Hell yes I disagree with it Kidney doctor is a Nephrologist,NOT a Urologist, Dialysis isn't something you do on the run AND it has to be done in a reasonably sterile enviroment And Why?...because I'm ON dialysis.
ok so all the alleged terrorists has more than just boxcutters. you informed the creator of the clip that they are wrong and proved it with certified documents? If you have not then we know who is lying since that is what it takes to prove a lie. not that it matters I suppose. - - - Updated - - - we await your proof
Koko,where you been,on a deserted island? that has been talked about for a long time now here at this site.none of the official conspiracy theorists at this forum have been able to debunk it either.they can only sling crap in defeat like monkeys.Here see,I made a thread of this a long time ago and as you can see from all the OCTA'S that came on that thread,not ONE of them could debunk it or had any ansers.hee hee. http://www.politicalforum.com/9-11/...-11-official-conspiracy-theory-5-minutes.html their most latest, desperate attempt to try and debunk it failed miserably as well.This recent attempt was their FIRST attempt to ever even ATTEMPT to debunk it.well at least they finally at least ATTEMPTED to debunk it for once.hee hee but as usual,fell flat on their face. as you can see from my post right here on this page in this link,I addressed all the lies that the video he posted that trys to debunk that video,how his video is full of lies and like all OCTA'S,the video also falls flat on its face in a bunch of lies as well that I exposed along with the help of Holston and others who posted after me exposed the lies of that video as well. http://www.politicalforum.com/9-11/...ent-truthers-american-77-hit-pentagon-54.html the OCTA'S here are not only getting frustrated they cant debunk anything,they are obviously getting desperate as well posting videos they claim debunks it yet has been exposed for lies.hee hee. that thread starter on that last thread at the bottom I posted,as always get owned and fails miserably.but what else is new?
Stop slinging poo. Nobody has bopthered doing a total debunk of that piece of (*)(*)(*)(*) because it would take a vbideo even longer than that to deal with it. What you are doing is a sleazy maneuver called a gish gallop and it is both dishonest and intellectually bankrupt, not to mention childish and thuggish. To totally debunk that slab of compressed bull (*)(*)(*)(*) would take a post as long as the thread itself. Break that crap down into a single subject like someone who has at least taken high school logic or accept that you will be laughed at by the educated posters.
Horse feathers. The stupid SOB has had access to the same documents we have and just refused to believe any of it. There is little point in trying to communicate with a psychopath in a venue that he totally controls. The dimwit is probably only bright enough to spew what he has been told and put it on the web. Analysis or evaluation of his sources is probably beyond him. The alleged CIA operative had less data on which to base his opinion as quack boy Frist had for his diagnosis of Schaivo's condition. Sod all.
Ok stay tuned because I'm only going to do this once. Was reported on 3 of4 flights that the hijackers had small knives, fake bombs, and mace, which they used to fill the first class cabin on AA11, and unknown on UA175 and UA93. AA77 was the only hijacked aircraft in which the terrorist were reported to only have knives. Flight 11; [video=youtube;icfkIH3j-nk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfkIH3j-nk[/video] Source Flight 175; "Flight attendant Robert Fangman, as well as two passengers (Peter Hanson and Brian David Sweeney) made phone calls from United Airlines Flight 175, using GTE airphones, from the rear of the aircraft. Airphone records also indicate that Garnet Bailey made four phone call attempts, trying to reach his wife. Fangman reported the hijacking, and said that the hijackers were likely flying the plane. He also said that both pilots were dead, and that a flight attendant was stabbed. Peter Hanson made a second phone call to his father at 09:00 - It's getting bad, Dad. A stewardess was stabbed. They seem to have knives and Mace. They said they have a bomb. It's getting very bad on the plane. The plane is making jerky movements. I don't think the pilot is flying the plane. I think we are going down. I think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and fly into a building. Don't worry, Dad. If it happens, it'll be very fast....Oh my God... oh my God, oh my God." Source. United 93. [video=youtube;0JOAdkavskk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOAdkavskk[/video] 30 Airphone calls were made from UA93, and two cell phone calls when the aircraft was at lower altitude. Many of them give information on what the hijackers had and were doing. You can look up the transcripts. Source. "No medical report has been produced that shows bin Laden is on dialysis. No reporter who has actually met bin Laden has seen the archterrorist hooked up to a dialysis machine or heard him talk about it. Robert Fisk, the only Western journalist to interview bin Laden three times, makes no mention of dialysis." "Mr. Mir asked bin Laden about his kidneys: A French newspaper has claimed that you have a kidney problem and have secretly gone to Dubai for treatment last year [2000]. Is that correct? Bin Laden responded: My kidneys are all right. I did not go to Dubai last year. One British newspaper has published an imaginary interview with an Islamabad dateline with one of my sons in Saudi Arabia. All this is false. Source. The plan was financed and 'masterminded' by Bin Laden, but was organised by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Uncle of Ramzi Ahmed Yousef - the main perpetrator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a co-conspirator in the Bojinka plot), which clearly stated so on his FBI wanted poster (which I cannot seem to find presently), and fronted, coordinated and executed by 3 members of the Hamburg Cell; Mohammed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and supported by the 4th member, Ramzi bin al-Shibh. Taking over 4 airliners, using 14 trained muscle hijackers, and 4 commercially trained pilots, and flying them into targets in under an hour, is hardly a "sophisticated penetration". The "heavily defended airspace" was no match for a surprise attack using commercial airliners. It is a deliberately misleading statement. Source. How hard is it to cut the throats of 2 pilots who have their backs to the door and are strapped into their seats? We all know the flights did not have a great deal of people on them. Furthermore, no hijacking in the past has flown airliners into buildings. Prior to 9/11, hijacked flights landed or sat at chosen airfields and ransomed demands. We know the military were expecting this, it's fair to say so were the passengers. A misleading statement. Although the times of hijacking > impact are as follows; AA11 - 32 minutes. UA175 - 16 minutes AA77 - 43 minutes UA93 - 35 minutes The military awareness of the hijacked flights were as follows; AA11 - 9 minutes UA175 - 0 minutes AA77 - 3 minutes UA93 - -4 minutes (NEADS got information on UA93 4 minutes after it had already crashed). Source. The only domestic intercept of a commercial aircraft inside the US prior to 9/11 was Payne Stewarts Learjet in 1999. And yes, it did take 76 minutes, and shown by the NTSB timeline; "At 0933:38 EDT (6 minutes and 20 seconds after N47BA acknowledged the previous clearance), the controller instructed N47BA to change radio frequencies and contact another Jacksonville ARTCC controller. The controller received no response from N47BA. The controller called the flight five more times over the next 4 1/2 minutes but received no response." "About 0952 CDT,7 a USAF F-16 test pilot from the 40th Flight Test Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), Florida, was vectored to within 8 nm of N47BA. About 0954 CDT, at a range of 2,000 feet from the accident airplane and an altitude of about 46,400 feet, the test pilot made two radio calls to N47BA but did not receive a response". Not the time zone difference, EDT - CDT. 1 hour difference. 76 minutes from first known loss of communication to intercept. Source. Actually it was only 4 of the 19 who was accused of this. Although they drank alcohol, the claim they lived with a stripper, named Amanda Keller, is false. She claims to have lived and had a relationship with a man named Mohammed at the same time that she claims Mohammed Atta was in the area. Atta had left the area 3 months prior. There are several holes in the story, listed in the source. Source Furthermore, according to the belief of some martyrdom, any worldly sins commited are forgiven is one martyrs themselves for Allah. Misleading. Source 1. Source 2. He was refused once. Several other times he took cross country flights. Hani Hanjour was chosen for the Pentagon hit because of its difficulty to hit, baring on the fact that he was the most experienced pilot of the group. Hani Hanjour had a CPL MECIR with a 737 type endorsement. Source 1. Source 2. Source 3. Source 4. Dramatisation. The final maneuver was a descending turn through 5000 feet, rolling level 6 miles from the Pentagon, then full power and hit. Source. False. Source. It wasn't hard to figure out. No body else had the capability, and Bin Laden had a known history for it. Source 1. Source 2. Based on opinion, rhetoric, and misquotes. Delayed - No, they needed to wait for the other investigations to be completed. Such as PENTTBOM. Underfunded - Misleading. The commission was set up to conclude other investigations, like PENTTBOM, and public a coherent narrative, which they did. Set up to fail - Taken from Thomas Kean, but missing some context. He also stated "But did in fact do the biggest government investigation in our history.". "We told the story as it was". Source. Conflict of Interest - You could claim any official investigation is. Baseless and based on opinion. Cover up from start to finish - Opinionated, agreed with by people who have never read the report themselves. Source 1. Source 2. It included testimony, it wasn't based on it. But I am unfamiliar with the claim the records were destroyed. There seems to be no evidence provided of this. Commission report was not an engineering report. It's objective was to; "The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks." Source. True, to which I also have some issues. Able Danger was investigated in 2006, and found: ""In December 2006, a sixteen-month investigation by the US Senate Intelligence Committee concluded "Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11 hijacker at any time prior to September 11, 2001 Source. Who? He warnings were not specific. Although I agree she deserved mention, it does give an idea of the intelligence c*ck-up that lead to 9/11. OBL did not have connections to the CIA. OBL was not Tim Osman, and did not receive anything aid from the US during the Soviet conflict. There were many groups fighting in Afghanistan, Bin Laden's was self funded; "Many Muslims from other countries assisted the various mujahideen groups in Afghanistan. Some groups of these veterans have been significant factors in more recent conflicts in and around the Muslim world. Osama bin Laden, originally from a wealthy family in Saudi Arabia, was a prominent organizer and financier of an all-Arab Islamist group of foreign volunteers; his Maktab al-Khadamat funnelled money, arms, and Muslim fighters from around the Muslim world into Afghanistan, with the assistance and support of the Saudi and Pakistani governments." - Source. Source 1. Source 2. - This is who received funding during the Soviet conflict. False. There was a hijack drill planned for the afternoon of 911, but it did not begin and certainly did not involve airliners crashing into buildings. Source. I am unaware of specific lies, and the video itself does not source.. well, anything. Some specific would be nice if anyone could provide? I do know the commission did a number of subpoena's to get through some inaccuracies they were being told. Wrong. Read page 169 onwards of the commission reports. It deals with funding (the big heading that says MONEY TRAIL?). Source. Opinionated. Welcome to a non-punitive world. If you have ever studied Human Factors or HRM, you would figure out why. Pentagon drill was for an accidental crash from one of the hundreds of aircraft which overfly it every week from Regan National Airport right next door. Source. FEMA with the towers in crosshair is not based on an aircraft being flown into it. Remember it was attacked in 1993. NORAD claim is based on the War Games already mentioned. See above source. NRO drill had nothing to do with a hijacked plane. It was for an accidental plane crash. Source. Some I too take issue with, but long shot for linking this to an 'inside job'. I cannot find a source for this. Link anybody? Well yes. NIST effectively discovered how a buildings with similar designs to WTC7 destroyed by the removal or compromising of a single column. The wrong people get their hands on that information, and indeed it would jeopardize public safety. What's new. As it happens, they have released bucket loads of information through FOIA requests, as has NIST. Free to download Source. Barry Jennings did not believe in a conspiracy. Source. We know from the testimony of Michael Hess, who was with Jennings, that the explosions occurred from the towers collapsing, and certainly not before. Source. Source 2. Source 3. Also, we know there was medical triage, and dozens of cameras and witnesses at the base of WTC 7 and the towers, prior to their collapse. Not one witness has spoken of, nor has any cameras recorded, explosions in WTC 7 prior to the towers collapsing. Barry has is time line off a bit. It's nothing uncommon. Also, the video I link in Source 2, and Source 4 below clearly shows most the windows are in tact on both the South and North side of WTC 7. To say a massive explosive tore through the building, and yet only a few windows broken, no witnesses? No, I'm afraid not. Source 4. Very simplified. But sure, I've been at this too long to deconstruct the entire 10 years of Bin Laden's escape. They told all that needed to know, and he was identified through DNA. Absolutely false. "On 12 May 2011 DEVGRU Red Team undertook the covert operation codenamed Operation Neptune Spear,[43] under the CIA's authority, and killed Osama bin Laden," "Fifteen members of DEVGRU's Gold Team were among the 38 killed on Saturday, 6 August 2011 in Maidan Wardak province, Afghanistan, when a Chinook helicopter flown by B Company, 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, was shot down by a Taliban-fired rocket-propelled grenade" Not the same team. Source. That's it. That is all I'm doing. Consider your gish gallop debunked.
You seem to restrain yourself quite a bit, cjnewson88. And by the way, there is evidence that the CIA destroyed their torture tapes - just do a Google search for applicable search terms, like, 'CIA destroyed torture tapes'.
That is a given. It still does not prove who did 9/11. They were worried about covering their own asses against a war crimes charge. It is not proof that any of them had the brains to pull off a massive operation like 9/11 in secrecy. Quite the contrary, really. Only idiots think that torture works.
nice they cant get in the cockpit but they know both pilots are dead and the hijackers no one saw stabbed people. no one SAW a knife or mace. incredible esp! I think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and fly into a building. anyone can take a radio and transmit from the car right outside of the airport for the bomb on flt 93 report. you cannot produce the medical report because binladens medical records are protected under the US PRIVACY ACT, its been tried through foia and rejected. post the french newspaper article please? is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, they failed. the main witnesses are easily impeachable otherwise most of what he said is pretty much strawmen and red herrings and a total waste of time.
See, I'm not so sure about that. Government lawyers had opened the door for them to do certain things to captured combatants/terrorists/etc without worry of prosecution. And I like how you always refer to our former government employees or leaders as not having the brains to pull off an operation like 9/11. Do you really believe that? I ask because clearly al-Qaeda had the brains to pull off an operation like 9/11. So why wouldn't the CIA or other applicable agencies be capable of performing such feats?
I'd like to add this for a source to the Payne Stewart Learjet intercept, seeing as people here are having difficulties with it. [video=youtube;_xjBbqRJT7Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=_xjBbqRJT7Q&NR=1[/video] You can check the sources yourself.
The smaller an operation, the easier it is to maintain Op Sec. ObL didn't have to get a corporation and several military units to go along with his idea.
This is technically true. He only needed complicity at the highest levels of the corrupt administration (at the time).
I'm quoting you this time so you can't say you didn't know I was directing commentary in your direction. Once again though: You seem to restrain yourself quite a bit, cjnewson88.
Nonsense. Compartmentalization works beautifully. Only a few key people would need to know (as was likely the case here).
Of course you disagree....'key' people don't do the grunt work,it's several steps down the food chain