BOB vids on youtube are HILARIOUS. :-)

Discussion in 'Survival and Sustainability' started by gorte, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. gorte

    gorte Banned

    Mar 31, 2015
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    and the vids about what constitutes a decent choice for a shtf gun are priceless demos of complete ignorance about the subject. Why just ASSUME, if the world has fallen apart, that you'll have no (well-armed) enemies, hmm? why risk having a slow-arsed bolt-action, much less a single-shot, or a short- range-only piece, like a shotgun? Why NOT have a silencer, since laws will have no effect? Why make noise that scares off game and calls to your enemies? Why have flash at night, which ruins your night-adapted vision for minutes? A good silencer completely eliminates muzzleflash. Why risk ruining your hearing, and why risk flinch causing misses?

    An autorifle that malfunctions once every 4 shots is still just as "fast" for getting 5 hits as a bolt action that works just fine, so why would you give up the other 4 shots (that come 5x as fast with the auto as with the bolt action? Autos are many, many times more reliable than a "jam" every 5th shot, under some really deplorable conditions for gun-functioning, too.
  2. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    No need for any gun.

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