most animals can pick up how people feel , some Dogs can pick if someone going to take a panic attack or secures, other animals can do the same
Lots of reports of pets getting active as the time of their human's return approaches Even if off schedule. My cat, Ruth, and I had that link for 13 years. Linked enough to concern friends. Ruth liked all people, esp. women in Levis She straddled a leg with her chest resting and a front leg on each side I guess I miss Ruth at this moment although she passed over 20 years ago Moi
There is nothing like having a cat's approval. If they like you it is a like on their terms. They will show you just how much they like you every chance they get. A purr when you pick them up, a snuggle in your lap, or a follow you around wherever you go. You are their special possession and they won't let you forget.
Oddly, I receive almost instant affection from some animals, and occasionally even some people. Also, however, I receive almost instant dislike from some people, and, occasionally some animals. Meh, this is all for naught. Are you voting for DFT this November Daisy? Do Tell.....
2 unrelated cats sleeping together Pretty Boy fell in love with old "Kitty" from their introduction They even had their peculiar wrestling matches over and over. Approaching from the front and looking for advantage to reach a forelimb advantageously under the other and flip them over. No noises Then they did it again. Sadly Kitty died, hospice style Kitty is the darker one in back I never experienced 2 unrelated cats with such a bond
Our border collie and our cat are the best of buddies. We have a blue heeler and she hates the cat, when they meet up our border collie will get between the two of them to protect the cat. Funny how much they love each other. He is the cat's protector.
This Winter approaching my cats cling to closer to home Pretty Boy who never gave me more than a greeting now wants bed(my) time too Both Floosie & Pretty Boy seem to crave more "human" time while my Asian is no longer appreciated as before by Pretty Boy
The Cat I mean the Great Cat Lord of Us All dissolved my intended upload or not I believe in Cat let me live to serve and not consumed
My feeling about those who love dogs but hate cats is they HAVE to be the boss in the relationship, and dogs submit easily. Sure, dog lovers may be devoted to the dog's health and care, but they MUST be the boss. I don't have much respect for that attitude. It leads them to hate cats because cats (I think contrary to popular opinion) want a more mutual relationship. A dog lover/cat hater is just a person of low intellect that has no ability or will vs their own controlling and one-sided nature. A dog that brings back a grouse you shot is not sharing. Its obeying its directive, and merely hoping to get a reward. A cat that brings you a mouse is sharing of its own free will. Its just that humans don't want mouse, they want grouse. A dog can do a hell of job getting itself killed protecting you from a bear. It might even work. But this is not because the dog is smart. The dog is extremely stupid, which some people find to be cute and/or useful. The dog goes from beloved pet to useful tool in an instant. That's sort of sickening. A cat has little ability to protect you from a bear, or even a dog, but they have been known to give it a shot anyway, sometimes with success, and they tend to survive as well, because they are not so stupid as to not have self preservation instincts. Cats rely on timing and surprise. They are NOT fearless as some people think. They aren't honeybadgers. Rather, they are brave without being stupid or suicidal. They will judge if they can succeed or not, rather than just die for you or die with you. I simply cannot forgive people who judge cats negatively for them having a brain, independent thought, and a will to survive, cause hey, those people hate ME for the same reasons....and ultimately, its stupidity and selfishness where the hate comes from...just like most other hates.
Amen. And the females largely to blame for all the current inceldom are definitely dog lovers/ cat haters. Of course I use the term "dog lover" loosely because a lot of their treament of their dogs is abusive.
I have cats and dogs. To me, it's great when a kitty comes up on your lap, gets comfortable and starts to purr.
. Our little cat follows us everywhere. He will hitch a ride on the XUV and crawl up in a lap for the ride home.
More "Spot" & Star Trek moments Whatever happened to "Spot" beyond Star Trek? I only know Brent Spinner, aka Data said at a ComicCon convention "Spot" was let go because he could not follow direction.
@DennisTate Witness Cats live in more than our realm ref. their unique "?" smell organ above their palate and reflective retinas too. Enjoy or not and if you need a cat I favor an old, neutered female Moi Cats Like Me. Not My Choice