most animals can pick up how people feel , some Dogs can pick if someone going to take a panic attack or secures, other animals can do the same
Lots of reports of pets getting active as the time of their human's return approaches Even if off schedule. My cat, Ruth, and I had that link for 13 years. Linked enough to concern friends. Ruth liked all people, esp. women in Levis She straddled a leg with her chest resting and a front leg on each side I guess I miss Ruth at this moment although she passed over 20 years ago Moi
There is nothing like having a cat's approval. If they like you it is a like on their terms. They will show you just how much they like you every chance they get. A purr when you pick them up, a snuggle in your lap, or a follow you around wherever you go. You are their special possession and they won't let you forget.
Oddly, I receive almost instant affection from some animals, and occasionally even some people. Also, however, I receive almost instant dislike from some people, and, occasionally some animals. Meh, this is all for naught. Are you voting for DFT this November Daisy? Do Tell.....
2 unrelated cats sleeping together Pretty Boy fell in love with old "Kitty" from their introduction They even had their peculiar wrestling matches over and over. Approaching from the front and looking for advantage to reach a forelimb advantageously under the other and flip them over. No noises Then they did it again. Sadly Kitty died, hospice style Kitty is the darker one in back I never experienced 2 unrelated cats with such a bond
Our border collie and our cat are the best of buddies. We have a blue heeler and she hates the cat, when they meet up our border collie will get between the two of them to protect the cat. Funny how much they love each other. He is the cat's protector.