When it comes to cars, I've always sought affordable models to to "just-get-me-from-A to B". The amount of luxury in some of these newer cars is wild. For example, look at the back two seats in the 7-passenger LI Auto L9 model. I saw an Aussie review on this car this morning. https://ir.lixiang.com/news-releases/news-release-details/li-auto-inc-hosts-2024-spring-launch-event Incredibly spacious, and the two seats in the second row have seat heat, ventilation, and built-in massagers. They recline almost completely. There are so many other features on this crazy car, such as a totally equipped home entertainment system. That second row of seats also has a pull-out refrigerator under the front-seat console. The 3rd row is also fairly spacious, with many of the same seat features (I don't think it had the massagers). It's a high voltage EV car at 800+ Volts. When it charges on a fast-charging system, it pulls about 600 Amps, and charges from discharged to 80% in about 12 minutes. A fully charged car can go to either 500 km (310 miles) or 710 km (440 miles), depending on the purchased option. I doubt most charging stations are able to provide this voltage and current though. Being around that kind of power would probably make your arm hairs stand on end. This car sells for about 460K Yuan, which is about $69,000. As far as luxury cars go, this is probably a low price. Lexus, Mercedes and other have much more expensive luxury SUVs. I think I'll stick with the basic A-to-B vehicles.
Hard to beat a Camry for comfortable, reliable, effecient transport. Our 2012 camry was bought new, now has 110,000 miles and has never had any issue. Just goes. When I take it in for service they always want to sell me a new one. Why? I ask. Registration goes from $75 to $750. Insurance goes way up. I get a car payment. Again. And when I drive to the grocery or to California nothing much is different.
Experience has shown that all EV range claims are to be taken with a grain of salt (and no need for heat or A/C).
Li L9’s range extension system is powered by a self-developed and self-manufactured 1.5-liter, four-cylinder, turbo-charged engine, boosting maximum thermal efficiency to 40.5% and reducing fuel consumption under the CLTC standard operating conditions to 5.9 liters per 100 kilometers. Coupled with a low drag coefficient and high motor efficiency, Li L9’s CLTC range reaches 1,315 kilometers and its WLTC range reaches 1,100 kilometers. It can also supply up to 3.5 kilowatts of electricity for external use, providing additional utility for flexible use anytime, anywhere. https://ir.lixiang.com/news-release...auto-inc-unveils-li-l9-its-flagship-smart-suv It's not clear whether the range extension is an option or standard. But if you're buying this level of luxury SUV, you'd probably get it. Range extension is as good idea for EVs. You can at least limp to the next charger.
Then this is a hybrid. Had to laugh at the reference to limping. Not what I have in mind during a road trip.
There is a spectrum of designs. Originally hybrids mostly powered the wheels mechanically from the engine assisted by an electric motor, especially during acceleration. Now some hybrids (Honda IIRC) have hybrids that use the engine/generator output to drive the electric motor and either charge/discharge the battery depending on demand. Then there are plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) that use the electric motor and battery for a very limited range until the battery reaches some level of depletion, after which they start the ICE to continue. Range extended EVs are hybrids that are like plug-in hybrids, except they can go much further on the battery and the ICE is smaller and cannot keep up with battery discharge indefinitely.
I understand certain people wanting range extension, but personally, I want the base model. I don't want to carry all those batteries around for the one-in-one-thousand trip where the base range isn't enough. For most EV owners, most of the charging is done at home.
I have a plug-in hybrid Volt, and it is a joy to drive. About 95% of my driving is exclusively electric. I pay about $5 per month for gas. An advantage of ALL hybrids over exclusive ICEs is that they regenerate braking power. That's huge, and in city driving can be a 20% better efficiency. All that recaptured energy is wasted in ICEs. My next vehicle will be all electric. As mentioned, I love the simplicity - no fuel injection, no exhaust system, no transmission, no pistons, rings, cylinders, spark plugs, etc.
You obviously didn't look at the link in the title post. "the Company’s first high-voltage battery electric vehicle"