California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by sec, Jan 24, 2023.

  1. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    HYPERLINK has full article


    Assemblyman Alex Lee, a progressive Democrat, last week introduced a bill in the California State Legislature that would impose an extra annual 1.5% tax on those with a "worldwide net worth" above $1 billion, starting as early as January 2024.

    As early as 2026, the threshold for being taxed would drop: those with a worldwide net worth exceeding $50 million would be hit with a 1% annual tax on wealth, while billionaires would still be taxed 1.5%....................
    Worldwide wealth extends beyond annual income to include diverse holdings such as farm assets, arts and other collectibles, and stocks and hedge fund interest.

    end snip

    We have heard rumblings that Democrat politicians were seeking ways to take more from the productive. Since they will be taxing assets, I wonder if they will issue refunds as the value of the assets decrease due to harmful Democrat policies?

    This will be interesting to watch

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