Bulldogs Opinion on Capital punishment and the legal system.

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Bolduca, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. Bolduca

    Bolduca New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Capital Punishment: If a man chooses to act like an animal he should be treated as an animal. Murderers, violent criminals who cannot be rehabilitated, pedophiles, and rapists if you ask me you already cashed your check. So may god have mercy; I do not.

    Law and Justice: If you can call it that. Case law is a joke and frequently violates the constitution stop using it. The following being an example.

    Homelessness and poverty are not crimes stop making laws that push these people out of sight or put them in jail. What do we do for these people currently? We open shelters that are more dangerous than living in the streets and we create laws that put them in prison for no other reason than they are less fortunate than others. This violates both the 5th and the 14th amendments. Vagrancy laws blatantly violate the constitution and our human rights.

    Jail never rehabilitates anyone if you are in jail for 10 years or more you will never be normal again. If you think I am lying go visit the local prison. Jails just make better criminals if we solve the problems of poverty, education, and health care then jail will be needed much less frequently. I say health care because Ragan in the 1980's shut down all federally funded asylums relicing many people out into the streets to become homeless and guess what they ended up in jail big surprise. They should be in hospitals where they can receive treatment and maybe some day be functioning members of sociaty.

    My standpoint on crime in general, for those people out there that just like to prey on others well I will say it again the way I mean it "If You Act Like An Animal Then We Should Put You Down Like One." People like that should be sent to hell so fast that they will be there for 10 minuets before they know its hell.

    Drugs: Most drugs are bad for you and can cause severe social, financial, and health problems. Coke, Crack, Meth, and Heroin kill people and destroy lives. How ever if we learned anything from prohibition it was outlawing something only makes the problem worse. It creates a violent underground market and makes treatment and recovery from these taboo substances harder. So I go by this rule if you can grow it in your back yard its not a drug its a plant. If you need to refine something and make it with chemicals go to jail and rot like the animal you are until we can have you put down.
  2. Frosty

    Frosty New Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Very nice, very nice. Agree 100% except for the drug thing. Theoretically you can destroy the criminal organizations profiting from prohibitions through mass prosecutions and executions (what would Stalin do? Not that he was a nice person or anything, but using his policies in a more Humane way should do the trick). It's worth a try if you ask me.

    But yes, everything else makes perfect sense.
  3. Bolduca

    Bolduca New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Why thank you. :) You should see some of my other rants if you liked this one lol. As for destroying the criminal organizations behind such things as drugs they are like roaches kill one and you just find 2 more it would be a perpetual battle. If however you combat the causes of peoples need for drugs poverty, psychological problems, ect. You have a sustainable model to solve the problem.

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