Carbs and lung cancer

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by sawyer, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Good friend of mine that never smoked has lung cancer and this caught my attention. Our modern Western diet is killing us.

    "Even if you’ve never smoked a cigarette, what’s on your plate could determine your odds of getting lung cancer, according to new research.
    A new study from scientists at the University of Texas found people whose diets had a high glycemic index had a 49 percent higher risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer. It is the largest study that has been done investigating the link between the two, according to the study's authors.
    Glycemic index (GI) measures the quality of dietary carbohydrates by how quickly blood sugar levels are raised following a meal. Foods with high glycemic indexes include white bread, pretzels, bagels, baguettes, white rice, corn flakes, rice cakes and white potatoes. In other words, carbohydrates that can easily be converted into sugar.
    Perhaps more surprising is the study found people in the highest GI group who had never smoked before were more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer as those in the lowest group. Among smokers, the risk was only elevated by 31 percent, according to the research."

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