True, but I can still call a cab and if I want to wait on the corner, they won't even know my actual address. The problems I see with Uber/Lyft are more about the sheer volume of information they desire and disseminate than the convenience they could provide. Its not that hard to plan ahead and leave plenty of time for a taxi to arrive. The other thing of concern is accountability, taxi companies are way more accountable than Uber/Lyft, and we've seen they have questionable screening methods after seeing all the issues there have been with their drivers. Don't get me wrong though, I support capitalism, so use whatever service you want...
If I remember correctly, supermarket baggers were part time high school kids while the supermarket cashiers use to be well paid and were able to make mortgage payments on the house and raise a small family. Those damn bar codes dumbed down the supermarket cashier job.
Good point. My supermarket provides individual scanners to take around the store. You scan each item before you put it in the cart. Just click "checkout" on the way out. My card number is already on file. No more waiting for someone to drag my items across a scanner.
The problem with Uber/Lyft drivers bargaining, is they have no leverage. If their demands make California an unprofitable market, Uber/Lyft can just *click* turn off their support for the app in the state like flipping a switch, just like they did to Austin. A company that can do that is basically impossible to hold hostage. Drivers: "Give us all the money or else!" Uber: "Or else what?" *click*
I can agree to a point, except Uber/Lyft were trying to exploit the system, not work within it in a reasonable way. I can't believe I'm actually siding with California on anything. Its the way Uber/Lyft do things. Basically what they want is to manage their software, but they exploit the system by claiming the drivers as theirs for advertisement/volume purposes, while denying any accountability for said drivers...
Wow, that's high tech. I still go to the register, because I'm too lazy to scan my own items. I only use the self-service line if I have five items or less and there is a line...
Used to be there were whole areas of employment that were designed as supplemental incomes to nuclear families. Liberals and commies destroyed nuclear families and that forced liberals and commies to use the legislature/judiciary to turn those supplemental jobs into single mother careers...
It's good for the drivers because they get to bask in the moral correctness of the left. Now they'll have time to pursue things that make them happy, a la Nancy Pelosi.
My supermarket has that, but the scanner is an app on my phone. When I'm done, I pay with Apple Pay right on the phone.
All it takes is one of them to leave and the other owns the market. They already came back to Austin btw, and other startups were already filling the void.
You don't really get it. The suppression isn't at the bottom, the increase at the bottom suppresses advancement, look at relevant wage advancement beyond the starting pay, its stagnant, creating a wealth gap that perpetuates the lower classes...
Uber and Lyft aren't going anywhere. I live in Boston and take both all the time. They blow Taxi's out of the water. You have a hour to spare when you need a lift to an appointment? You want to ride in a broken down car that smells like puky piss, and has a obnoxious, entitled, driver who smells like booze? By all means call a cab then. And cost more? Please. All costs are up front and on par, no money exchanged, and no cabbie bs about alternate routes, tips, or all the crap they pull to run up the fare! I think anyone who has never actually USED or driven for either service doesnt really have a good grasp of how incredibly popular they are. They are going to be around for a ling, long time.
False. They have stricter driver regs than Taxi's. Not to mention drivers are rated by the customer after each ride, fall below a certain rating threshold and you will be banned by the service.
I see their intent, but the results will be higher cost and lower demand. These unskilled workers will be replaced with technology before they know it.
Perhaps, but they only have themselves to blame, both Uber/Lyft and the unskilled workers. No excuse for trying to exploit the system through shady means...
I use Wally Worlds on-line shopping/store pick up. I order everything on line, then on a set day in a 1 hour window I drive up and park in the orange parking spaces. They bring it right out to my car and even help me bag it, then off I go.
My Dad drives for uber, works whenever ever he has time, pulls in an extra six seven hundred a week in addition to his professional umpire/referee gigs and veterans pay. Alows him to afford the high rents here comfortably. Say what you will, but you simply dont know what your talking about.
They don't want bargaining rights they want to be able to work as they have been working where they decide how much they will work and when they will work at their leisure. The law is strict on what is a full time employee and if they are going to be forced to hire them all as full time workers then they will be controlling their work schedules and how many they hire, they will have to adopt the taxi cab business model.