Charles Krauthammer: 'The Clock Has Run Out On Benghazi'

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Agent_286, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Ah, here come the "hair-splitters". You are probably right -- it's not murder. But it sure as hell is ACCESSORY TO MURDER if you send people into a known harm's way (i.e., hive of Islamo-Nazis), leave them without adequate protection, and then refuse to come to their aid when the actual murderers begin murdering them. Does that pass muster with you now, your Honor, or should I have the legal staff bring in an electron microscope...?
  2. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    1. The perps faded into the chaos that libya remains.

    2. The US does not have the means to conduct a criminal investigation on libyan soil

    3. As places like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan have proven over and over, if the perps are "protected" by the civilian population, its exceedingly difficult to find them, especially if they "go to ground".

    There is a rather lengthy list of terrorist attacks on US personnel that have remained "unsolved" or where the suspected perp(s) have remained at large. Can you shed light on why that might be?
  3. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Let's see now... The Campaigner-in-Chief has missed five straight presidential daily briefings leading to Benghazi attack while the warnings of threat mounted, giving instead speeches in Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire... On the day of Benghazi attack, the schmuck did receive presidential daily breeding and... departed for Las Vegas fundraising... what a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing way to lead the Nation...

    And you know what is most ironic, something Libs don't want to talk about at all? On September 6th, Obama delivered a speech at Democratic National Convention, accusing Romney of being new to foreign policy and proudly declaring Al Qaida being on the run. What a joke. I missed times, when this country was run by adults.
  4. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Nixon resigned because compelling proof was offered whereby he was involved in criminal activity.

    By the time a year had gone by when Woodward and Bernstein first started poking around...many Republicans including Barry Goldwater thought Nixon was a problem, so did all of the media.

    Right now...the only people worried about Benghazi or the IRS scandal are Fox News watchers.

    Fox never legitimized or proved the scandal and I think I know why.

    Right now...they can go on and on about what "we don't know", or "we haven't gotten our questions answered"....buh blah buh blah buh blah........what that allow all the righty base to assume the worst, which would undoubtedly be worse than any truths that might exist.
  5. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Your pathetic attempt at deflection does not work with me.

    Obama fiddled while Benghazi burned and four Americans died.

    That is inexcusable.
  6. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Yeah, and the NEXT time we demand answers from this deceitful *****, she'd better not pull this idiotic crap of being too incapacitated to provide an intelligent answer, like she did last time. You guys can shovel welfare benefits to the cattle until your arms sag from exhaustion, but it'll never be enough to satisfy us after that unbelievable outburst of "What difference does it make?!" It was no surprise to some of us to hear this imperious crap coming from an old aging hippie-chick who has never done anything notable but marry well. But it has been a surprise, and a profound disappointment, to see how easily all of you on the radical, hyperliberal Left were willing to swallow this abusive, evasive crap HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER. I used to think a lot better of some of you than that!
  7. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    May I remind you that any and all investigations of Barak Obama are automatically obstructed to by the Justice Department's Eric Holder, who is looking after "his people"?
  8. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    What you just wrote is a perfect example of what I was talking about.

    You've got all this stuff in your head that Holder is obstructing, but nodoy has identified exactly what Holder isn't saying. And you naturally assume it's bad
  9. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    You are so right.
  10. Montoya

    Montoya Banned

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Benghazi is a joke that no one cares about. Except extremists.
  11. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I'm not sure why people like you keep repeating inaccuracies. I've read and heard the words of the decision makers involved in security, on both the State Dept. and military sides, and they have repeatedly said funding played no role in their decision making. What decision maker involved in Benghazi security has said they didn't get what they needed because of funding?

    I do.

    I also would like more investigation into the possible Cairo link, and who exactly planned those demonstrations and why.

    I have a feeling this will come back, and they haven't gotten away with it.

    I wouldn't celebrate just yet. If everything happened as Obama and Clinton claim, then the perpetrators of Benghazi will likely fade away, and never speak of it again. However, if it is as I suspect, and some sort of civil conflict erupted in Libya, with AQ and affiliates on one side, and us on the other, then it is not guaranteed that the perpetrators will remain silent forever. Something is happening in Libya right now, and if the people who end up running that country are AQ allies and participants in Benghazi, then I'm afraid this issue isn't over for the Democrats. or America for that matter. If boots on the ground are required in Libya in the future, and it turns out Benghazi was a precursor to our sacrifice, again, it wouldn't be good situation for Dems to be in. And then there's one final fact: there were dozens of survivors of that night, many wounded. Their stories are worth a lot of money. One day, for that reason alone, those stories might come out...

    Second, while I agree with your assessment that Romney was owned in the debate on Benghazi, I believe he was owned by Obama and Crowley.

    While I disagree with saying that they got away with murder (the terrorists did that), I was very upset while watching Romney shy away from Benghazi in the debate. He should have realized the collusion between Crowley and Obama instantly, and pressed ahead in order to expose their alliance.

    Perhaps the smoking gun will come from the participants of Benghazi (of which we know absolutely nothing on either side) and not Washington players.

    Again, funding has been proven to not have been an issue. A few months ago there were several intl news stories reporting that in the last year (basically since Benghazi) Libya's oil exports had fallen 90%. The president who was in charge during Benghazi (who repeatedly said that it was not a protest, but AQ destabilization efforts) is gone now, and imo, it is unclear who is running Libya right now. All starting with Benghazi. There are so many legitimate questions as to not only what happened on that night, but what is going on in Libya as a result. Apparently, it's acceptable to many that the US govt hide all this from the public, and say that the attack had something to do with how we post offensive stuff on the internet. I on the other hand, find it shameful.

    No other reason except American hostages that needed evacuation from a murderous coups taking place, involving Cuban forces. The country of Grenada celebrates a national thanksgiving holiday in appreciation of the US "invasion" to this day...The left loves to ignore these facts, and the fact that countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and North Korea, are allied with anyone who is a US enemy, and that includes Iran and ME terrorists. It doesn't surprise me in the least that the Beirut bombing occurred within days of a Cuban communist takeover of Grenada.

    Well for one, he isn't saying who did this to us in Benghazi! Was it AQ or affiliated folks? Have we killed or captured a single one of them? Do we even have names? I mean, at a minimum the public normally gets names and faces of our enemies who attack us. Now we don't even get that?
  12. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    I've never understood why it couldn't have been both. Especially because in other countries, at the same time, there were movie protests.

    I'm not sure we have been getting what you're wanting. When they were tracking Bin Laden the public didn't know anything about it. Maybe they're tracking them right now, and telling Fox News or the GOP details might endanger the investigation?

    But you may be right...there may be a smoking gun found someday that implicates Obama or Hillary in wrongdoing, and then I'll join your side.'s just as easy to come up with justifications when you don't know, as it is to condemn when you don't know.
  13. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    There's that word again: "countries", plural. No, there was one country experiencing protests prior to Benghazi. One can say that Benghazi sparked the other protests, or contributed, or the video (that I understand had been on YouTube for at least a month prior) caused them, but the fact remains, they didn't start until after Cairo/Benghazi. And imo, not until after Obama and Clinton made the unknown video popular by repeatedly mentioning and apologizing for it.
  14. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    So we were good enough to arm terrorists and aid them with our military might to overthrow the Libyan government, but have no power to compel them to help us investigate the murders of our citizens? Is that how weak this administration is? They have no ability to demand reciprocity for help we render? I knew Obama was weak, but I never imagined he was quite that pathetic...
  15. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    It also doesn't help the investigation, when the president of that country is repeatedly saying that spontaneous videos and mobs are preposterous, and that this is an attempt by AQ supported extremists to destabilize his govt, and you send your UN ambassador to be on Sunday talk shows with him (I'm not sure of if it was the same couch, or by video, but same shows) to state the opposite of what he is saying. I'm sure that helped Libyan cooperation in the investigation....
  16. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    How disengenous.
    Why is it that Americans on the one hand consider themselves champions of liberty and democracy but on the other think nothing of other nations sovereignty? Why is it that Americans think that by bombing the crap out of a country in the name of liberty, the the innocent civilians of that country should give America whatever they want?

    In your obvious wisdom, just exactly does one compel a country to "co-operate"? What would you have the administration do in this regard.

    I really do have to laugh about using this as an attack vector on Obama.
    The last time a nation refused to co-operate despite all kinds of american support in throwing off the yoke of the dreaded commies, America entered into the longest war in its history to get the bad guy, only to have the war mongers leader claim to have no interest in the whereabouts of the perp when they embarassingly enough couldn't find him.

    Meanwhile, Obama risked his presidency to nail the bastard.
  17. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    If you sincerely believe that Holder does not obstruct justice in anything that concerns Obama Administration, you're naive, sir. Which is fine, keep going thru life like that and leave politics to us, cynics.
  18. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Maybe they should make a set of playing cards with the names and photos of the evil-doers.
    Remember all of the lies, deceit and nonsense that the right wallowed in before invading Iraq?
    The deck of cards. The freedom fries. Abu Ghraib and the torture fests that made Cheney and Rumsfeld get hard-ons.
    Those were the good ole days, eh?
  19. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    If that were really the case, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle and Douglas Feith would be in jail now, and Hallibuton would be in the hands of recievers.

    But one thing you can be sure of. The clock never runs out on the GOP manufactured scandal machine.

    Otherwise, pay to bray crackpots like Jerome Corsi would have to make an honest living.

    There are still fools walking around spouting off about the fake Vince Foster murder conspiracy theory.
  20. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    I love how the Dems have no problem being lied to.

    Hey do you know who decided before an election to the American people a lie so they don't begin to question the "al Qaeda is on the run" narrative? No of course not. The libs don't care though.

    Alinsky Rule 7

    * RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)
  21. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Mad about the Iraq war? Going to vote Hillary anyway because you aren't really mad about the Iraq war?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Did you see his response to the voter intimidation case he dismissed? Question dodging far leftist. It was embarrassing. I will post it if not.
  22. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    You can call it it whatever you want, manufactured or what not, the reality remains the same. Its an open issue, completely unresolved, and this administration did promise to get to the bottom of it. Its not something that will be allowed to go unanswered if it remains unresolved and Hillary enters the race...
  23. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Hillary's sneered, "What difference does it make," will be connected to her every utterance and to all her failure as Secretary of State if she runs for the presidency. So that's one reason why Benghazi will remain relevant right up through the 2016 election. The only way it won't do so is if the RNC manages to knock her out of presidential contention early on; in which case it will become a back burner issue, just waiting to be hauled forward again and applied as a political tool anytime some other Dem presidential hopeful is injudicious enough to even THINK about bragging about Obama's egregious and pandemic Foreign Policy blunders and outright failures.

    Oh and let's get something out in the opening here and now for any leftwingers responding while thinking that they found a point that they can raise as a political ethics issue; yes, just as leftwingers will use ANY national or international tragedy whatsoever to try and advance their political or ideological agendas in regards to hawking their policies and political ambitions so, too, will the political operatives of the GOP. So excited leftwingers shouldn't even consider mounting that particular high horse.
  24. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Yes, and yes.

    I'm not happy that she didn't have the political courage to vote no.

    But then, the GOP had the votes without a single Democrat anyway. Besides, Bush deliberately scheduled the vote immediately before the mid term elections so he could strongarm support (the opposite of what his father did).

    Finally, the Iraq war was Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's idea.

    And I will always be disgusted that not only have the villians gotten away with it, many of them have prospered from the carnage they created.

    And now, they have the affrontery to go on Fox Noise and give advice on global affairs; this after having been the architects and exectors fo the biggest foreign policy disaster in US history.

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  25. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Actually, the "issue" was resolved well over a year ago. But we have had a lot of lying and misrepresentation on the part of Mr Issa and the right wing noise machine.

    There is nothing here.

    But it will survive because the right wing noise machine knows that the audience isn't really interested in Vince Foster, Whitewater and Monica anymore, but they can beat this drum at least through the 2016 election.

    Fortunately, because so many conservative activist, media types, and one opportunistic grandstanding Congressman has cried wolf for so long and so loud, the audience for this particular meme doesn't extend much beyond the angry old white Fox Noise crowd.

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