addition to bieng a racist, and America hater...Obummer is also a mysogynist Sorry Giggles, there goes the "chick" vote..
The charge seems devoid of any actual examples of the WH being "Hostile to Women".... They seem to have hurt her feelings by not taking some of her advice......that really seems like the extent of the complaint.
Already got a thread going
Just like they did with Cindy Sheehan, the loony left only use minorities to advance their liberal agenda. Once these minorities are not needed anymore, they are thrown curbside. Do you remember this... ...... Now where is she?
The book is by someone named Ron Suskind......she? I think she was just quoted by the author and the Washington Times is reading things into the quote. They have access to the book via an advanced copy. Don't you think that if there were any beans, they'd (the Washington Times) be spilling them? They appear to be citing the grittiest and most scandalous material which probably indicates the book to be a yawner....
Hardly, surprising. He calls female reporters sweetie, so when it comes to women, Obama is Don Draper. On the other hand, his pimp hand is strong. He's got Michelle under control talking about veteran's families and healthy eating.
Looks like she was recorded saying it: Anita Dunn gets caught ! (OOPS those pesky tapes!) Dunn 'hostile workplace' quote on tape
Some long ago allegation and the libs call for the lynching of Cain, yet when Obama is called out on the carpet, its either the women' feelings being hurt, or its just another B.S. story. Seems the liberals are all about using the victim card until their own come under fire.
lol what allegations??? Dunn declined to discuss the specifics of the book. But in an interview Friday she said she told Suskind point blank that the White House was not a hostile environment. The president is someone who when he goes home at night he goes home to house full of very strong women, Dunn added. He values having strong women around him.
Dunn declined to discuss the specifics of the book. But in an interview Friday she said she told Suskind point blank that the White House was not a hostile environment. The president is someone who when he goes home at night he goes home to house full of very strong women, Dunn added. He values having strong women around him. she was recorded saying that too....