Saudi man ran away. -------------- AWARD-WINNING PHOTO: Man with torn cloths, but no sign of any cuts or wounds. Is this really possible? -------------- This video may tell you how they could show you with torn clothes. [video=youtube;cwZv_fsXEes][/video] Another cover up team? 1. A man gets up, pulls at / rips his shorts, then sits down again. What is his story? 2. The woman in black appears to take a photo of Bauman, then put her camera away, then start helping people. That seems odd to me.
If a small portion of the shorts were in the process of catching on fire, the man's actions become completely understandable. That seems more likely than immediately leaping to thoughts of conspiracy.
There are people who so wish to demonize our government and America, they will stoop low enough to do and say anything.
Yes it is actually - History is full of accounts of people who've had their clothes blown off their bodies and not had a mark on them
Why did the FBI make an urgent plea to NOT view any Pics that weren't approved by them.Meaning all those of Men involved in the bomb training drill.Those men wearing black jackets and with black backpacks and seen with ear plugs talking seriously right before the blast. - - - Updated - - - So you believe the Janet Reno,Clinton-approved explanation of Waco was correct.?
You do not reveal the identities of operatives who may be called upon to infiltrate terror cells. DUH! - - - Updated - - - Nobody has ever presented CREDIBLE evidence to the contrary. - - - Updated - - - Just calling everything a false flag op is so much easier than having to think or to actually learn some forensic science.
So freaking what? -------------- See your opthamologist. I count at least eight laceratioons to both of his thighs, aligned with the apparent trajectory of whater sort of frag tore his shirt. Further, some of the damage to his clothing appears to be thermal. I don't expect a lot of blood. ( Just my professional opinion as a veteran fire fighter.) -------------- First of all, breaking the streaming video into gifs is sleight of hand to destroy its evidentiary value, if it was originally streaming. The man who was fiddling with his pants may have had a hot ember in his pocket or up his leg. I do not see that the woman in black even had a camera. You are reading superfluous crap into these gifs.
Ok how about that shoe bomber.Just got off the boat ... huh. MOST acts of Terrorism in this country have their origin with FBI assistance of infiltration.Check it out. Don't be Stooged. Our Government is not any friend to Americana unless they are doling out Freebies to those low information,Non federal income tax paying types who just coincidentally Vote for Democrats. And yes,the Bin Laden raid was a total hoax and fraud.It only emboldened Obama and his Merry White House to pull more charades.
Oh yeah ... right.I keep forgetting like that Warren Commission on J.F.K. So full of crap that it was deemed Closed to the public for 75 years.
What kind of diseased (*)(*)(*)(*)ing mind comes up with a staged bombing in front of thousands of witnesses with hundreds of amputees?
It is to try and prove all Presidents are poisonous nut cases who want to extend their control over the masses. George Bush apparently engineered 911 but is too stupid to manufacture WMDs to be found in Iraq. Obama is the mastermind behind the Boston bombing, but too stupid to cover up the IRS pouncing on right wing political groups
Sure, that looks odd, but I'm sure Chesty Puller's Marines thought it was odd that he had a bunch of bullet holes in his field jacket, but none in his body. I have seen empirical evidence of a state police officer unloading an entire magazine at a man at close range, like close range, and not a single bullet hit the man but many bullets went through his clothing. There is oddness all around us. It does not always equate out to a conspiracy. As to the video: It looks, to me, as though the guy is checking his legs and then steps on someone's foot, stumbles, and then falls back down. Nevertheless, I think what people should be focusing on is what was revealed in the Congressional Hearing the other day, among other things. The FBI (or any other agency that was aware of the (*)(*)(*)(*)er) did not notify Boston authorities of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. And it appears, by all appearances, that all of this snooping the government is doing on us since 9/11, has been for naught. I mean, the 9/11 Commission specifically recommended the sharing of information between parties that need relevant information, and that has been for naught too. Its like, WTF! So, do/can we anticipate more snooping and invasions into our privacy and personal lives now as a result of this? Will it even make a difference if they do? Will the governmental agencies just continue to withhold the information from one another anyway as they have already after 9/11? Or in this particular case, not really do much of anything although there were clear indications that something needed to be done simply based off his Internet browsing history (which we're all constantly and consistently reminded is tracked, analyzed and marketed).
Quote, " I wish those wounded soldiers from Mid-east could recover as fast as she did. I still wonder how could she change tight pants frequently.
I don't believe in it, but if hell does exist then there is a special place in it for people who call victims of violence "actors."
The conspiracy idiots think she was already an amputee before the bombing and is calling those that lost limbs actors. I cant believe there are such idiots, but there are a lot of them.