The man in this video seems very credible to me. Looking at his body language, I believe he is telling the truth. I believe him. I think this ties into the same circles that Epstein, John Podesta, and Maria Abrahmovic run in. Close to the center of the web. How deep does the rabbit hole go? We know our politicians are bad people, but do we know how bad? What about the people that control them and the media? Is the Epstein cover up the tip of the ice berg? What say you?
You should never rely on a YouTube video to explain or reveal a conspiracy. You're gonna have a bad time.
I'm not. It's just one piece of evidence. By the way, remember when the Epstein murder was just a conspiracy theory? How about the deep state? NSA? UFOs?
You laugh now. This has nothing to do with Q anon. This is about the media covering for pedo's who run pedo blackmail operations that involve British royalty, and powerful American politicians. Very factual things.
You posted this in the WRONG Section. Conspiracies have their own section at PF. It belongs HERE: You're Welcome.
I don't agree that it's paranoia. It's quite reasonable considering everything regarding Epstein. Things nobody ever would have believed 5 yrs ago. Don't close your mind.
I guess if done properly blackmail is a most effective way to control compromised individuals and politicians. Epstein was apparently very good at generating compromised individuals. He and the Maxwell woman. That makes them both assets of Mossad.