metal drums corrode badly when buried, altho being encased with a plastic bag will help a lot on that regard. Such drums are expensive and aint exactly hard to find with metal detectors. Plastic drums are easily eaten thru by rodents. Burial has to be done at night, without showing a light and without leaving a trace. protection must be provided against dogs and other digging critters. where bears are a problem, massive concrete caps over the food drums are necessary. So the realistic answer is to bury only a month's supply, and just leave the rest of the food in a public storage unit,near your BOL. with a bicycle, walking alongside of it, you can move a 35 gallon drum a mile or so, to some brush, out of sight, in an hour or so. Repeat such bike trips all night long, and you've got a 6 month supply of food (for that one person) after 6 months, it will be reasonably safe to grow sprouts, if done down in holes in teh ground, in the center of thickets, so as to not be visible. animals are likely to be all dead, and some snares and box traps would assure you of that. If shtf, those storage units will be very dangerous places, and if you leave your food there more than a very few days after shtf, it will be gone. You'll have to dig holes and bury the drums the next night, after watching over them all day. Entering the storage area is likey to call for passive IR and night vision goggles, as well as a silencer on your autorifle.
when they (or fire or lack of water) force you to abandon the building. you gotta have a place to go, and that place should be your local water source, underground during daylight hours.