Big Government

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    That in a nutshell is Obama's Job one.To make sure Government
    is Big,Bigger,Biggest.He's not Kiddin' anybody.Yet few are willing
    on the left to admit that.Chris Matthews is willing to as is
    Lawrence O'Donnell.Both Hosts at MSNBC.O'Donnell a confirmed
    Socialist and rabid partisan Liberal.Matthews doesn't want to be
    labelled,especially since his Kin back in Philly,are all Big Republicans.
    Matthews Loves however to label others {a Birther's or **********s }.
    But the Matthews and O'Donnell and yes Obama's rationale is
    Who are Americans Kiddin;.Of course Big Government is necessary,
    good,and should be unavoidable.Big Government is the Reason we
    have Politicians or Representatives.Big Government is the reason we
    even have a Washington,D.C.Americans cannot exist w/o Big Brother
    Government.That any talk to the contrary of Limited Government,even
    cliche''d notions of Government's ... Waste,Fraud and Abuse
    are nonsense.of course this Country was founded on the principle
    of a Big Brother State.Therefore the bigger the better.We the People
    would be hurting in a major way if Government was limited.
    Government isn't some neseccary Evil.It is just a Necessity.
    Which then explains every move Obama makes.Moves like
    Unions { SEIU } and Big Labor which end up as major contributors to
    the DNC.iI's all part of a pact or clique where Big Government protects
    and shields those within Big Government.It's One Huge Government
    Country Club.Where salaries { Obama increased dramatically the base
    pay of Govenrment workers over and above the comparable pay
    in the private sector}.Obama is actually Pushing a Food Stamp program.
    Pushing Unemployment compensation.
    How can a rational and prudent Citizen not see how Big Brother Government
    is a really Bad system.Hasn't it brought Greece to their knees.

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