Censorship targets the First Amendment

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Flanders, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    The personal attack always works for liberals but never for conservatives. MSNBC “suspending” Pat Buchanan is the result of a campaign by ColorOfChange.org; a liberal activist group:

    An activist group whose leaders object to the beliefs of Pat Buchanan, a senior adviser to three American presidents, a candidate for the Republican nomination in 1992 and 1996, and the Reform Party’s presidential candidate in 2000, is announcing victory in its campaign to have the author of multiple best-selling books removed from MSNBC.​

    On the right side of the media spectrum conservatives do nothing more than gloat after a liberal gets in trouble because of his own remarks.

    Furthermore, a liberal talking head’s show might be cancelled because of a low rating, but no matter how slimy, how anti-America, how foul the private agenda, a liberal is never shown the door by a TV network as was Pat Buchanan:

    “However, it’s time for MSNBC to permanently end their relationship with Pat Buchanan and the hateful, outdated ideas he represents. We appreciate this first step and urge MSNBC to take the important final step to ensure that their brand is no longer associated with Buchanan’s history of passing off white supremacy ideology as mainstream political commentary.”​

    And this:

    Mediaite’s Frances Martel said the network’s statement was vague, but “The Week” said, “when you read between the lines, it’s rather obvious that he’s through.”​

    It’s obvious Pat’s split with MSNBC is about censorship for the time being. Buchanan lost access to one public microphone not his First Amendment Right of free speech although the destructive effects of censorship are just as damaging to society as a whole.

    The most offensive speech requires the most protection from those who are offended. Rather than openly attack free speech liberals avoided a First Amendment fight altogether when they devised politically correct speech. Politically correct speech has become the most insidious form of censorship because it denies absolute free speech. In Buchanan’s case the censors are banning, and punishing, politically INCORRECT speech. They make no bones about their intentions:

    “It is especially disturbing that he continues to be given a platform to espouse his views at a mainstream network like MSNBC, where he is presented as a knowledgeable and respected analyst. Buchanan continues to show his true colors by espousing hateful, bigoted statements in his new book,” said Abraham Foxman, national director for the ADL.​

    Finally, Socialist incrementalism is very much a key component in the long-range plan to make free speech in this country a crime punishable by law as it is in Communist countries. There is no conspiracy involved; at least not in today’s political world.

    From the day 19th century Socialist planners choose incrementalism over violent revolution as the best way to get to a totalitarian Communist government lay Socialists began absorbing the technique by osmosis. They now do it instinctively by beginning with one small step. They did it with the welfare state, with education industry brainwashing, with healthcare, and so on. Politically correct speech was that first baby step on the road to criminalizing politically incorrect speech.

    MSNBC suspends Pat Buchanan
    Activists condemned beliefs of onetime presidential candidate

    An activist group whose leaders object to the beliefs of Pat Buchanan, a senior adviser to three American presidents, a candidate for the Republican nomination in 1992 and 1996, and the Reform Party’s presidential candidate in 2000, is announcing victory in its campaign to have the author of multiple best-selling books removed from MSNBC.

    “ColorOfChange.org welcomes MSNBC’s decision to indefinitely supend (sic) Pat Buchanan,” ColorOfChange.org Executive Director Rashad Robinson posted in an online statement.

    “However, it’s time for MSNBC to permanently end their relationship with Pat Buchanan and the hateful, outdated ideas he represents. We appreciate this first step and urge MSNBC to take the important final step to ensure that their brand is no longer associated with Buchanan’s history of passing off white supremacy ideology as mainstream political commentary.”

    Buchanan could not be reached immediately for comment on the campaign or any results, but he essentially has been absent from the network since the release of his latest book about America’s heritage and history. And MSNBC President Phil Griffin said recently, “When Pat was on his book tour, because of the content of the book, I didn’t think it should be part of the national dialogue much less part of the dialogue on MSNBC.”

    Pat Buchanan wasn’t suspended at WND! See his latest column, “GOP bad blood.”

    The activists had begun their campaign after Buchanan appeared on a radio program, “The Political Cesspool,” to promote his newest book, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?”

    The move was stirring an abundance of comment on the web, with the notation from Griffin as recently as this weekend that there was no decision on whether Buchanan would return.

    Mediaite’s Frances Martel said the network’s statement was vague, but “The Week” said, “when you read between the lines, it’s rather obvious that he’s through.”

    “This is a good move for MSNBC: Getting Buchanan off air is in MSNBC’s best interest, says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway,” according to “The Week.”

    AP noted in its report that Buchanan’s book includes chapters named, “The End of White America,” and “The Death of Christian America.”

    WND reported when the campaign was launched by Color of Change.

    The group’s outrage was prompted by the warning from the author of six New York Times best-sellers that the America that was founded and built by those who considered the Christian faith important is disintegrating.

    Buchanan traces the collapse to three historic changes: America’s loss of her cradle faith, Christianity; the moral, social and cultural collapse that followed that loss; and the slow death of the people who created and ruled the nation.

    America was born a Western Christian republic, he explains, but is being transformed into a “multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic stew of a nation that has no successful precedent in the history of the world.”

    How about, “Dial 1 for English,” election ballots in foreign languages, demands for “rights” from illegal immigrants, and related issues? he questions.

    The Anti-Defamation League jumped to join the attack on Buchanan, saying it had “grave concern” over Buchanan’s “anti-Semitic, racist and anti-immigrant views.”

    “It is especially disturbing that he continues to be given a platform to espouse his views at a mainstream network like MSNBC, where he is presented as a knowledgeable and respected analyst. Buchanan continues to show his true colors by espousing hateful, bigoted statements in his new book,” said Abraham Foxman, national director for the ADL.

    Buchanan was a senior adviser to three American presidents, ran for the Republican nomination in 1992 and 1996, and was the Reform Party’s presidential candidate in 2000. The author of 10 other books, Buchanan is a syndicated columnist and founding member of three of America’s foremost public affairs shows, NBC’s The McLaughlin Group and CNN’s The Capitol Gang and Crossfire.

    The campaign to silence Buchanan conflicted with other opinions, including that of The Washington Post, which said, “Buchanan is a muscular writer, fully in command of the English language he feels is under siege. He is adept at linking history, statistics, and the writings of philosophers and economists to proffer forceful arguments.”

    Added The Philadelphia Inquirer, “Buchanan is an honest writer who … minces nothing except an occasional opponent.”

    And at The Washington Times, Tony Blankley wrote, “Mr. Buchanan … is positively fearless. He is also right.”

    Amazon readers by a 7-1 margin were giving the book high marks.

    The book explains that America today is “rejecting the commitment to a God-given equality of rights for all as inadequate.”

    “Our government is engaged in the manic pursuit of equality of rewards, as it seeks to erect an egalitarian utopia that has never before existed. Less and less do we Americans have in common. More and more do we fight over religion, morality, politics, history, and heroes. And as our nation disintegrates, our government is failing in its fundamental duties, unable to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars.”

    At the time, an unscientific online poll asking whether respondents thought Buchanan should be allowed on MSNBC to talk about his book drew at 91 percent yes response.

  2. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    How is a company firing someone over remarks that could jeopardize their business against the First Amendment? Unless you believe that government can tell a business who they can and cannot fire.

    Or maybe you believe that people do not have the right to protest what they consider is wrong. Oh, wait... I think the First Amendment protects that right.
  3. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    The First Amendment only protects free speech from being punished by the government. Private entities are allowed to retaliate for speech they don't like. That is part of their own free speech rights.

    If a company wants to censor speech, they are free to do so.
  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To DarkDaimon: Pat Buchanan was also protesting something he considers wrong. Are you in favor of protecting his First Amendment Right of free speech?

    To perdidochas: True for now:

    “. . . Socialist incrementalism is very much a key component in the long-range plan to make free speech in this country a crime punishable by law as it is in Communist countries.”
  5. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    He has that protection. The government didn't imprison him. He has no protection against employers.

    I would agree if this had anything to do with a law. It doesn't. It has to do with a company choosing not to air views that they think will hurt their business.
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Pat Buchanan said:

    “Well, you know I’ve had some medical issues at the end of the year which were pretty problematic,” Buchanan said, “and so I’ve sort of been out of speaking and things like that. … I’ve started back writing the column in December, and I’ve got the column going. I’m doing ‘McLaughlin Group.’ But we haven’t gotten up on MSNBC.

    “On Drudge Report, somebody said I’ve been suspended,” Buchanan told Hewitt. “I don’t know anything about that. I hope to get back full up here in January, but I’ve been out for a couple of months.”​

    So Pat was ill for a while and unaware of MSNBC’s actions. I can believe that. That’s the way companies do things on the upper level. Nobody calls you in and says “You’re fired.” You show up for work one day and there is a new name on your office door. Everyone gets the message.

    NOTE: FOX phonies moved with the speed of light when it came to hiring flaming liberal Juan Williams after NPR dumped him; so let’s see if the welcome mat is rolled out for Buchanan.

    The final paragraph in the enclosed article caught my attention:

    As left-leaning Slate magazine notes curiously: “It’s unclear why MSNBC has decided to reconsider Buchanan’s status now. He’s been on air regularly on the network since 2002, and the ideas in his book are very similar to what he’s been asserting for years.”​

    My guess is: The liberal intelligentsia knows that truth poorly stated does not influence nearly as much as does a well-stated profound truth. Struggling for years to say the same truth in understandable language is a tinkering process; more so as the consequences of “. . . multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic multiculturalism. . . ” social engineering become obvious. I think Pat’s latest book says it so well liberals across the board are in a panic.

    Buchanan’s book so explosive MSNBC brass go bonkers
    Network president: 'Suicide of a Superpower' not fit 'for national dialogue'

    For many, it was just a matter of time before increasingly left-leaning MSNBC eliminated its last conservative, but the apparent suspension from the network’s lineup of Patrick J. Buchanan – senior adviser to three presidents, presidential candidate and multiple-bestselling author – is raising eyebrows because of the reason cited by the cable channel’s boss.

    MSNBC president Phil Griffin says Buchanan’s recent hot-selling book, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” not only violates the liberal cable network’s values – no surprise there – but that Buchanan’s ideas aren’t even fit to be discussed in public – anywhere.

    “The ideas he put forth aren’t really appropriate for national dialogue,” said Griffin, “much less the dialogue on MSNBC.”

    Buchanan was unavailable to comment to WND on the issue, but on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, he said there were several factors contributing to his extended absence from MSNBC, and he’s not been informed of any suspension or other action.

    “Well, you know I’ve had some medical issues at the end of the year which were pretty problematic,” Buchanan said, “and so I’ve sort of been out of speaking and things like that. … I’ve started back writing the column in December, and I’ve got the column going. I’m doing ‘McLaughlin Group.’ But we haven’t gotten up on MSNBC.

    “On Drudge Report, somebody said I’ve been suspended,” Buchanan told Hewitt. “I don’t know anything about that. I hope to get back full up here in January, but I’ve been out for a couple of months.”

    Audio of the interview was posted on The Daily Caller.

    As WND reported, activist groups have been pressuring MSNBC to drop the conservative icon, including ColorOfChange.org which insists “it’s time for MSNBC to permanently end their relationship with Pat Buchanan and the hateful, outdated ideas he represents.” The cable network should no longer be “associated with Buchanan’s history of passing off white supremacy ideology as mainstream political commentary,” the group adds.

    However, apart from MSNBC, in the larger world where “national dialogue” occurs, Buchanan’s latest book has been hugely popular. While Amazon readers give the book high marks by a 7-to-1 margin, the book has received high critical acclaim:

    “Buchanan is a muscular writer, fully in command of the English language he feels is under siege. He is adept at linking history, statistics, and the writings of philosophers and economists to proffer forceful arguments.” – The Washington Post

    “Buchanan is an honest writer who … minces nothing except an occasional opponent.” – The Philadelphia Inquirer

    “Nobody turns a sharp phrase, drops an historical reference, or makes a literary allusion as naturally as Pat Buchanan.” – Human Events

    “His approach is that of a true conservative, offering a perspective rooted in American tradition initiated by Washington.” – Kirkus Reviews

    “Mr. Buchanan … is positively fearless. He is also right.” – Tony Blankley, The Washington Times

    So, what is “Suicide of a Superpower” really about, and why would MSNBC find it so offensive as to axe its author and declare its ideas not “appropriate for national dialogue”?

    “America,” says the publisher’s summary of Buchanan’s latest book, “is disintegrating”:

    The “one Nation under God, indivisible” of the Pledge of Allegiance is passing away. In a few decades, that America will be gone forever. In its place will arise a country unrecognizable to our parents.

    This is the thrust of Pat Buchanan’s “Suicide of a Superpower.”

    The author of six New York Times bestsellers traces the disintegration to three historic changes: America’s loss of her cradle faith, Christianity; the moral, social, and cultural collapse that have followed from that loss; and the slow death of the people who created and ruled the nation.

    America was born a Western Christian republic, writes Buchanan, but is being transformed into a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic stew of a nation that has no successful precedent in the history of the world.

    Where once we celebrated the unity, the melting pot and shared experience, that the Depression and World War gave us, our elites today proclaim, “Our diversity is our greatest strength!” – even as racial, religious, and ethnic diversity are tearing nations to pieces.

    Rejecting the commitment to a God-given equality of rights for all as inadequate, our government is engaged in the manic pursuit of equality of rewards, as it seeks to erect an egalitarian utopia that has never before existed. Less and less do we Americans have in common. More and more do we fight over religion, morality, politics, history, and heroes. And as our nation disintegrates, our government is failing in its fundamental duties, unable to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars.

    “How Americans are killing the country they profess to love,” the summary concludes, “and the fate that awaits us if we do not turn around, is what “Suicide of a Superpower” is all about.

    As left-leaning Slate magazine notes curiously: “It’s unclear why MSNBC has decided to reconsider Buchanan’s status now. He’s been on air regularly on the network since 2002, and the ideas in his book are very similar to what he’s been asserting for years.”


    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Absolutely- the government should not prohibit Pat Buchanan from speaking.

    Nor are they.

    Therefore his First Amendment rights are protected.

    Pat Buchanan could be posting his opinions right here on these boards if he wanted to. Or since he is a minor celebrity, he could probably even hit the talk show circuit.

    And no government would interfere.

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