Canadian war veterans having to wait years for disability claims

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by kazenatsu, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Is this an indicator of the state of the Health system in Canada?

    The Backlog: Thousands of veterans with disabilities are waiting years for support

    The disability benefits backlog has emerged over the past five years as a major source of stress, frustration and fear inside Canada's veterans community

    Nearly a dozen years ago, Micheal McNeil was hit with an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. The former combat engineer, who is now a 40-year-old father of three in Saint John, N.B., has traded a fight with the Taliban for a constant battle with the federal government instead.
    "They want you to walk away. They're literally: delay, deny, watch you die," he says.
    "They want you to walk away from the benefits. They don’t want you to get them. And that’s why they make it so hard."
    McNeil is one of tens of thousands of Canadian veterans who sustained long-term injuries from their military service and are now waiting to find out whether Veterans Affairs Canada will approve their disability claims.​

    It's well known people in the Canadian Health System often have to wait much longer than Americans for certain types of procedures. It's also well known that sometimes American Veterans don't get treated the best by the Veterans Health Administration, and there can sometimes be long wait times and a few administrators who seem to prefer that the veterans just die, to relieve the backlog and overburden of patients.
    submarinepainter likes this.
  2. submarinepainter

    submarinepainter Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 12, 2008
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    as a vet I want all vets to e treated right

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