well one thing is for sure...this illustrates the maturity age of the average leftist there perfectly. Mom jokes and Harry Potter references. That places their mentality range at about 8-12yrs. Im guessing the word precocious never crossed their parents lips.
Bad manners live and in color.. He walked in front of the queen and turned his back on her.. Idiot should stay home.
Awww if she didnt like it she should have walked around and faced the POTUS and given the proper respect to the most powerful office in the world. How far is that broomstick shoved up britts asses where they think you cant walk in front of someone? The bad manners are on the pompous pricks who think they are so much better than other people that you cant turn your back to them.
Donald Trump's shocking display of bad manners 14 July, 2018 01:00 https://www.irishnews.com/opinion/l...mp-s-shocking-display-of-bad-manners-1382458/
Teressa May's capitulation to German chancellor Frau Angela Merkel is very reminiscent of Neville Chamberlain's capitulation to Adolph Hitler. Merkel envisions a new "democratic" socialist federation of formerly free European states. Merkel's a fascist, and May is in lock step with megalomaniacal German chancellor. Trump's critism couldn't be harsh enough IMO.
hahhaha so dumb these leftist articles...kept her waiting...then says not his fault....says shook hand instead of bowing. Heads of states dont bow. She isnt Trumps queen therefore they shake hands. Youre thinking of the human coffee table Obamas bowing habits. Bowed to everyone except slain police officers.
Lol...Trump wasnt the one demanding she not turn her back. Seems you lefties are saying she was. Can you link to her statement on the matter? Of course not.
So glad we left england. Imagine being so hoity toity that you think other people should never turn their back to you. We turned our back to all of them and never looked back. They tried to turn us back to face them and....well we all know how that turned out. If the queen doesnt like it she can twist the broomstick up another half turn on her subjects to compensate. Americans however dont really give a **** if shes upset at people walking in front of her. gasp....the audacity. Are all britts that scared of a queen still? Thats funny.
I just re-read our Declaration of Independence and I don’t see anything in it about how to properly walk near the queen.