While putting aside the sad commentary, you do understand there are many people who actively choose to be independent contractors, or as the call themselves 'gig workers' now. Why do you feel that you, or anybody else, has the right to say how the must earn their living? Why do you think you have a right to say what they are paid, how they are paid, or when they are paid? Why do you think you must make decisions for other people about what is included in their compensation? You don't have that right.
Sure. If by "indentured servant" you mean someone who doesn't owe any money to the people they work for, can dictate their own hours, and can quit any time they want. Perfect analogy.
People also chose to let their kids work in coal mines and to agree to indentured servitude. People also choose to buy steel from china.
Is this opposite day? Govt tells workers they can't choose to work, and you call that "choice". Seems marijuana laws aren't working out.
Govt hasn’t told anyone that. They have told people they can’t work as indentured servants. Why? Is that lack of freedom ok?
Oh we're back to calling people free to work or not based on their personal inclinations "indentured servitude" again. It was just as ridiculous this time as it was the last time you suggested it. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Welcome to 1984.
Ok you seem unable to understand the difference between an analogy and an example. If you want to discuss things I actually say, let me know
Sure. I know, let's try the dictionary. a·nal·o·gy /əˈnaləjē/ noun noun: analogy; plural noun: analogies a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
A freelancer is neither an analogy for, or an example of, and indentured servant. Not neither, not by any stretch.
Which isn’t what I’m doing. I’m asking why you think indentured servants are illegal, not saying that’s what gig workers are.
Freelancers are about the opposite of indentured servants. They're the most "free to come and go" workers you'll find. Hence the "free" in freelancer.
Sure, because in a conversation about people having the freedom to choose their own hours for some extra cash, the argument about indentured servitude naturally comes up.
Restrictions on certain types of employment would logically come up in a conversation about restricting certain types of employment.
Not at all like subsidized Chinese steel used to intentionally flood the market at a loss to monopolize the market. You are really off your game today. Another bad analogy.
Yes because the concept of having the choice to work a side gig and indentured servitude are comparable forms of bad employment.