow-up questions at the time.

    Copyright © 2013, Los Angeles Times
  14. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Perfectly describes Beck's followers.

  16. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Glenn Beck is such a moron...
  17. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    So he isn't much different than the rest of the corporate media? (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and the rest of the alphabet corporate owned media.)
  18. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    what a joke, beck is just a clown

    i can show you a video of glenn beck discussing looney, federal reserve conspiracy theories with a nut case named g edward griffin

    show me where cbs have ever done that
  19. Radio Refugee

    Radio Refugee New Member

    Sep 11, 2008
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    I've followed this story and Beck may be onto something. He's in tough, fighting a scumbag administration, the press and 3/4th of the Republicans.

    Whatever comes of it it's a sure thing Nazipolitano lied under oath. BFD, eh? So did Holder and Hitlery.
  20. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    like what, for example?
  21. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The point is it is all political slant, molding the minds of the highly impressionable with propaganda whether it is just slanted or a full blown fabrication.

    Divide and conquer through the media utilizing human weaknesses of emotion and discrimination to maintain the best government corporate money can buy.

    While ya'll argue BS and nonsense, the plutocracy remains strong.

    He's just a little more looney and over the top than the rest, he just isn't your loon, but he is selling something to his faithful and very gullible audience, to just like CBS.
  22. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Beck seems to a great analogy for what ails us as a that:

    Given the opportunity every one of us through money, influence, or creativity can effect lage portions of the populace though our media system.

    It does not seem to matter anymore if the information displayed holds truth, has validity, or follows accepted reality due to a disregard for those things once considered fact and provable.

    The freedom of speech has become a form of propaganda used to sway the masses for political gain and the extension of power.

    While I am well aware this has pretty much always been the case to an extent, it seems the combination of technology and stupidity have merged to create something never seen before in this country....perhaps anywhere.

    Cyber Civil War.
  23. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    no, he's not even close to being like cbs
  24. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    That's your opinion, as flawed as it may be, but what pray-tell in that opinion makes you believe that CBS is any better than any other of the corporate owned bias news sources? They are all bias to one level or another.

    What is amazing is the surveys and the statistics that are tossed around never discuss which news source is the most truthful. Since truth is the essential component of the news it just rather remarkable it isn't considered a priority by the number crunchers. It's all about ratings and selling a political ideology to a gullible target group.

    Fox is the most unique in the statistical dept. They are, statistically speaking, both the most trusted and the least trusted (WTF?), and anyone who only watches them for their news is the most misinformed and least informed of all target groups, next only to their media counterpart MSNBC who also shares that same particular status. That means while exposure to partisan sources, who specifically target politically minded (bias) audiences, such as Fox and MSNBC, has a negative impact on people’s current events knowledge. In other words, their audiences are the most "ignorant" when it comes to absorbing and retaining the truth.

    Yet other reports claim that Fox News, that's the actual portion of their programming that actually reports the news, which represents only a small portion of their 24/7 programming, is one of the least bias, next to ABC News (not that they are not, they just have the least bias during their actual news).

    The most informed audiences are the ones who listen to NPR, or people who actually read their news from several sources. These demographics seem to be the most educated in general, and fair extremely well on international events, yet NPR is considered extremely bias when reporting news from the Middle East. So it appears there is no such thing as a completely unbiased news source, and almost all are corporate owned and operated.

    CBS doesn't even reach an average level of interest with most audiences, and they are considered extremely bias as compared to most of the others, again statistically speaking mind you, which themselves are extremely bias by nature and questionable at best. One thing they all seem to conclude is if you want to be informed, you cannot depend on one news source to get the actual truth of any matter, and that you will have to weed through a lot of bias BS to find it.
  25. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    i'm pretty sure cbs has a policy of not hiring under-educated, borderline-schizoids that just make up stuff as they go along

    anyone with even a slight grip on reality, understands that cbs news has a long track record of good reporting

    glenn beck's track record is that of a clown selling every stunt that comes to his warped little mind

    show me your source for that information

    who said anything about depending on one news source?

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