" Bizarre conduct "

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Yes,Joe Biden President Trump demonstrates " bizarre conduct "
    These times they are a changin'.And Not for the Better.
    Obama handed this Country " bizarre conduct ".Literally turned this
    country around on a dime.Gave us all sorts of sappy,Unamerican
    ways.Like dissolving the Institution of marriage.Tried to implement
    Same sex bathrooms.I mean,hos much more radical can it or does it get.
    How about it's okey dokey to 'dis the flag.Refuse to stand for the
    National Anthem.Maybe chew gum at a funeral.Bubble gum no less.
    George Will is also correct.We have a President who decided to change
    the idea of Politics.Again ... the Times they are a Changin'.And not for the
    better.Trumps way or the Highway IS Working.The Economy is growing,
    unlike the anemic way if stalled under a Freshman Senator's 2 terms.
    Obama WAS the Food Stamp president.Also responsible for doubling the
    national debt.Again ... George Bush had a Budget Deficit of $ 161 Billion in
    2007.Obama's first term Averaged over $ 1.2 TRILLION for 4 years.
    C'mon folks.You can't be that doltish.Easily swayed away from Rugged
    Individualism into a sort of sappy view of Americana,or Ken Burns
    interpretation.To hear a Ken Burns tell it ... Babe Ruth really dint dig
    Hot Dogs and beer.He was more inclined towards quiet candlelit dining with
    a couple glasses of respectable wine.Just a couple glasses.mind ya and then
    off to early beddie bye.
    C'mon Folks ... are you gonna have the American Dream whisked right
    out from under yer feet.That's what Obama attempted with his uber
    " transformation ".
    If it takes " bizarre conduct " from a non-poitican to transform this
    country back to it's original intent,then so be it.
    I don't need Joe Biden { plugs } or George Will { I bet he was raised by
    one them nannies and got a letter in badminton } giving us their 2 cents
    worth.This Country requires a proud and hefty rugged individual.
    This Country wasn't bullt to tolerate power-puffs.
    Come rain or shine.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
    RodB, Josh77 and Chester_Murphy like this.
  2. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Life is so different today, it's off-putting. It's like the inmates are running the asylum.
  3. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    The Irony reeks.President Obama kept insisting he wasn't Political.
    He was more political than the most Liberal President { Woodrow Wilson }
    previously.Obama made living a political task.
    Chester_Murphy likes this.

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