Charles Krauthammer on ObamaCare

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by pjohns, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. pjohns

    pjohns Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2009
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    Charles Krauthammer, on FNC's Special Report Wednesday, had an interesting observation: He believes that ObamaCare will be essentially gutted in 2014 (even if not entirely repealed), for the following reason:

    (1) Adverse selection--i.e. an inordinate percentage of older, sicker people signing up for ObamaCare, as opposed to younger, healthier people doing so--will almost certainly result in the various insurance companies sustaining huge financial losses.

    (2) This, in turn, will precipitate a bailout of those insurance companies. (This, in fact, is already allowed, under the terms of ObamaCare itself.)

    (3) Legislation will surely be introduced--in fact, it is already under consideration--to prohibit any such bailout from happening.

    (4) Democratic lawmakers--especially those who are up for re-election, and who are likely to be engaged in tough races in 2014--will probably support this legislation, practically ensuring that it will pass.

    (5) Without this bailout provision of ObamaCare being able to go into effect, the entire policy will be hollowed out--in effect, rendering it virtually certain to fail.

    It really makes for an interesting piece of analysis...

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