I must do some research to see if anybody has worked out which country needs renaming Fat Person Land . Where do the Fatties hang out? Am also a newly recommended Leptin Hormone "scholar" -- arguably the most important substance in the body . Seems that Fatties have brain problems because Leptin presence drops and funny things start --- violence , for starters . Predisposition to Cannibalism . Everything is beginning to fall into place . It's more like America is ready to blow up , rather than melt . Just proves there are some Happy News stories . More than 100,000 cancers - a third of all those diagnosed each year in this country - are caused by smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diets and obesity, research has revealed.
Granny tol' Uncle Ferd if he gonna marry one o' his fat g/f's, he better make sure she got lotsa cancer insurance... Over 40% of cancers due to lifestyle, says review 7 December 2011 - Booze, cigarettes and inactivity are collectively bad
May the Schwartz be with you... Obesity Linked to Brain Damage January 03, 2012 - Inflammation found in hypothalamus, which controls appetite and weight See also: Study: More Education Increases IQ Score January 03, 2012 - Intelligence quotient is higher in students who stay in school longer
Yes I am well aware of similar studies but felt they were far too long and complex to put in front of our mainly fat cousins . In summary , the parents who damage their brains initially through obesity and associated Leptin effects , then pass these defects on to their pudding like children . Do i hear the the phrase " Need Culling" from the back of the hall?
Clint , you are doing it again !!! Speaking before thinking . Above anything else , Cancer is a terrible disease that affects one third of all people at some point in their life . Thereafter , it is imperative we look for cures . Some people will make money from research , development , marketing and the care of suffering . What is your problem , Clint . Advances in containment and cure are amazing and separately there are some who profit in nasty ways . But that is true in every walk of life . Your Post statement is actually very offensive and unthinking .