Nothing about "orange man bad" about it. I thought it was hysterical when I saw it. Of course, I'm one of the few people left in this country that has an actual sense of humor apparently.
Sure, we have a game here called "where is the bad Orange Man" it's like Where is Waldo"...he eventually appears in every thread, even cat threads...or banana bread threads...
I am answering impulsively, I suppose, after reading only your OP, so it is possible that someone's already pointed this out, but one obvious reason is that preferring the lone-operator cat to the pack-minded dog, is a signal to others-- right or wrong-- that the person is one whose ideas & opinions come INDEPENDENTLY from the GROUP. Regardless of how loudly some bark about believing in the Libertarian principles of the rights of the individual, any person who's perspective ranges outside the borders of the established, community's view-- which can be either that of one's SOCIETY, as a whole, or a smaller, cohesive contingent, within that society-- is seen as an outsider, untrusted by any collective group. LIKE-MINDEDNESS is something humans, generally, crave in their peers, so that any given gang or tribe punishes those who are perceived as, "different," and who refuse to conform.
I almost called my girl cat Bat Man because of her ears/shape of her head when I met her when she was 8 weeks old. It took me a while to name her and I even used Bat Man with vets until I found a more permanent name I wanted for her, 1 vet I registered to openly told me they didn't like the name but others were cool with it; when I told the 1 vet who didn't like it her new name when they spayed her, said something like 'oh that's nice name' and changed it from Bat Man to her name. I have 2 black cats, 1 boy, 1 girl, the boy will be 4 this year and the girl will be 2. Keeping a straight face when the vet called for 'Bat Man' in the waiting room with her chatting to other pet owners to see what they've got/show off what you've got... I'd be like, she's my kitten, she's (whatever age months she was), she's here for vaccinations etc... then hearing 'Bat Man' be called and me going up with this girl cat I named Bat Man, I had my fun. I even used to say 'she's a girl cat, but I named her Bat Man because of the shape of her head', before I named her something else.
. Cats are my favorite... from little kittens to big cats in the wild. Here's a cute and unusual cat video: Kitty vrs Texas Cop .
. Here's one of my favorite photos... Putin with Persian leopard I can't decide who is more adorable .
The willingness to do almost anything for them may be 'slavish' in nature, but there is plenty of compensation to be had. Purring, rubs, cuddles.