Boy wakes up from coma, proclaims, "at least I'm not racist!"

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by krashsmith81, May 9, 2015.

  1. krashsmith81

    krashsmith81 New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Boy Wakes Up from Coma, proclaims, "At Least I know I'm not Racist" (SATIRE)


    Jim Crowe was a normal, healthy 10 year old until 2 weeks ago, when he was beaten unconscious by a group of teens. He recently awoke from his coma, and spoke with me regarding what happened that fateful day. I informed him that I, Malik Muhammed Ali Quaeda was a reporter for BSNBC, a repubtable news organization. He nodded and I continued, "So what landed you in the hospital?"

    Jim: I was walking down the street, wearing a shirt my mom made for me with my name on it. There were some black guys walking my way and-"

    Malik: How old were the black guys?

    Jim: I'm not sure really...

    Malik: Well, since they ended up assaulting you, we're just gonna call them teens from now on, ok?

    Jim seemed confused, but nodded. I understood he was too young to have taken any Black Liberation Theology classes yet.

    Jim: Well, anyway, the teens seemed cool until they saw my name on my shirt. They were still about 25 feet away when one of them pointed at it and said something. I couldn't hear what he said, but he sounded mad. I thought about crossing the street, but I was afraid that would make me a racist, so I just kept walking towards them. When they we're about 10 feet away one of them said my shirt was racist, and said "You think that shirt is funny, cracker?". I said, "Actually my name is Jim Crowe, and my mom made this shirt for me". He didn't seem to believe me, and him and the other teens jumped on me and broke my arm. I woke up here in the hospital 2 days ago, and while my whole body aches, at least I know that I'm not a racist, and that means more to me than anything. I'd gladly suffer another broken arm and 2 broken legs just to know that at least I'm a good person, who doesn't judge people.

    Malik: That is a beautiful story Jim, and I'm very proud of you for realizing that you must never stereotype or judge anyone, even if you have a gut feeling that they are out to do you harm, it's better to "march forward" and find out for sure. At least then, even if you end up in a wheelchair, you can take pride in the fact that you aren't one of those ignorant racists.

    Jim: Thanks Malik.

    I concluded the interview, and even gave Jim an Obama t-shirt before I left, so if any teens saw him wearing it in the future, they'd know for sure he wasn't a white supremicist.

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