Bernie Sanders and down-ballot Democrats

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by pjohns, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. pjohns

    pjohns Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2009
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    I have read, more than once (in fact, much more than once) that there is relatively little ticket-splitting nowadays, when compared with earlier times. So it seems fair to suppose that most people who vote for Donald Trump for president will also vote for a Republican for the House; and most who vote Democratic for president will likewise vote Democratic for the House.

    That said, there are still many Democrats--especially among the older ones--who simply cannot stomach the thought of an admitted socialist (even of the "democratic" variety) in the White House. Many will simply sit on their hands in November. A few will vote for Donald Trump.

    And it is probably safe to assume that most who vote for Donald Trump will also vote Republican down-ballot.

    Even those who simply do not vote at all are taking away votes from the Democratic candidates in their respective districts.

    So it is possible that many Democrats who came in with the class of 2018 could be swept out in 2020 if Bernie Sanders is the nominee for president?

    Note: Even if this is the case, it still seems improbable--to me, at least--that the Republicans would re-take control of the House. But it is possible, at least. And the odds against it seem to be getting shorter and shorter each week...

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