A few points. You addressed none of the false pretenses that were used to get us to war in the past. 1. Before clinton why were we ok with saddam using WMD's against Iran in the 1st persian gulf war? 2. So because we want to remove a dictator we should Starve the populace in some new age version of laying siege? Which is exactly what sanctions are. 3.How about we ignore Saddam and let his people handle it. Did we care about Rawanda?? Darfour?? The THOUSANDS of Iranians gassed by our awesome WMDs?? Your hypocrisy wreaks of national pride and the unmistakable stench of death.
How about from his own stinking (*)(*)(*)(*)stained mouth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-FfXmhmj5E [video=youtube;7o5nGwlmj-c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o5nGwlmj-c[/video]
Oh and this too [video=youtube;aiVKwCiw6Ko]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiVKwCiw6Ko[/video] BUT AL THESE PEOPLE ARE LYING!!!!
Again, who's we? Are you talking about we "the world"? Yeah, we "the world" didn't seem to give a damn. We (America) wanted to remove Saddam from power in '91 and we were told NO, that it would be better if he was removed from power by a revolt of his own people. We were told this was sure to happen in the wake of the Gulf war. So much for that plan. I didn't say that's what we should do. I said that's one of the choices. It was the choice that Clinton chose to continue. Is that what you would have chosen? Let the people handle what? The removal of Saddam? You mean like they handled him after the first gulf war? Your argument is all over the place. Do YOU care about Rawanda or Darfour? Was it good or bad to leave them alone?
1:we were NEVER 'ok' with it 2: the sanctions were UN ones which began in 1993,until 2003 3: thousands tried and were buried in mass graves....the kurds tried and were gassed,and Bill Clinton lamented on Rwanda 'we should have done something'.and we've been supplying aid to Sudan(darfur) for years....And what do you mean OUR WMD's?......we weren't the only store on the block your view REEKS of ignorance and assumption,sock.
How about a little context? On September 10, 2006, Cheney responded to questions from Tim Russert about Atta in Prague on Meet the Press: MR. RUSSERT: Any suggestion there was a meeting with Mohamed Atta, one of the hijackers, with Iraqi officials? VICE PRES. CHENEY: No. The sequence, Tim, was, when you and I talked that morning, we had not received any reporting with respect to Mohamed Atta going to Prague. Just a few days after you and I did that show, the CIA, CIA produced an intelligence report from the Czech Intelligence Service that said Mohammad Atta, leader of the hijackers, had been in Prague in April of ‘01 and had met with the senior Iraqi intelligence official in Prague. That was the first report we had that he’d been to Prague and met with Iraqis. Later on, some period of time after that, the CIA produced another report based on a photographer—on a photograph that was taken in Prague of a man they claim 70 percent probability was Mohammad Atta on another occasion. This was the reporting we received from the CIA when I responded to your question and said it had been pretty well confirmed that he’d been in Prague. The—later on, they were unable to confirm it. Later on, they backed off of it. But what I told you was exactly what we were receiving at the time. It never said, and I don’t believe I ever said, specifically, that it linked the Iraqis to 9/11. It specifically said he had been in Prague, Mohamed Atta had been in Prague and we didn’t know... MR. RUSSERT: And the meeting with Atta did not occur? VICE PRES. CHENEY: We don’t know. I mean, we’ve never been able to, to, to link it, and the FBI and CIA have worked it aggressively. I would say, at this point, nobody has been able to confirm...[38] - - - Updated - - - Edit/Reply to deleted
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articl...prove_america_helped_saddam_as_he_gassed_iran Oh we are sooooo innocent
Spoken like an absolute truther. Instead of providing fact and reason, come back with ad hom attacks. I think Hafez is going to be my next ignore victim soon. It's been bliss having koko and 7 on there, and I don't see Hafez really breaking any molds. He's, so far, marched out debunked memes from years ago, handwaived away everyone, and done nothing more than insult those with opposing views. We'll see if he actually spits out a nugget anytime soon, if not, you guys can have fun with him. Dealing with morons that scream how much they have it figured out is getting a bit old.
So it is,provided of course I sign up No thanks,sock puppet,and stuff your 'baby talk',my 'narrative' isn't crumbling
just cause we didn't care about the gassing of the Iranians and the Kurds doesn't mean we shouldn't to start t care about the use of WMDs now.
you bailed pal, you dodge and duck irrefutable facts exactly like a trougher would. In fact you rally everyone else to bail which drives even more nails into the official coffin. Face it you are on the titanic and sinking fast. Live with it.
we stupidly worked with Islamists to defeat Communism. at the time, it seemed wise. now? not soo much.
It doesn't matter what we did 20 years ago. We also threw a lot of Asian Americans in camps during world war 2 as well, we obviously didn't do that with Muslims after 9/11. Bringing up actions we did years ago isn't really all that damning, especially if you can't prove we've changed since then, which we have. America has learned a lot and changed a lot over the last 20 years.
Again, the whole thing is circular anyway. It takes some pretty big logic blinders to argue that we should have used military force to prevent genocide in Sudan, but we shouldn't have meddled in Iraq because we didn't meddle in Iraq when Iraq was committing genocide. The mind boggles. Especially since some of these same people think we needed to attack ourselves to gin up support to strike a country we had already attacked numerous times previously. As for people who are on ignore: I don't converse with them. I don't address them. I don't engage them. I ignore them. Isn't that the point?